• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

How do you really quit? What if you have to go back?


Nov 21, 2011
Marital Status
Hi all, I am so happy I found this forum & I pray for some feedback. I will make my story as brief as possible.
I worked for 8 years as a stripper until I began to have debilitating anxiety. At that point I started an online adult phone business. Both jobs I had severe guilt over. (I have the typical story, abuse as a child, etc). I felt I was adding to the destruction of families but was numb & sometimes felt it just didnt matter anyway.
I was blessed with a beautiful son 6 years ago & right before I had him his father told me I would have to go back to the online business as soon as I gave birth because he wasnt going to collect a paycheck for the next three months & I was going to be home anyway so what was the big deal.
He and I divorced when my son was 4 & I then married a man who claimed to be a Christian. He told me I was better than that, etc. When we got married I would simply have to take care of his & my children (he had 2 so it was 3 all together under the age of 7). I was making money also teaching dance classes & it fit easily into my schedule with the children but 2 months into being married I told him I needed some money for groceries & he exploded with rage. "You don't pay my bills why should I pay yours" became his mantra. He tols me to go ahead and "do the phone thing, it never mattered before why should it now?". SO I then had the added responsibility of watching 3 children while he left in the day and paying most of the household bills.
After a few months he started to berate me for the job, saying I was a harlot, a prostitute, an adulterer. When I would stop for a few weeks & then try to communicate with him about money he would not give me any. I was paying for all the food, his and my childrens clothing, $500 a month in health insurance & the mortgage & all the utilities, gas, etc.
I felt stuck. I got offered a job bartending and while I did not want to be out of the house and working til 1 am with children that young I could not take the abuse anymore. Plus he started using my job as an excuse to view porn & do phone sex on his own because if I was cheating he could too (his words).
I was stuck. Then I was teaching 7 dance classes a week, working 3 shifts at the bar, doing all the parental duties (he was obviously not Mr Mom), he refused to do any laundry or housework at all.
I have tried to make our relationship work but he moved out recently. Now I am trying to pay my bills & juggle work with no family nearby & I hardly ever see my son.
I am tempted to go back to the phone job as I can do it from home & see my son more. Then I could train for a better job where I am not gone all night. But I keep thinking of the words Jesus said "Go forth and sin no more". I have very little peace in the situation. I am heartbroken over my marriage even though he acted like a toad I still had hopes. I also feel stuck because in the 2 years we were together I did all of his marketing & billing for his mechanic service now he has a business & I hava dead end job & nothing. I should have worked more on my future but I was trying to feed 5 people & keep a roof over our heads.
Im torn between going back & being wrong in Gods eyes or staying working multiple jobs & never getting ahead.
Please help.:amen:


Finally a butterfly...
Aug 1, 2005
Standing right behind you! ;)
Marital Status
Hi tynkerbelle! I have only a minute right now, but will reply later today or tonight as I am able... I want you to know someone is here for you...you are not being ignored... I look forward to getting to know you better!

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May 6, 2005
Hi Tynkerbelle,

I'm Hope. I am really sorry to hear what you have been through and are still going through. The man you married was right about one thing.... you ARE worth much much more than the way you have been treated. It is so very sad he didn't treat you with the love and value you have been given by God.

I want you to know that you are not alone. You are not alone because you have found friends here who will support and encourage you. More importantly you are not alone because God is with you. And we are here because of him!!

I really admire you for looking for a way out of the situation you were in and the sex industry. It is not easy but I will be praying you find the way because I want you to see and experience the freedom and peace you are want so much.

Please know how much God loves you and he hurts with you at the way you have been treated in your life. He has good plans for you, plans to give you hope and a future. Keep trusting in him. You are his precious daughter and so very very valuable to him.

It may be hard at times but I know he will make a way of escape for you. Keep seeking him and his ways. He understands your struggle. There is a beautiful story in Mark 9:14-29 where a man comes to Jesus for his son to be healed. He asked Jesus to heal hin if he could. Jesus said anything is possible for him who believes. The man replied, Lord I believe, help my unbelief. And Jesus healed his son. I love this story of Jesus because it teaches us that God does not expect us to have it all together perfectly. He takes the little that we have, the little belief that we offer him and he accepts that. We just have to give him what we have and let him make up the difference. I use this prayer often when I am struggling with life and struggling to trust.

He loves you, keep calling out to him and ask him to make a way for you. And to be with you as you take that path whatever it is.

I will be praying for you. Don't give up on the life you want and the hopes and dreams you have for you and your son.

