I got save thru a UCC , but........


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
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Back in 1986 , I came to Christ at the local UCC I was attending in Illinois. I stayed with that local Church for about a year . I chose to left because I kept seeing and hearing things which just didn't seem to add up to righteous living and even what I was reading in the Bible at the time.

A couple of the things I witnessed was : At each Christmas Church Party there would be alchohol and some of the Members were quite intoxicated , the Senior Pastor admitted in one of his sermons that he sometimes looks at a married couple and wonders what their lovemaking tehniques would be...and as another example ... I was shocked to find out that they believed in and endorsed abortion and not only just when the mothers life is in jeopardy.

So, I say all that, to ask : Are things like this fairly common to the UCC denomination, or, is it more localized ? I do want to give kudos to the UCC church I got saved at as it was there I was introduced to Christ in a personal way and to get into the Bible regularly.