Sierra Perez

Jul 18, 2015
Marital Status
Hello everybody. I married my best friend on November 19, 2016. We were each other's first in everything. First boyfriend/girlfriend, first kiss, first everything. He is my dearest and closest friend, and I often realize that I couldn't have been luckier. He treats me extremely well and is an upmost gentleman. I know nobody is perfect, but I suppose in some way we have a habit of idealizing those we are close to. However, I feel like this imperfect part of my husband is hurting me very deeply.

Some background: A year after we began dating/courting, our relationship turned very serious. While we had stepped into the relationship with marriage in mind, we took our time to get to know each other. Once we hit that benchmark, our conversations turned extremely serious, and we both put forth our darkest skeletons. Unsurprisingly, they were very similar. I used to struggle with erotic fiction, while he had struggled with pornography and erotic based stories. He said it had been years since he had viewed, but he was honest saying that the temptation was there sometimes.

When we had gone swimming with my siblings, my sisters and I wore modest bathing suits. He commented how beautiful it was, and I noted how he went out of his way not to even look at the other women there. I felt so sure and confident.

We got married and moved 1,000 miles away from my family because of his job. In fact, our honeymoon was spent driving my car from Florida to Texas. I struggled with being away from everyone that I knew, but despite this, I felt like the first 6 months was overall okay. Every day was absolutely wonderful with him, even if I did miss my family.

In June, we found out we were pregnant. It was completely unplanned and surprised us. Regretfully, our child went to be with the Lord at the end of the month. This took a toll on me, and we both grieved heavily.

Two or three months later, I opened our laptop and was surprised to see a very lewd video of naked women on the screen. At first, I assumed that it was a popup, not uncommon as we watch movies and tv series like Dowton Abbey on "other" sites. I exited out of it, and realized that we don't watch films on our laptop for that reason. It struck me odd, but I tried to forget it. When my husband fell asleep that night though, I searched the history on the laptop and found some interesting things. There had been searches from that machine for "star trek lesbians" which bothered me greatly as my husband is a HUGE trekkie and he had previously told me that watching women together was a "serious weakness that he did not indulge" during his bad years. The date for these searches were in June. There was also recent history that showed browsing on the website that I had seen earlier.

I didn't want to confront him about this at first. I wanted to collect my thoughts and approach it in a godly manner because I knew I would lose my temper otherwise (a flaw that is not triggered easily anymore). I climbed in bed and tried to snuggle close to him, but he woke up and immediately knew something was wrong. I kept my voice as calm as I could and told him that I knew, and it was something we could discuss together. He denied it all vehemently, crying in my arms and saying that it wasn't him. He stated something that I did know: the laptop was connected to his phone, which was connected to his office computer which other people used sometimes. Many are trekkies like him, it could have easily been someone else.

I wanted to believe him. My heart was aching as the last thing that I wanted to think was that my new husband was looking at porn after finding out that I was pregnant or after we lost our child, and so I forced myself to swallow that pill. I adjusted, but found that my usual drive to be intimate was lessened.

This past November, during our one year, we moved to a new apartment and I felt like it was a good, new start. Right before we traveled to Florida for Thanksgiving, I got a sick feeling in my stomach. I asked him if we could go over his phone history, and he protested for a moment before handing it over. We sat down and went through it together, as a team, talking and discussing and laughing as different things came up. Funny memes, interesting articles, science fiction, it was all there. However, my eye caught several things that didn't belong. An erotica fiction site was present, as well as other searches and links for porn. I scrolled past quickly, pretending that I hadn't seen it as my cheeks flushed. I don't know why I did that, I guess I just felt so comfortable that I didn't want the dream to end. We ended the session, and I handed his phone back over to him smiling.

He slipped to the restroom (not uncommon as he frequently has stomach problems), and I sat on our couch trying to mull things over in my head. He came back, and quickly picked up that something was wrong. I tried to brush it off again, but then he asked me if I had seen something on his phone. My look gave it away, and he knew.

Immediately he says he saw it too, and that it might be a virus. Tears began rolling, and he said that he understood if I didn't believe him. He said he was upset because it felt like he would forever be haunted by his past bad actions, and there was no logical way I should trust him in this situation, but he was telling the truth. He wouldn't hurt me like that, and he wouldn't hurt himself like that. I ask for us to look at it together again, to get to the root of the problem. Lo and behold, while he was using the restroom, he had purged his phone of viruses. He did let me take a look at it, and it was clearly obvious to me that all he did was clear his history. All of it. I was honest and told him it looked bad, and he agreed and broke down. I told him that at this point, I didn't even care if he was looking at porn or not. All I wanted from him was to be honest with me. All I wanted was honesty. He could do whatever he wanted after that. He still denied it, slumping over and crying.

