Husband came out as transgender, what is the Biblical response?


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Oct 11, 2018
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My husband and I have been married since May 2015. We dated for 6 years. He began struggling with depression, pornography (involving only women) and not being happy with himself about 3 years or so into our relationship. At first, we were both very strong Christians and we turned to prayer and speaking with our church leaders/members for help. As things progressed, he told me that he was 'jealous of women' and wished that he was one instead of himself (we later discovered that he suffers from gender dysphoria). I was very confused and concerned, but I was devoted to helping him cope and heal. He spoke with a Christian Therapist who offered no help. No one we knew who was Christian could help him outside of offering Bible teachings, prayer and lending an ear. This just isn't a common struggle Christians speak about and most don't have answers. Speaking with people did not help my husband much. He went through a severe bout of depression in college that I wasn't sure he would recover from. After that year, things seemed to get better until he moved out of his parents' house and lived with his older sister.

At that time, started cross dressing, etc. and he started seeing a therapist to discuss transitioning. He did these things behind my back because he was scared of hurting me and of my reaction. Our relationship almost ended at that point, but we both wanted to keep working through things. He got better, stopped lying and our relationship got much better. He continued to struggle with transgender desires, but he said that he was doing well coping with them.

We eventually decided that we wanted to get engaged and get married. We were both still strong Christians and were very excited for our future. During one of our discussions before getting engaged, we made a verbal agreement that if he gave me a ring and married me, he wouldn't transition. But I would offer all of the support I could and we would have him see a therapist regularly to help. I understood that the desires may never go away, but we would do everything we could to keep them under control. Or he could leave and pursue his life without me. He wanted his future with me, so we got married.

My husband started seeing a local Christian therapist and saw him for about 1 year. He then decided to stop because he didn't like talking and he didn't feel like the therapy was making any difference to how he felt.

Fast forward to last week... My husband asks me for the insurance card and I ask what he needs it for. After prodding, he confessed that he was speaking with a gender therapist (who was recommended by one of my husband's friends who recently transitioned) and my husband told me that he was going to transition. I broke. I didn't know what to do. He didn't ask me or discuss anything, just decided that he wasn't able to live an authentic life as a male and he wasn't going to fight his desires anymore. We had an incredibly tearful discussion where I reminded him of the promise he made before getting married. He pretty much said that he had forgotten (which honestly is not a huge surprise as he does has memory problems).

We're still discussing things but I pretty much feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. He wants to stay married if he transitions, but I do not. I'm strictly heterosexual and I want a Biblical marriage.

I came here to ask what my Biblical options are... If my husband decides to transition, would it be Biblical of me to ask for a divorce? I know that I would be absolutely miserable in our marriage. I can't watch him transition. I don't want any part of it and he knows it. But I promised, before God, to love my husband in sickness and health and I feel like this is a sickness that he would be giving into.

I feel like I'm drowning. We're suppose to meet with a gender therapist to discuss what our options would be and see if there is anything that can be done to relieve some of the gender dysphoria my husband is feeling without him transitioning. But I'm terrified. I don't know if there is anything can that be done. I know my husband is not trying to pain me, but he himself is struggling greatly.

I would speak with our current church friends about this, but that would out my husband who has not told many people of his struggles, so I decided to come here.

Thank you very much for any insight. I'm doing everything in my power to cling to God during this time.

maintenance man

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You have been an amazing partner! Your willingness to struggle through this with your husband through dating and into marriage is admirable. Sadly, it appears as though your best efforts are not going to change your husband. Your husband is no longer a husband if he transitions. There is no more marriage vow. As I see it that finalizes the need for divorce. I would hope that you would remain a close friend and supporter. I'm sure this is just as hard for him as it is for you.
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Tolworth John

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God made us male and female, biologically we are male or female at the genetic level.
Transgender is a mental condition that society in rejecting Gods standards has adopted.

