How is your life better

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Defender of the Faith
Nov 24, 2006
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I was saved from a drink and drug fueled party lifestyle and woken up just before I hit rock bottom, I really struggled to see any point in life before I was saved, having grown up with evolution as the answer to life just gave me the ticket to think, well am here so am gonna enjoy it, not that I ever did anything bad, parents taught me well, whats right and whats wrong, and always believed and held to that, just from the moral perspective, but I couldnt get the idea out of my head that the world somehow seemed wrong, full of lies, and so much pain, that was kind of my foundations for beleiving that we were in a world without a good God, although deep down I couldnt let go of the idea of their not being a God.

Well it was when I realised that yes we are living in a world full of lies and pain, but its not down to there being no God, but rather due to the fact that God being all Good does not partake in anything which is evil, and that he cannot for its in direct opposition to his nature, and from this I started to see the distinction between Good (God) and evil (devil) and that they are in opostion to each other therefore it is of the devil that evil exists but only exists in man because God gave us the freedom to choose so we can willingly choose him, but has to be a decision on our part, and after coming to an understanding of the work of his Son, made perfect sense and quiet litterally blew me away when I really started to understand salvation.

A lot has changed since I became saved, the biggest thing I didnt realise would happen in my life is what Ive come to understand as the mirror of God, in the light of God we can see the true reflection of ourselves, not who we think we are, but who we truly are, this was difficult for me cus there was me thinking I was all that and not that far from God, then coming to realise that I was a billion miles away from him in terms of what my ego perception of self was compared to the Godly reflection of self, and coming to understand the thinking of heart compared to the thinking of brain, that there is a difference, through self evaluation I realised there was a ton of what God calls unhealthy trees, and thorny bushes in my soul, things I never realised were a problem like hatred, unforgivesness and anger, but found a place of rest in my soul also because God is also called the gardener, so I know he knows how to fix things, I know now I am nowhere near as perfect as I thought, but Ive learned to trust in God in my life now, and let him do his work, yeah sometimes we wrestle, sometimes I run away, sometimes I hide and pretent he is not there, but always keep ariving back to the same place in life that he is in control and is working through me and once this is complete then I will be as first stated in the bible, made in his image, for his glory.
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Those who have converted to christianity how has it made your life better?

Please don't answer vaguely like "I'm more in touch with Jesus now"
How does that actually effect your life? Being more in touch with Jesus/god?
This is a complicated question because Christianity isn't a "quick fix". I know I certainly didn't choose to become a Christian. I used to be a witch, and then I became an anti-Christian atheist (honestly, the hypocrisy of that position never even occurred to me) and the last thing I wanted was God.

I've only been a Christian for 2 and a half years, and much of it has been quite painful in some ways. Most of my friends were also atheists, and my conversion made many of them run a mile. Equally, God has been changing me slowly. It's such a hard thing to explain. I used to be an angry person, and quick to argue, and quick to take offense, desperately insecure with men and He's gradually made all of that drain away. It's been really painful sometimes, but, there's no way I could go back to being who I was.

I think many of us reach out to non-Christians by saying it'll make life so much better and God will suddenly grant us all our wishes and it's a party all the time. I don't think that's how it works so when life doesn't become perfect instantly, people become disillusioned and fall away. But, the truth is, those who abide in Christ become kinder, more gentle, more peaceful inside, more able to love, and more willing to give that love to people.

Equally, the most amazing feeling on earth is suddenly feeling the Holy Spirit's presence. Have twice experienced it accompanied by the scent of flowers, almost, and I don't know how to describe it. When I said life becomes more peaceful, I really do mean it. It's like going from a stuffy room with closed windows and no lights and dirt on the walls and floor to an open field with a breeze and the sun shining and cold water nearby. That freshness and feeling of being clean is something that comes with God's making us new and forgiving us so we needn't feel so weighed down with guilt, or anger and sadness.

But, yes, being a Christian makes life harder in some ways - the world doesn't like Christianity, and people can be mean. Equally, those of us who are Christian still have the power to hurt people, and being hurt by a Christian can be very damaging... but the thing is, God is real whether we follow Him or not. Know what I mean? If I chose to walk away from Him, it doesn't mean He's suddenly disappeared; it just means am denying Him. I'd rather face the truth, even if it makes things a little difficult for me sometimes. And experiencing His love, and seeing the love He has for others, and being able to love people more freely more than makes up for the painful parts.