I felt myself grow cold. I comforted him and held him, let him cry, and said I believed him. And honestly, a part of me did and still does. A part of me can never imagine him doing any of those things. He's always been far too good to me, every day he treats me so well. He's my best friend. He's always honest with me.

Despite this, I have made it a routine habit since then to periodically check his phone and computer without his knowledge. I know it probably isn't right, and unsurprisingly the mystery searches have stopped. He is being so careful, and yet there are some obvious clues. Despite being on his phone constantly, especially in the bathroom, everything lacks content. He still has the articles and memes and sci fi, but it is so sparse. You can see that there are things being deleted, but I have no idea what is. Why would he delete some content and not others? Sadly, I find now that I am no longer satisfied intimately by him at all because of this.

All this brings me to today. Last week, we began playing a very good and even modest MMO that is similar to Lord of the Rings. We're a team, and exclusively play with each other. Sadly, when he fell asleep early tonight, I found that on his phone he is looking up sexy armor pieces that show large breasted models in scantily clad armor pieces. I thought maybe he would be interested in crafting a set for my character, as we have discussed that in the past for a private roleplay. However, the other link that he looked at was for a video specifically titled as "Sexy Bikini Clad Woman from This Game".

I feel...sad. Disgusted a little, yes, but I think I have gotten to a point where I am at a crossroads. We have been married for 14 months, and they honestly have been wonderful. This is man that I still imagine growing old with. But I have two paths to choose: ignore everything and pretend its okay while never trusting him, or caring so much that it hurts. The latter choice involves me talking to him, and I don't know what to do if he still denies it. Divorce isn't an option, nor would I want it to be. I'm just not sure what direction to go, and God seems...quiet. I don't ever want my faith to be swayed, but I need a path to go, whether it is one of the two options that I see, or something totally different, and I feel nothing from Him. I don't know what to do.

Thank You and God Bless,
Dreading and Distrustful


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
First of all, know that you're not alone-- many women find themselves in this same boat.

Ultimately, if he has this problem, only he can face it-- you can't do it for him.
What you can do in the mean time: strengthen your marriage and your* bond with Christ. (You being both of you as individuals, and you as a couple). Keep the channels open, communication flowing, etc.

As to "viruses"- you can put filters on internet at home and on the phone. That won't stop a determined looker, but will make it less convenient and easier to resist.
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Sierra Perez

Jul 18, 2015
Marital Status
First of all, know that you're not alone-- many women find themselves in this same boat.

Ultimately, if he has this problem, only he can face it-- you can't do it for him.
What you can do in the mean time: strengthen your marriage and your* bond with Christ. (You being both of you as individuals, and you as a couple). Keep the channels open, communication flowing, etc.

As to "viruses"- you can put filters on internet at home and on the phone. That won't stop a determined looker, but will make it less convenient and easier to resist.

I know I can't fight his battles for him, but we've always said that we would tackle all issues as a team, and for the most part, that has been true. This is the only exception. I don't know how to strengthen my bond with him when I can't trust least, in this manner. I always thought we had great communication (the pastor who married us and both sets of parents stated multiple times that we communicate far better than any other couple they've seen). My husband is more than tech master than I, and had set our machines up with pretty heavy duty anti-virus software. Then only way to stop someone looking things up is to set up parental controls with a master password than only I know, and I don't feel like that would be very helpful unless he agreed.

I'm trying to secure my bond in Christ, but I'm not sure how to do that as a couple and respect him as my head now. Actions are one thing, but my heart would not be in it.