No matter what surgery your husband has or how many pills he takes he will always be male and it will only by taking female hormones to surpress and over power his male hormones that he will appear female.

If he goes through with this he will nolonger be your husband, he will have abandoned you.

I've attached links to a site with links to scientific articles about transgender read them, particularly those that show that transgender action does not improve the mental health of transgender people.

Study: sex-reassignment surgery does not improve mental health of transgender people
Brown University suppresses new study showing transgenderism is not genetic
Study: sex-reassignment surgery does not improve mental health of transgender people
Psychiatrist Paul McHugh explains the troubles with transgender activism
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Faith is all that matters.
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Feb 7, 2018
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Gender change wasn't really an issue in biblical times. There will be advice for this particular issue. However, there is plenty of general advice. The big thing that I can say here is that whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. There are far less guidelines than there were during OT times. Most of what you do is between you and God. The Spirit will guide your conscience according to God, if your focus lies on Him. I recommend prayer and maybe discuss things with an elder at church that you trust.

What would I do? Hard to say, seeing as I have never been married. However, I get a hunch that divorce may be best. His heart seems to move away from his responsibilities as a man and husband and towards a selfish desire. Do you have kids? That woukd deprive them of a father figure. Having grown up without one, I can attest to the importance of it. He may also show them wrong values.

However, this logic is purely based on a rational and emotionless approach. I don't know what you feel and the conflict you have. Your best bet is to ask God. Don't go for a divorce because some random dudes on the internet tell you. Ask God, see a counsellor, pastor, whoever can offer good advice.
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Dec 3, 2011
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My husband and I have been married since May 2015. We dated for 6 years. He began struggling with depression, pornography (involving only women) and not being happy with himself about 3 years or so into our relationship. At first, we were both very strong Christians and we turned to prayer and speaking with our church leaders/members for help. As things progressed, he told me that he was 'jealous of women' and wished that he was one instead of himself (we later discovered that he suffers from gender dysphoria). I was very confused and concerned, but I was devoted to helping him cope and heal. He spoke with a Christian Therapist who offered no help. No one we knew who was Christian could help him outside of offering Bible teachings, prayer and lending an ear. This just isn't a common struggle Christians speak about and most don't have answers. Speaking with people did not help my husband much. He went through a severe bout of depression in college that I wasn't sure he would recover from. After that year, things seemed to get better until he moved out of his parents' house and lived with his older sister.

At that time, started cross dressing, etc. and he started seeing a therapist to discuss transitioning. He did these things behind my back because he was scared of hurting me and of my reaction. Our relationship almost ended at that point, but we both wanted to keep working through things. He got better, stopped lying and our relationship got much better. He continued to struggle with transgender desires, but he said that he was doing well coping with them.

We eventually decided that we wanted to get engaged and get married. We were both still strong Christians and were very excited for our future. During one of our discussions before getting engaged, we made a verbal agreement that if he gave me a ring and married me, he wouldn't transition. But I would offer all of the support I could and we would have him see a therapist regularly to help. I understood that the desires may never go away, but we would do everything we could to keep them under control. Or he could leave and pursue his life without me. He wanted his future with me, so we got married.

My husband started seeing a local Christian therapist and saw him for about 1 year. He then decided to stop because he didn't like talking and he didn't feel like the therapy was making any difference to how he felt.

Fast forward to last week... My husband asks me for the insurance card and I ask what he needs it for. After prodding, he confessed that he was speaking with a gender therapist (who was recommended by one of my husband's friends who recently transitioned) and my husband told me that he was going to transition. I broke. I didn't know what to do. He didn't ask me or discuss anything, just decided that he wasn't able to live an authentic life as a male and he wasn't going to fight his desires anymore. We had an incredibly tearful discussion where I reminded him of the promise he made before getting married. He pretty much said that he had forgotten (which honestly is not a huge surprise as he does has memory problems).

We're still discussing things but I pretty much feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. He wants to stay married if he transitions, but I do not. I'm strictly heterosexual and I want a Biblical marriage.

