How powerful is YOUR spirit?


Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
United States
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We spend a lot of time discussing and debating the nature of beings that are outside of our understanding. The reasons behind what they do, their goals, personal agendas and ambitions, the laws and realities in which they are bound, and how it all relates to us and how we are supposed to behave.

But how often do you stop and use your mind to consider your own spirit? Probably when you consider eternity. Maybe sometimes when you think about where you may have been before all of this started.

But where is it now?

Is it waiting on you at the gates of heaven or hell, ready for you to take control of it and step into your destiny?

No. It's right there. On the tip of your tongue, in the back of your mind, in the shadow of your footstep to come, that of previously taken steps and of the one you currently make. It has experienced it all. Already. Its' creation and the fullness of its eternity living in either place. That's why people seem to make the decision to go straight to hell on a daily basis, and they live there currently because they indeed do live there currently, in spirit. But also on Earth.

These constraints of space and time don't work for this aspect of us. It wasn't designed to.

So what does that even MEAN for us?

It means that if you haven't yet started letting your Brain get to know your Spirit, you need to take a break from everything but your daily prayers and devotion to do this very important thing. This includes and is not limited to:

Music with lyrics
Unnatural food
Activities not specifically related to surviving
SEX (marital INCLUDED)

Now you need to every day, in all of your spare time, not during any time that requires your Earthly dedication because you DO HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES, PROBABLY :) Find a dark and comfortable place. It has to be somewhere you can sit quietly for a long time, because you're gonna be here.

Relax and eventually close your eyelids, Which you'll find are the easiest of your muscles to relax. Try it now. Close them, and tell them you have made them incapable of moving for ten seconds. Try during that time to move them, and you'll that they will not. Then look back at the screen.

When you go and do this by yourself, in the dark, the feeling will be multiplied, and you will allow every part of your body to experience this sensation until it is all. Don't try to quiet your mind. It's not going to stop until it's finished.

When it does, you will start to notice yourself. And then, you won't have to stop concerning yourself with the worldly, not during that time. This will lead to you realizing your spiritual gifts, and how to use them. It will also help you shed sins that are no longer necessary for your development. (Because let's face it, Sin happens. God has a plan for your sin too. And some times aren't right yet, and you just can't seem to let go of the sin no matter what you try.)

It will also help you to understand why you're capable of having a relationship with Jesus Christ, mechanically. Because you are juuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssst like Him. Mechanically. And I think Jesus came into full realization of who he was in Spirit when John the Baptist baptized Him in the river.

What event is it going to take for you to realize? Jesus was much wiser than you or me...he had to be to perform His miracles. But John 14:12 suggests that some of you who are reading this, are going to do more miracles than He ... Because He went home earlier than a lot of us will. At age 33. So, if a less wise person is supposedly supposed to perform greater miracles than Jesus to display God's power and it took HIM 30 years to come into full understanding of his Spirit ... how long will it take you? Less? More?

I don't know. But every single minute you waste is less time that you have to perform your miracles and do your great labor. Do those things get you into heaven?


Should you do it? Obviously, yes. You must.

Don't be distracted by all of these fantasies, principalities, powers, princes, angels, demons until you know why MECHANICALLY that you have authority over them since you accepted Jesus. Yes, it is the Glory and Grace of God that provides you all understanding and holiness that you may come by including your very own salvation. But why, oh why, DEAR LORD IS IT EVEN MECHANICALLY POSSIBLE?

Our heads hurt from the very attempt at understanding. Well, stop using your head. It cannot understand. It never will. BUT YOU CAN. HERE AND NOW.

Thank you for reading.