Thank you for your words! They are greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
Then only way to stop someone looking things up is to set up parental controls with a master password than only I know, and I don't feel like that would be very helpful unless he agreed.
If you do set up controls, it should always be with both of you being on board. If you want to keep it mutually locked down, have a friend set the password. That was neither of you can mess with them. (Obviously you don't have to do it this way, it's just an idea).
I'm trying to secure my bond in Christ, but I'm not sure how to do that as a couple and respect him as my head now. Actions are one thing, but my heart would not be in it.
Say you broke your arm & had to put in a cast, you would keep exercising your legs during that time, right?
He might have broken your trust in this issues, but in the meantime you can keep exercising trust in other areas. Keep reading the Bible together, celebrating your faith with each other. Celebrate what you can.
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Sierra Perez

Jul 18, 2015
Marital Status
If you do set up controls, it should always be with both of you being on board. If you want to keep it mutually locked down, have a friend set the password. That was neither of you can mess with them. (Obviously you don't have to do it this way, it's just an idea).

Say you broke your arm & had to put in a cast, you would keep exercising your legs during that time, right?
He might have broken your trust in this issues, but in the meantime you can keep exercising trust in other areas. Keep reading the Bible together, celebrating your faith with each other. Celebrate what you can.

Thank you for that analogy. I didn't even think of it that way. I'm just not quite sure how to bring this up to him without the tears pouring and me wanting to cave and tell him I believe him. All the evidence points otherwise. As a Christian wife trying to follow Christ, how do I bring this up without it seeming like an accusation?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
Note: it might be possible he's telling the truth. Might = a tiny percentage, but it does technically exist. Either way he needs to clean up stuff.
As a Christian wife trying to follow Christ, how do I bring this up without it seeming like an accusation?

There's two parts of this question: the "when" and "how".

"How"- personally, I would opt for a letter. Write it very kindly in love.
"When"... that's the hard one. It really depends on you guys and when the right moment is. One prerequisite would be when you're both not tired, and have the time/energy to talk about things.
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Sierra Perez

Jul 18, 2015
Marital Status
Note: it might be possible he's telling the truth. Might = a tiny percentage, but it does technically exist. Either way he needs to clean up stuff.

There's two parts of this question: the "when" and "how".

"How"- personally, I would opt for a letter. Write it very kindly in love.
"When"... that's the hard one. It really depends on you guys and when the right moment is. One prerequisite would be when you're both not tired, and have the time/energy to talk about things.

I've thought very hard about this, and those are my immediate reactions as well. I always wrote letters to people when I needed to seriously discuss something. My husband has a serious aversion to that though as his sister, who left his family and spread nasty rumors about them, did this in way of a letter. Additionally, I found out today that my husband will begin pulling 12 hour shifts at his work until the end of February starting tomorrow. I know this is true as his father works at the same location and is pulling the same shifts. Do I wait a month or more to discuss this with him? I apologize for all the questions.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2015
I apologize for all the questions.
Haha, it's fine-- I was once a young married too. And you're giving me a break from frustrating work.
I've thought very hard about this, and those are my immediate reactions as well. I always wrote letters to people when I needed to seriously discuss something. My husband has a serious aversion to that though as his sister, who left his family and spread nasty rumors about them, did this in way of a letter. Additionally, I found out today that my husband will begin pulling 12 hour shifts at his work until the end of February starting tomorrow. I know this is true as his father works at the same location and is pulling the same shifts. Do I wait a month or more to discuss this with him?
12 hour shifts every day for the next 5 weeks?! Yuck!
Again, this is best decided by you. You know how the two of you work best.
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Sierra Perez

Jul 18, 2015
Marital Status
Haha, it's fine-- I was once a young married too. And you're giving me a break from frustrating work.

12 hour shifts every day for the next 5 weeks?! Yuck!
Again, this is best decided by you. You know how the two of you work best.

I'm just thankful it's only 5 weeks now. When we first got married, he was working 12 hour shifts then too, and that went on for months. He's a contractor, so...the work demands it.

He reads me very easily, so this is certainly not something that I can keep from him. I'm considering writing him an email as I used to do that when we were dating and had a bad spell (unrelated- I was transitioning from an Apostolic faith that denied the Trinity and all but denies the sovereignty of God to something more based in Scripture).
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Sophia7's husband
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Since he will know something is wrong anyway you will just have to come out and tell him. I would skip the email or letter. Assuming no one else has access to his phone, let him know that you are not able to trust him in light of what you found, and you would like him to take steps to resolve this immediately.

If he is not willing then you can let him know that the next step per Scripture is to follow Matthew 18, which would involve telling others:

15 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’b]">[b] 17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.

Remind him that lusting after others is not acceptable:

Matthew 5:27 “You have heard that it was said to those of old,c]">[c] ‘You shall not commit adultery.’d]">[d] 28 But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart

If he knows you will involve someone else in the matter it gives him additional incentive to admit and address this now. If he is not willing to change it then you may need to involve a pastor or counselor in any case.