I came here to ask what my Biblical options are... If my husband decides to transition, would it be Biblical of me to ask for a divorce? I know that I would be absolutely miserable in our marriage. I can't watch him transition. I don't want any part of it and he knows it. But I promised, before God, to love my husband in sickness and health and I feel like this is a sickness that he would be giving into.

I feel like I'm drowning. We're suppose to meet with a gender therapist to discuss what our options would be and see if there is anything that can be done to relieve some of the gender dysphoria my husband is feeling without him transitioning. But I'm terrified. I don't know if there is anything can that be done. I know my husband is not trying to pain me, but he himself is struggling greatly.

I would speak with our current church friends about this, but that would out my husband who has not told many people of his struggles, so I decided to come here.

Thank you very much for any insight. I'm doing everything in my power to cling to God during this time.

Sorry--but transgender is not something that goes on the back burner. He meant to get over it-unfortunately--it isn't something like a cold. It is a part of who they are. It is the way their brain is wired. We have no clue about all that the brain is. We make all sorts of pronouncements about odd behaviors. Truth is, there are some things no one truly knows anything or all there is to know about. Yes--God made us male and female--DNA has been so warped anymore that all sorts of things happen now--even to animals. God also made us with one head, 2 arms, 2 legs and 2 eyes. Babies come out with no end of variations of these. Somehow--when it comes to the genitals, people seem to think there can be nothing wrong with them. There are children born with none---literally just a hole to pee from--nothing else. But God made them and loves them also. What are they to think--since God made us male and female does that mean they are not loved by Him?? There are many now that are born with both sets of genitals. A great many--and when you consider there are 8 billion people, 1% or even 1/2% of those is still a whole bunch of people. For some reason--India has a whole bunch of those, and most people can not afford medical help for their child--they are ostracized, abandoned--mistreated. When they can afford help--sometimes the doctors would simply cut off the one set they felt was most appropriate to eliminate--the parents wanted a boy or a girl. 9 times out of 10--they removed the wrong set and the child was raised as such--with horrible results for that is not what they were.
People used to think that the genitals decided what the child is--it is the brain that decides that--it's all about brain and hormones. We simply do not know all there is to know. The brain is very complicated.
And we can be born with 2 different sets of DNA. We can actually absorb a twin and end up with organs from that twin. And that includes the uterus as at least one woman was born with s uterus that had a different DNA than hers and her children all had DNA that was not hers--doctors thought she was kidnapping children until they saw the child born, immediately tagged it, and discovered the different DNA--they were going to take her children from her until then. Who is to say that a child can't possibly born with the wrong set of genitals?? Ridiculous! Yes, they can. My cat had 2 sets--he looked male--definitely was not and also had a uterus. Poor thing didn't know what she was! I loved her dearly.
Jesus has to come soon--everything has been confused and it's time to make things right again. Don't be angry with your husband--he did the best he could with what was given him.
I remember looking at pictures of Bruce Jenner and thinking he looked feminine. Didn't surprise me when he transitioned. I have been around many that did. I was in the medical field for 27 years.
There are some things that only God can sort out anymore. I just feel we are to love and leave the judging to Him on this issue. They are who their brain says they are.
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Faith is all that matters.
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Feb 7, 2018
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@mmksparbud This is less a question about whether he's justified and more about what the wife is to do. A Christian marriage is between man and woman. If a man turns into a woman and the woman wishes a Christian marriage, they can't carry on together as wife and husband.
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Dec 3, 2011
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@mmksparbud This is less a question about whether he's justified and more about what the wife is to do. A Christian marriage is between man and woman. If a man turns into a woman and the woman wishes a Christian marriage, they can't carry on together as wife and husband.