One of the very best things God has done for me is give me the ability to forgive people who are mean to me. Not being filled with anger or bitterness is very beautiful, and it changes life completely. Knowing am loved by the Creator of everything - everything. He created every single grain of sand, and He knows how old each star is; He made butterflies and designed rainbows; He thought of love and science and leaves and Spring and language and He made it happen; just spoke them into existence! - means I don't need to loathe myself anymore. That's a big, wonderful change, and something He's done.
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Nov 5, 2008
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Hi, janejenkins1!

That is a great question!

I think about that a lot.
I am not sure what exactly my life would be like right now if I were not a believer of Jesus Christ. I have been practicing Christianity for over 30 years.

But I do think that for a lot of people Jesus Christ has not met their demands for what their life should look like and they are disappointed. Therefore, they are not interested in telling other people about Jesus Christ. They think Jesus has failed them and they are embarrased to tell others about that.

As for me, I know for sure that I have a lot more hope than most of the folks around me my age. I have hope for the future. I have hope for the afterlife. I have hope that God will continue to redeem the dark places of my life that still need work in helping me to become like Jesus Christ.

I have more peace than those around me. I have the peace that passes understanding. I know that ultimately God is in control of my life and nothing happens to me without His approval.

I am never lonely. God is always with me. Talking and listening to me. Whether I am walking on a deserted forest trail or in the midst of a crowd of 1000s.

Those are the first thoughts that come to my mind.

Praying for you.
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James 1:27

Redeemed of the Lord
Jul 19, 2008
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I agree that the forgiveness I am able to experience is only through my relationship with God, and that is a gift. Also, we are promised in scripture that God will use everything that happens to us for our good. That means even the dumb mistakes I make, the tragic losses, the things others may do to me...all of it will be worked for my good!! I've experienced much of this in my life. I don't need to regret anything; God uses it all. :D
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GQ Chris

ooey gooey is for brownies, not Bible teachers
Jan 17, 2005
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This is just my opinion, and of course it doesn't entirely apply all the time, but I think that a lot of people who are not yet Christians make the mistake of thinking that the Christian life will be all about happiness and joy, and the focus on material prosperity.

This is why I despise the Prosperity gospel, and Ministers who preach nothing but blessing and material wealth. Scripture is clear that in this life we will have tribulations and trials, but we will also have blessings.

Mark Ch.10
29Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, (Z)there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for My sake and for the gospel's sake,
30but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in (AA)the age to come, eternal life.

We will have blessings, but no one will be immune to the trials.
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GQ Chris

ooey gooey is for brownies, not Bible teachers
Jan 17, 2005
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The way I figure it, I could choose to live without God in this life, and focus on material gain and doing my own selfish desires, but then ultimately be shunned from eternal life when I die.


I could live this life with God, knowing I will have challenges also, but also true fullness of joy that I would not otherwise have if I did not seek God's will for my life. And at the end of this life, I can enter into my true home, Heaven.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2006
Those who have converted to christianity how has it made your life better?

It depends on what you mean by "better". There are many people in other parts of the world who's lives are much worse since they've become Christians.

We seem to have this idea from the Osteens and the Meyers and the whoevers that we should "accept Christ" so that our lives will be better.

But what about the person in Africa or Muslim countries, where a profession of faith in Christ almost certainly means death? What about the Chinese Christian who is thrown into prison because of his faith?

I just heard a Voice of the Martyrs update on the radio that said that a pastor in India was thrown in prison and was beaten with barbed wire every time he prayed or mentioned the name of Jesus.

Would you say that their lives are better?

We don't come to Christ to make our lives better, but because we recognize that we're sinners and face God's wrath unless we are forgiven and reconciled to Him through His son, Jesus Christ.

This is why we have such a problem with false teachers like Joel Osteen and Robert Schuller. Anybody who says that they became a Christian because they wanted a better life has never understood the Gospel.

Jesus never said our lives would be easier or better. In fact, He told us that we would face persecution, hardships, trials, and even death because of our faith.

To answer your question, my life is better in some ways and not better in some ways, but I imagine it would be better in some ways and not better in some ways (albeit different ways) if I hadn't become a Christian, too.

I didn't come to Christ because I wanted a better life. I came to Christ because I realized that I was a sinner in need of a Savior and that He was that Savior.
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Cogito Ergo Credo
Nov 16, 2008
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Those who have converted to christianity how has it made your life better?