From what you described it was probably a difficult time for both of you after the loss of your child. It may be that this time resulted in less intimacy than usual and he, unfortunately, decided to look elsewhere. Or this may have been going on all along. Keep in mind while lusting is in no way something that should be justified, it is likely that he is not doing this because of any dissatisfaction with your appearance, or with the relationship. If he is loving towards you and the other aspects of your relationship are good, then this is likely a struggle he is having, that needs to be resolved, but it sounds like he is still wanting to be with you.

For him to re-establish trust he will have to be more open about his digital life, and agree to turn away from this. Since you both had this as part of your past you are in a position to understand part of what he is dealing with. While he may be otherwise kind, and a godly man, the sinful nature is still something that is in each of us. We have to stay in step with the Spirit or else it will exert itself. It is understandable that you would be hurt by his actions. However, it is still important to try to maintain the relationship rather than distancing. He will need to establish new patterns to rebuild the trust, and he needs to be willing to do so. He also should start to rebuild his faith and take steps in that regard. Even if this has not gone that far and is occasional, it still involves lying to you, lusting, etc. and he will have felt guilt over such.

The crying earlier, his question about you seeing something in the phone history, etc. is an indication he knows this bothers you, knows it is wrong, and knew you found something (and that there was something to find).

So don't let him continue the lying. If he will not face it then follow through on involving someone to help. A Christian counselor might be a place to start if you don't feel comfortable involving your pastor.
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Sophia7's husband
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As a Christian wife trying to follow Christ, how do I bring this up without it seeming like an accusation?

It is an accusation. There is no easy way to have the conversation, but it is a needed conversation.
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2015
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I'm going to say all this from my perspective of someone who had a bad porn addiction. Also I tend to go paragraph by paragraph so apologies if my responses seem like I didn't read it all at once.

The phone connected to the laptop which is connected to the work computer doesn't totally make sense when it comes to porn. Porn wouldn't go from one device to another. Unless for example he is logged into his browser one his phone AND on his laptop and/or computer. In that case if someone the work computer, porn history would show up as being done on his logged in account history. None the less you can chalk it up to "Maybe he didn't do it.".

I wanted to believe him. My heart was aching as the last thing that I wanted to think was that my new husband was looking at porn after finding out that I was pregnant or after we lost our child, and so I forced myself to swallow that pill. I adjusted, but found that my usual drive to be intimate was lessened.
Obviously, since I don't know him one could guess he was looking to find relief from the grief. Which is NO way makes it right of course. When my wife lost the baby we turned to each other, family and friends.

However, my eye caught several things that didn't belong. An erotica fiction site was present, as well as other searches and links for porn.
I've never read that sort of stuff, though I do know most porn sites have a TON of pop ups to various porn sites and porn related stuff. So it could have been from the erotica story site. Maybe. Still shouldn't be reading it regardless.

Immediately he says he saw it too, and that it might be a virus.
Ironically the most common place to get a virus that is about porn? A porn site. So alot of times when a guy says "Must be a virus!" then I know it means most likley they were already looking at porn since half of the things you click give you popups often linked to viruses. Its an excuse I used to when I was younger.

Now for my general response....

I do know many porn addicts that once they marry they think its the magic cure for porn addiction. But most often its not. That and porn rewires your brain. You see sex as its going to be this perfect thing thats mind blowing that you have 20 times a day while doing all sorts of stuff. This is what porn teaches you. So many men for lack of a better word get "bored" with their wife because how sex really is doesn't excite them as much as they thought it would. Which sadly brings them back to looking at porn for their high.

And normally I would say like with many things "Once is a mistake, twice is a choice!". But the hard truth is.... porn is a CRAZY strong addiction that is so hard to get rid if. Especially in a world where technology means you can access it from anywhere, save it anywhere, remove any evidence...etc. And yes odds are he is being careful about his usage. With phones, PCs, laptops...etc the browsers often have a "Private Mode" or "Incognito Mode". Which means it NEVER keeps a history of stuff you do while in that browser. So its the easiest way to leave no evidence.

And as you know history in general can be deleted, even piece by piece so it looks like you spent your time looking at only "good things". And if hes logged into this with something like google or yahoo, you can go to those accounts and look at the search history made from those accounts. Sometimes people forget to remove that history. So you may want to check there. Even on things like facebook you can go to "Activity log" and see what he searches for, comments he makes, things he likes...etc. Assuming he uses that.