That is true. That is not to say they can not have some sort of a loving relationship even if it means divorce. Some have retained their marriage---both agreed to celibacy. Personally, I would never have married him knowing his struggles for I know they won't be able to go against their brains forever! And for me--I would divorce. But it is done and now what? Divorce is usually the choice. I am saying--don't be angry at him or self recriminate, waste of time.
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Faith is all that matters.
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Feb 7, 2018
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That is true. That is not to say they can not have some sort of a loving relationship even if it means divorce. Some have retained their marriage---both agreed to celibacy. Personally, I would never have married him knowing his struggles for I know they won't be able to go against their brains forever! And for me--I would divorce. But it is done and now what? Divorce is usually the choice. I am saying--don't be angry at him or self recriminate, waste of time.
Absolutely! We are called to be forgiving and longsuffering towards others just as God in forgiving and longsuffering towards us. It will be difficult to establish a relationship after divorce and it will be pretty hard on SPanda10, who will remember him as he used to be. However, through God, nothing is impossible. Things will change, but set your eyes on the Lord and He will use even the greatest misery mightily for a good end.
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Going into a marriage or long term relationship expecting to change a spouse is never a good idea. You either accept somebody as their are, or you don't accept them at all.
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Uber Genius

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Aug 13, 2016
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We all have false beliefs and some are more difficult to get rid of than others (delusions) and require significant counseling.

All evidence is that over 75% of patients treated for gender identity issues were successful at recovering wholeness. Unfortunately there has been a hurricane of propaganda by the SSA community. They have demonized counseling and infiltrated the AMA. The media has misrepresented the data and the government has joined the fray.

I have a friend that struggled with SSA from the age of 8. He got counseling for a year in his mid-20s. He was able to rid himself of his gender identity delusions and SSA. He started dating and eventually got married and had a baby boy. He said that God has been good and he is happier and no longer suffers from the depression that accompanied his SSA.

your husband has abandoned his commitment to you and God. He had thensame option as my friend. 30 minutes of research would have led him to a counselor but he is choosing to reject everything in hismlife tomfollow a delusion.

I'm all too familiar with this situation. my wife of thirty years suffered early xhildhood trauma from her father. She hid the trauma and suffered with mental illiness in thenform of a personality disorder for 30 years. She chose to divorce me and abandon the marraige. She lied tonchurch memebers claiming I was physically abusing her over a dozen times. She chose tomdo evil rather than to get help through counseling. But God has commended me for bringing good to her for thirty years despite her hatred and lies. you have brough goodness to your husband despite his unwillingness to get help. despite him hiding his delussions.

Gender identity disorder is real. Don't be fooled by the fake studies.

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Oct 11, 2018
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Thank you everyone for your insight.
I'm not trying to start any arguments, but I wasn't asking if acting out transgenderism was wrong or right, that's a completely different discussion. I just wanted to know if divorce would be justified as a Christian in this situation. The more I read, I believe that I would be justified if I decided to leave - which I would.

Going into this relationship never meant we were expecting my husband to change. As with most addiction like mental problems, they don't simply go away, but sometimes you can cope with them. You lean on God for strength if you are Christian. You seek people who can offer help That is what we were thinking he could do. I'm also not mad at him at all - he feels what he feels. He's not doing anything to purposely hurt me.

Seeing this therapist will be the first time my husband has ever seen an actual medical professional (someone who can diagnose mental illness and medically treat them) about this problem. I'm praying that we can come up with something that will work for both of us. My husband is very open to that, thankfully. But sometimes coming up with a solution like that isn't in the cards. I know there are couples out there like us where the one partner doesn't transition and they make it work, so there's hope, but every situation is unique.

I just want my husband to find some kind of relief but I don't want our marriage to end either. So it's a difficult situation. Whatever happens, I just pray we're able to follow God's paths for us.

Thanks again for all of the insight!
Oh and we don't have kids, so we just have to focus on what's best for us.
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Nov 21, 2018
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I'm new here, but I wanted to respond because my husband was diagnosed last year with gender dysphoria. We've been married almost 25yrs and I found out several years ago that he would cross dress when he would get stressed, but I thought that's all it was. He is in therapy and just today talked to them about going on estrogen. I have found a couple of forums to go to but nowhere that's christian based, so I've been feeling very alone.
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Persnickety Member
Apr 24, 2007
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I've got a friend that I grew up with that's transgender. In fact, I was the first non-trans person they told.