Commiting my life to Christ has made my life better in some ways, and worse in some ways.

For Better:

a) I have a strong drive towards truth. Christian Theism has provided me an integrated worldview that resonates with and satisfies that drive towards truth.

b) I have a strong drive towards rationality. Christian Theism has provided me an integrated worldview that is consistent with, and satisfies that drive towards rationality.

c) I have a strong drive towards seeking ultimate meaning and purpose in life. Christian Theism has provided me an integrated worldview that provides ultimate meaning and purpose in life.

d) I have a strong drive towards seeking a grand-unified-theory that explains the various facets of our existence. Christian Theism has provided me an integrated worldview that does explain the various facets of our existence.

e) I find Christian Theism to be intellectually, experientially, and emotionally satisfying in a way that nothing else has been. Christian Theism is congruent with both the left-brain (rational, experiential) and right-brain (emotional, experiential) aspects of my existence.

f) I have a strong attraction towards beauty. Seeking beauty (and the Why of Beauty) has been a path that has led me to Christian Theism.

g) Peace in the midst of trying circumstances.

h) Experiencing the Numinous/ the beauty of the presence of God. This is a joy in itself.

i) Learning to experience peace, joy, and contentment whether rich or poor, and independent of my external circumstances. This is an area I struggle with.

Or for Worse:

a) I have been financially cheated on several occasions by individuals who have taken advantage of my being a Christian. I have prayed about this and have been led (by the Christian God) to seek neither recompense nor revenge. I do feel resentment at times and struggle with this.

b) Having been cheated (as above), my natural inclination is towards not doing anything to help others. However the Christian God pushes me out of my comfort zone into “risky” acts of service (and calls me to leave the consequences to Him). I struggle with this.

c) I am by natue an introvert, and am shy and uncomfortable with making small talk with people I don’t know very well. The Christian God pushes me out of my comfort zone to interact with people I don’t know very well in settings of Christian service. I struggle with this.

d) I am by nature a selfish, self-centered pig. The Christian God pushes me out of my comfort zone into other-centered acts of service in the context of Christian service/volunteering. These do not come naturally to me.

e) I have been ridiculed and have experienced hostility from militant atheists on the internet and in person (to a greater extent after I became a Christian Theist, than at any time prior to that).

Becoming (and being) a Christian is not a cake-walk.

I didn’t become a Christian to make my life better. I became a Christian because I sought Truth and I sought Beauty, and over a period of time, I found Truth and I found Beauty, but more importantly, I found the author of both (to loosely paraphrase CS Lewis). See for a summary (if you wish) of the path that led me from Atheism to Christ.

Wishing you Joy today,
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May 16, 2007
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Where this is the second time you have addressed us seeking answers...
I don't think that this is really the question which is bothering you.
(But I could be wrong)

We (the Christians) do have a sense of community but we fuss like only sisters and brothers can.

We have messages and actions of love and good news and yet often we are known by the vicious brow beaters and finger pointers that hang out amongst us who like to think of themselves as one of the "good guys".

There is a collection of history, songs, and advisements (66 of them) put together over a period of 1500 years penned by over forty people. When as you well know getting two people to agree perfectly with each other is impossible this one has forty agreeing perfectly. The last bits of this book were written over 1900 years ago so much of the manner with which they spoke is going to be somewhat different....but when studied...things then were pretty much the same as they are today. The Bible is of course true...there is archeological evidense, manuscript evidence and geological evidense that everything written in there is true. Even historical accounts from other countries agree with some of the events as related by the Bible as they were able to see them.

Read it and see for yourself.

But take this warning....Those that earnestly seek and look to start a relationship with God always are found by God and their lives are forever altered.
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Aug 3, 2007
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Day to day life has its ups and downs as always but the sense of resolution in the destiny of our soul thanks to the salvation of Jesus Christ helps us live this life to its physical death and to the life everlasting. This salvation must not be neglected in our daily living and what Christ basically commands no one should find wrong although it can never be lived up to. While our Saviour offers some strident parables, the example of the Beatitudes shows He finds those (non Christians & Christians) as blessed in ways only He knows and warns us not to judge our neighbor in this regard (this does not mean condoning overtly sinful behavior). Nonetheless a Christian is called to present the Gospel if possible, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Romans 10:9-10, KJV). "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." (Matthew 22:37, KJV)."For God so loved the world. that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16, KJV). God bless.
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