As a PC geek I can tell you its easy to cover your trails. Though it doesn't mean its impossible to hide it. Everyone slips up and makes a mistake. Such as you said when he fell asleep and didn't clear his history. And as stated to a virus often is good evidence of porn use. Though you did mention you use "other" sites to watch some shows. And if those sites are what I think they are, yes you can get a virus from there too.

Overall its going to be VERY hard for him to even admit he has an issue. In a porn addicts mind who is married they think MANY things at once as the devil and the Holy Spirit are battling over you. He may be thinking "Just one more peak, then I'll stop!" then his thought may switch to "God please help me stop, I don't want to look one more time!". Then there are the other thoughts of "Lord I've looked for so long that if I admit it all to her, what if she leaves me?". Honestly its mentally exhausting when you know your caught but you don't want to admit it. Its a personal journey into an emotional rollercoaster of struggle. And for some they realize they are hurting their wives.

I'd try to talk to him again but say something like:
"You know I love you right and you can tell me anything? If you feel you are having any sort of struggle I may be hurt, but I won't be mad! Many couples have these issues. But if you want me to help you to help us, just be honest with me. Because the longer you don't tell me anything, the harder its going to be later."

Which is true. Of course you can word that how you see fit. Me? I grew up a good kid, but got into porn as a older teen. It was wild and rampant. I got better however after 3 failed relationships, I withdrew back into porn (and none the less lost my virginity with one of the girls). I had done good when I married my wife. I had told her I had an addiction and things were doing much better. Which is true. I knew not telling her would be painful later on when she found out.

While I'd say I am 99% free of porn. I've had to learn my triggers. And then learn to avoid those. In my case being sleepy is the biggest cause. I also set up porn filters on my PC such as K9 Web Protection (its christian based and free). I think they have it for the phone too. You can even set a password on it so he couldn't access various sinful things. And its very customizable.

I can also tell you I had to accept something which REALLY made me stop looking even more. And that is when I would be tempted, and even worse if I gave in I'd feel totally shame, guilt...etc. Then I'd do something very hard. I'd pray and say "Dear God, I am so sorry for looking at this stuff again. Help me Lord. I am so weak, give me strength to not only stop but to not be tempted again! Please Lord! Forgive me for cheating on my wife, committing adultery, lusting and pleasuring myself."

That last part, thats the hard part. Saying those words vocally to God.... its like stabbing yourself in the heart. The feeling is RAW utter devastation and pain knowing those words are pure truth. Cheating, lust, adultery...etc. Every time someone looks at porn who is married. They are doing those things. So when someone can pray and admit that to God, it gives them MORE reason to understand this just isn't some random sin, this is a sin that ruins your life, your spouses life and anyone else who finds out.

Ever since I said those things I've overcome my urges. I have one or twice maybe been scrolling on Facebook and seen someone posting a inappropriate picture and I'm like "Nope, go away devil. Your not going to get me to click that or search for anything!". And I scroll past it.

I pray your husband can get to my level where he sees this addiction does not magically end out of ones own strength. Its impossible. He needs to admit it to you and work with you to setup a system. He needs to figure out his triggers. He needs to add filters to his laptop, PC, phone. And it wouldn't hurt to also talk to a pastor or counselor about the issue if its really bad. Granted getting him to tell anyone else may be even harder. Lets face it, as christians the last thing we really want to do is to have our pastor or some other person find out about issues we have.

Lastly I will say that the biggest blessing to stop porn addiction world wide, a solar flare that fries electronics on the planet. Sounds a bit extreme of course but technology has not only made our lifes easier, but its also made sin even easier now. Part of me wishes I never grew up in the age of technology. I'll be praying for you both. I ask for prayer to. These battles are not easy. And with so many christian men not wanting to talk about it, it makes it very hard to find help.
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2015
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Oh I forgot to add you may want to look into "keyloggers" for your PC or laptop. Its essentially a tiny program that keeps track of things you do. If hes savvy he may notice it of course. Or maybe setup a hidden camera facing the devices he looks at. Or as your doing keep sneaking a look at his phone. I know it feels like your betraying his privacy but you do what you have to. Granted it does risk him feeling he can't trust you. Though if he can't trust you then I'd ask if you could look at his phone anytime you want. If he has an excuse then you know its more of hes hiding something. My wife has access to everything I do. Even my phone. Though obviously as said above such things can be changed. Thats why I like the idea of hidden cams and what not.
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Persnickety Member
Apr 24, 2007
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Well, first of all, let me say he's full of it. Of course it's his. The whole "office people use my computer" or blah blah makes absolutely no sense.