Because it was a friend of mine that'd I'd known pretty much all of my life, I made an effort to find out what they were going through, pay attention to their friends, listen to what they had to say and just observe something that I'd never really been exposed to before. That was a couple of years ago.

...and I have to say - if I were in your position I wouldn't stay. It is not going to go well for you.

The entire trans movement is focused around one central idea...and that idea is that they are accepted as being truly that thing that they identify as. The problem is - they don't define things in the same way that the bulk of society does - so they will never get that. It's kind of sad in a lot of ways.

Like, for you and for most people that are here (and running around out there) - "man" is simply a category that means "was born with a penis". "woman" is simply a category that means "was born with a vagina". For the vast majority of people running around out there - "sex" and "gender" are essentially synonymous.

Trans people want to draw a distinction between the two though - with "sex" being generally how we've defined those terms before...and "gender" being a myriad of other secondary characteristics. How they dress, whether they have facial hair, the social roles they're most comfortable with (traditional male/female roles), behaviors, attitudes, etc. Those that more closely resemble "male" archetypes are "men" regardless of what's between their legs - and those that more closely resemble "female" archetypes are "women".

But most people have a hard time buying that - because once you start talking about "men" and "women" - issues of sexual preference come into play...and trans people are generally unwilling to accept that MOST people look at it that way.

It's weird to me how they've latched themselves to the LGB bandwagon and made it LGBT - because the sexual preference folks have an entirely different motivation/set of goals than the trans people have. Generally speaking - gay people simply want to be left alone and not denied privileges simply because they're gay. Gay marriage wasn't so much about wanting to obtain a "right" but rather that they felt they ought not be "denied" one. I know that's a different discussion for a different time - but that is the long and short of it.

Trans people don't want to be left alone. They want to change the way YOU look at and define things. If you're a dude and you've got a problem with the "girl" you're dating having a penis - that's something you need to rectify because you're transphobic. Heck - a good percentage of my friend's discussions on facebook revolve around whether or not a trans person has an obligation to tell their partner that they're trans...and the consensus is "no". There's no obligation. If they cannot accept that a woman has a penis - and they think that dating someone like that would be gay - it's because they can't accept what being a woman truly means.

On a side note - at some point that LGBT combination will come to a head and I think there's drama ahead...because generally speaking most gay people I know define their preferences in exactly the same way that most straight people do. Gay dudes don't want vagina any more than straight dudes want penis. And that's going to cause problems in that community down the road. Gay people are just as "transphobic" as straight people are if that's how it's defined - it's just that they haven't had the spotlight shine on them yet.

But anyhow - that way of looking at things feeds upon itself. Once your hubby transitions, I'm going to guess that he's going to try to find support and/or a community to belong to. That's what he's going to be hearing. And while you may be sitting there thinking that you're remaining as the dutiful wife because of the obligation you took - it doesn't sound like you're going to be accepting in the way that the community expects you to be.

And in the long run - there's going to be hell to pay.

You are going to be told that you're the reason why "people like us are killed every day". You're going to have all sorts of things laid at your footstep. The fact that you're Christian is going to become an issue - and that combined with the fact that you're not wholeheartedly supportive of his transition and accepting of him as a woman in the same way you're a woman - that's going to become an issue. You will become the focal point of the culture war that they feel is brewing between them and "intolerant evangelical Christians". His friends are going to ask why he stays with you - considering how transphobic you are. You will become the scapegoat of all of his problems. If he doesn't find happiness (which very few of them do) - it will be your fault.