The other girls here will probably have other practical suggestions for you and contacts. I'm on the other side of the world to you but we are sisters in God and you have my love and prayers.

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Finally a butterfly...
Aug 1, 2005
Standing right behind you! ;)
Marital Status
Tynkerbelle - Your 'story' hits so close to home with me. My heart breaks for you. I too am an sexual abuse survivor and also worked as a stripper/escort for years. I too have a young son. I too worry about how to make ends meet if anything happens to my husband (he has health issues) as I really have no job history to fall back on. I really, really feel your pain and struggle.

I am wondering what area you live in... I know you don't have enough posts to send PM's yet, and I don't know if it's smart to say your area online. If you are in the LA area there is an awesome ministry called Treasures that may be able to help you. There are other ministries in various places in the US, that would also be able to give you direction.... check the resource sticky at the top of this page...I pray that it's current enough for you to find some contacts.

There is also the thought of reaching out to a church and let them know what you are dealing with and they may be able to help you as well.

I really, really, really understand the temptation to go back. I do not judge you in any way. I just would hate to see you being verbally abused over and over just to earn a paycheck. There's got to be another way. Even if you are not near Treasures, I would still contact them and they could help you put together a game plan as to how to leave the industry once and for all.

Hope has given you some beautiful encouragement that I hope you take to heart. YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE! Please keep us posted as to how you are doing. I'm serious. I care.

Here's the contact for Treasures: info@[B]iamatreasure[/B].com | (323) 937-9525. PO Box #2013, North Hills, CA 91343

I will be praying for you!!!!!!!!
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Nov 21, 2011
Marital Status
Thank you SO much sisters. This has been my first chance to respond. I am in Las Vegas but if things get very tough I will contact treasure ministry.
I am just trying to hang on. I do have work opportunities but they take me away from my son so much I feel like I am missing out on my sons childhood & I'm not able to be the Christian mother I need to be. HOWEVER, I feel as of lately that God will provide a way for it all to happen and that I need to "wait" and not be tempted to go back as hard as it is. Even many of my friends have said "just go back". I hear the words "go forth and sin no more".
Please keep praying for me, I am asking God for guidance in the work thing and for what I should do about my separated marriage. Thank you so much!
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May 6, 2005
Hi Lana,

So pleased to hear from you again. I was wondering how you were doing.

I know it is really hard being on your own and loooking after your son. I admire you so much for making the choices you are. It really is in both his and your best interests and I believe God will honour your choices and make a way for you. It's so encouraging to hear you say that you feel God is telling you he will look after you. He will!! It may not be the way you think and it may still be hard but he will be there with you and for you all the way.

Do you have any support in the decision you have made? Is there a local church you can link into that will support you? Not all churches are supportive but many are it's just a matter of finding them. Mine is... but it's a little bit far for you to travel each week ;) I'm sure there will be other churches like mine around though filled with people who love Jesus and will love you too :)

Stay in touch. I'll be praying for you. Let us know if there is anything specific at any time you want us to pray for. And feel free to come by here and chat anytime.

Bless you heaps :hug:

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Nov 26, 2011
Marital Status
Hello. Althought I am new here I wanted to say that the sex industry has never benefited a single person who has become involved with it. In my teens after leaving my walk with the Lord I attempted to fill the void pornography and sexual sins. It became a never ending battloe to find new outlets because the pleasure tehy offered was never satisfying and constantly demanded more. They always left me feeling hollow and empty. But as soon as the desires presented themselves again I was off looking for new 'highs' in the lowest of ways. Now that I am attempting to rebuild unity with the Lord I am still battling this devil of deceipt.

Tynkerbell when I read your post I became ashamed of myself and very distraught that your husband should treat you with such contempt knowing that no good comes from evil things. Please pray about your situation and if you can allow it I'll pray for you as well. I wish I could undo so much in my life and I wish with all in me you were not being used and degraded by someone that is supposed to value you above all others. I thank God that I was at least given enough presence of mind to not take a mate and allow my sexual perversions to infest what should be a blessed union.
I hope my mesage doesnt offend you. God Bless you!!!
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Finally a butterfly...
Aug 1, 2005
Standing right behind you! ;)
Marital Status
Hi Lana! Thank you for letting us know how you are doing. I too was wondering. I will continue to pray for you, your son, your marriage and your work situation. I know in Vegas there is a ministry called Hookers for Jesus run by Annie Lobert. If you google it you can contact the ministry and find support.

Please know we are here for you to "talk" as much as you need to. You are not alone.

Hooker for Jesus
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