I begin with saying that because I want to get it out of the way.

Next, let me say that you in your relationship have absolutely every right to set the standards that you are comfortable with...and you need to have a frank discussion with him about it instead of letting stuff fester on you.

I say that next because I don't want to seem like I'm excusing his behavior or saying you're "wrong" in the part I'm going to follow this up with. You are right to feel however you feel about whatever it may be, and since he knows how he feels and he freely married you, he ought respect that.

With those two things out of the way...let me next say that many women blow this kind of stuff way out of proportion with what it actually is from the guy's point of view. I'm a huge "intent matters" person. I don't give people credit for doing the "right" thing accidentally, because they weren't trying to do the right thing. I also give some leeway for people when they do the "wrong" thing if their intent wasn't to hurt.

Simply put - most guys touch. That's just the reality of the world. Guys touch because it feels good. Most probably started really young because one day they bumped into a wall, discovered "Hey, that felt kinda good", and they were off to the races. It gets tricky, though, for lots of people because at some point the connection is made then between that thing that feels good - and sex.

Why is he looking at images? Because it triggers a response and eases the process for him. That's it - 100% in a nutshell.

How does it usually go down most likely? He's bored, he's mildly turned on (because guys will for no reason get mildly turned on randomly), there's nobody around, he figures "Why not?", he looks for a visual cue to trigger/ease the process, he takes care of business, then he goes about his day. Most likely 15 minutes later, he couldn't tell you what he just viewed. A half hour later, he's probably forgotten the whole sequence took place at all. Do people remember when they last scratched their back? No. It happens, it fulfills a need at the moment, then it's summarily forgotten about.

That really is how the whole process goes from a guy's point of view.

Women though bring all of these extraneous issues into it - and it feels like a slap in the face. What if the girl he was looking at was thinner than me? What if she was blonde, and I'm brunette? Is he really attracted to blondes instead? Why is that what he looked for? Why is that what he searched for? Why wasn't he searching for brunettes? That's what I am! Does this mean he's not happy with me? Does this mean he's going to be searching for someone else because he's not happy? What other behaviors are there?

...when really...he just "scratched his back" in the moment, same as he's been doing since he was 11-12 years old. Clearly he's not some grand plotting person by virtue of the fact that he's even willing to give you his phone and even see what he's looked at. Someone who was devious would be well aware of the fact that he was using his phone as a tool for infidelity and bad behavior. But, someone who forgets about "scratching his back" 10 minutes after the "need" is fulfilled with little more thought to it would happily hand over their phone until they stupidly remember what might be on it.

His lies about how it got on there are also equally testament to me about how little thought it's given. He hasn't concocted some great explanation that would show intent to deceive. He's making stuff up in a panic because he realizes that the evidence of something he forgot about remains.

If him watching porn/etc makes you uncomfortable - then that's why he ought stop - and he ought do his best to do it. But that's pretty much the extent of it. My advice would be not to start going down all of those other paths of thought - because 99% sure that's not his intent - nor is it even most likely accurate. You are free to set the standards - he ought abide by them since he's your husband. That's it in a nuthsell...IMHO

Just my .02. Good luck :)
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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Thank you for that analogy. I didn't even think of it that way. I'm just not quite sure how to bring this up to him without the tears pouring and me wanting to cave and tell him I believe him. All the evidence points otherwise. As a Christian wife trying to follow Christ, how do I bring this up without it seeming like an accusation?

To put it simply, don't make it into a question...tell him you know he's looking at porn. If you're going to confront him...confront him...don't make it a series of questions about "if he's looking at porn". Pretending that this isn't a problem won't help your marriage.

When I met my wife, I still looked at porn...and she was the first girl I dated who had a big problem with that. At first I was defensive...but she explained why it was a problem. She explained why it made her feel insecure and disrespected...then she asked me to imagine how I'd feel if she watched porn. It wasn't long before I realized she was correct, and I stopped watching porn completely. I made a promise to her and I've kept it for ten years now...and I don't miss it at all.
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