Meh - I wish I had a better and/or rosy outlook to paint for you - but that's how I see things playing out.
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Jun 13, 2012
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Why have you guys chosen to keep this struggle secret from your church/spiritual mentors? If he "transitions" isn't it going to be obvious? Isn't that the point?

Forgive me if this is blunt, but if he transitions, doesn't that convert your marriage to a friendship by default? I mean, it eliminates the potential for intimacy. So what does he mean when he says he wants to stay married? That he wants to stay friends? Stay roommates? Keep filing joint tax returns, or sharing health benefits? I mean, what is marriage to him then?
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Made in the image of His Grace
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No one we knew who was Christian could help him outside of offering Bible teachings, prayer and lending an ear.

This just isn't a common struggle Christians speak about and most don't have answers. Speaking with people did not help my husband much. He went through a severe bout of depression in college that I wasn't sure he would recover from.

Before I begin in reply I just want to say that I know the OP hasn’t been back since, but I just feel set on my heart to reply to this very issue among Christians. Please know that I am speaking out of love for everyone, as Christ loved and died for all, tore the veil so that anyone can go to Him and become one if His children.
For in this way God loved the world, so that he gave his one and only Son, in order that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world in order that he should judge the world, but in order that the world should be saved through Him.

We eventually decided that we wanted to get engaged and get married. We were both still strong Christians and were very excited for our future. During one of our discussions before getting engaged, we made a verbal agreement that if he gave me a ring and married me, he wouldn't transition. But I would offer all of the support I could and we would have him see a therapist regularly to help. I understood that the desires may never go away, but we would do everything we could to keep them under control. Or he could leave and pursue his life without me. He wanted his future with me, so we got married.
He didn't ask me or discuss anything, just decided that he wasn't able to live an authentic life as a male and he wasn't going to fight his desires anymore. We had an incredibly tearful discussion where I reminded him of the promise he made before getting married. He pretty much said that he had forgotten (which honestly is not a huge surprise as he does has memory problems).
We're still discussing things but I pretty much feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. He wants to stay married if he transitions, but I do not. I'm strictly heterosexual and I want a Biblical marriage.
I came here to ask what my Biblical options are... If my husband decides to transition, would it be Biblical of me to ask for a divorce? I know that I would be absolutely miserable in our marriage. I can't watch him transition. I don't want any part of it and he knows it. But I promised, before God, to love my husband in sickness and health and I feel like this is a sickness that he would be giving into.
I'm doing everything in my power to cling to God during this time.

Dear God, help me with Your Word…

The first issue that really jumped out was that you two didn’t work out this issue before getting God’s blessing and getting married. Another issue I saw in your post was that the relationship with God wasn’t really there at that time.

Having a relationship with God means that we seek His will on everything we do, say and hear - by putting Him first everyday. Yes, we are not perfect beings on our own accord, but we are perfect with Jesus, cleansed by His blood in repentance.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened for you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or what man is there among you, if his son will ask him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or also if he will ask for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 Therefore if you, although you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him? 12 Therefore in all things, whatever you want that people should do to you, thus also you do to them. For this is the law and the prophets.

From what I read in your post, I understand that you do not want to support him in this gender transition - which is good! You want what God wants and that is a very good thing! You have been very loving toward this man through his disposition, but I must say in caution that looking outside of God for help is a dangerous thing. Looking to people for help instead of God is a mistake in the true Spiritual walk with Christ.
These are a few examples that we are nothing without God. We (Christ followers) must remember to put God first in our lives:
John 14:6
John 14:21-24
John 15:5
Galatians 2:20

This being said, I read in your OP that your husband has or is succumbing to his own desires. This is his flesh and it’s overpowering his spirit which is supposed to be Christ, why is that? Does he not have a relationship with God? Not if he’s willing to go astray and succumb to his flesh (which is rebellion in God’s eyes). He can’t overcome on his own strength, which is why we need Christ. He is the One that strengthens us because He overcame the world. Please remember that we do not wrestle with flesh and blood, but rather principalities in high places (meaning we don’t fight with one another). Yet we do battle between our flesh and spirit where our spirit desires the things of God, and our flesh (which is born in sin) desires the opposite.
This is found in Ephesians.

This is becoming long, but please bear with me as I’m guided by His Holiness to bring this message to anyone who suffers on both sides.

You said you wanted Biblical options. I’m here leading you to know them and to Him. Please pray on this.

Because your husband has had this issue since before the marriage and was not worked out before hand… is very troubling. He was already being led astray then, in his heart (weak in faith) - which had surfaced ever more going behind your back. Your husband, as I read now, is not a true Christian. He’s not seeking after God and His ways, but rather by his own flesh.
My little children, I am writing these things to you in order that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous One, 2 and He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 3 And by this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep his commandments. 4 The one who says “I have come to know him,” and does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in this person. 5 But whoever keeps his word, truly in this person the love of God has been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him. 6 The one who says that he resides in him ought also to walk just as that One walked.

If he has not yet gone under the transition (or has, but it’s not too late), and he still claims Christ, pray like mad for his soul, mind and heart. If he goes along with the transition and denies God’s design (Genesis) for something unnatural, Romans 1 and also Psalm 139:13-14 then the Truth, Way and the Life is not in him.
It is God who knit us together. 

Man and woman mean something very special to God and has a much deeper meaning than that of what we see physically. Please pray and study on this matter, this world is getting nearer and nearer to Sodom and Gomorrah each day.

May you remain in God’s love and He in you.
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Katrina Maria

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My husband and I have been married for over 30 years. He came out over 20 years ago. He identifies himself as transgender but wants to be with me. We deeply care for each other very much and are still together. He works as a man and we live as a heterosexual couple. I am a strong Christian. I hate his cross-dressing but am called by God to stay in the marriage. I pray for his salvation as he has turned his back to God in all of this. He is the father of our children. He is not female but male. He is tortured and suffering. I have compassion for his struggle, trust God to be his God and trust God to be my God, not giving way to fear. I do not support his giving into his flesh but I see a bigger picture that God is not done with him yet.

I and hang onto God's word for my situation:

Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 1 Peter 3:1-2

You are her (Sarah’s) daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear. 1 Peter 3:6b

And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 1 Corinthians 7:13-14

Also, here is a good article on transgenderism from a biblical perspective:
Responding to the Transgender Revolution
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joshua 1 9

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May 11, 2015
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God made them male AND female. Not male or female. We are to be united not divided. People need to be reconciled with themselves in harmony not conflict and division. I think people should be united and at peace with they way they are and not trying to decide if they want to be divided and become male or female.
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Dec 3, 2011
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God made them male AND female. Not male or female. We are to be united not divided. People need to be reconciled with themselves in harmony not conflict and division. I think people should be united and at peace with they way they are and not trying to decide if they want to be divided and become male or female.

You do not seem to understand that our very DNA has been compromised by sin. Do you honestly believe these animals made this up? These animals have not been photoshopped---all of nature is no longer what God declared "very good.' JESUS NEEDS TO COME SOON --- we're destroying His creation. These poor things are literally half male and half female. Why do you think that humanity has not been spared this? Satan wants to destroy the image of God---he is doing a pretty good job. It's going to take God to correct this mess.

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joshua 1 9

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May 11, 2015
Northern Ohio
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You do not seem to understand that our very DNA has been compromised by sin. Do you honestly believe these animals made this up? These animals have not been photoshopped---all of nature is no longer what God declared "very good.' JESUS NEEDS TO COME SOON --- we're destroying His creation. These poor things are literally half male and half female. Why do you think that humanity has not been spared this? Satan wants to destroy the image of God---he is doing a pretty good job. It's going to take God to corredt this mess.
Yes, all of creation is going to be redeemed. Romans 8:22 "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now." God will destroy those who destroy the earth. This is a BIG issue with the theory of evolution. They simply do not take into consideration the fallen condition of the Earth.
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