• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

How can I reach my daughter...


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Aug 13, 2015
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I started my family later in life (39), and was blessed with a physically healthy baby girl nearly nine years ago. A dream of mine had come true - to have a baby girl. But, it has been a difficult struggle for the past years raising a child with my much younger wife. Sometimes, I am sure that I am no longer right for it because of my age. I feel that I am getting crankier in my old age (some small attempt at humor there).

Nevertheless, my daughter had some kind of fever-related seizure when she was about four years old or so and I have been told that it may have caused some type of "brain damage". There is evidence that she has some kind of (possibly related) learning disability as she is not the "smartest" of "brightest" in school, probably one of the lowest (she is like "Forrest Gump" at times). Furthermore, she cannot seem to focus in school, though with her tutor she can answer book questions correctly. Yet, at home, when she is told to do simple tasks such as turn off the light, close the door, put the water in the ref., etc. she does not seem to understand.

Additionally, it was always my dream when my wife was pregnant and even before, that I would have a "daddy's girl" or a "little princess" with whom I could share wonderful memories with; but, the reality is that my daughter, even at nine years of age cannot even answer simple questions or engage in limited, lower-level conversations. It is a grief that is hard to bear.

I feel like the kitchen scene in "Mr. Holland's Opus" where the mother screams in absolute frustration and longing to the husband how she wants to communicate with her (deaf) son - I would say this is something that I could best relate to my situation.

Sometimes, as a result, I fly off the handle expecting my daughter to simply do what she has been told to do (like "normal" kids her age), or when I ask her simple questions about her day (at school), or her friends, or what she has been doing, or where she has been, and she cannot answer. Even my wife has a hard time dealing with our daughter. It has been really hard on both of us and I know it is hard for my daughter who is on the receiving end of the frustration. It is extremely taxing to be patient with her.

It has been a catalyst within me for ugliness; instead of love and warmth and compassion for my baby girl, at times I get so frustrated and angry, or even worse, enraged at times. So, my daughter calls me "the hulk". It seems her only memory of me will be anger and it breaks my heart to know that. I lost my father at an early age in an accident, and I have limited memories of him, but the Lord has been gracious to let me have so many years with my daughter and I beg Him for many, many more to come. I do not want to leave my little girl fatherless. But, that is a different thread.

Suffice it to say, that I am begging the Lord for mercy and grace and patience and more grace to that. I just want to stop being angry about this situation, be able to interact with my daughter (which seems an impossibility), and give her good memories of her father. I desperately want her to come to know Christ, by bringing her up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. However, I seem to be more focused on the admonition and less on the nurture, which I do not think is conducive to a right view of God from her perspective. I have woken up early to type this message in an effort to reach out to my Christian brethren for prayer, biblical counsel, and encouragement because I feel I am at the end of myself. Your gracious comments would be welcomed.

A fellow pilgrim and struggling brother in this difficult journey through life here on earth.
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Aug 18, 2015
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Oh God, why does life have to be so difficult on this earth? I pray for your family's situation. I am so sorry this happened to your precious girl.

I don't have much to offer I'm afraid. I have found that constantly praying, "God help me please, God help me please," has helped me to keep my temper better. You might want to consider grief counseling? It might help you make peace with the daughter you lost and therefore better able to help the daughter you have.
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There are some options available if possible given your situation and location.

A speech/language therapist may be able to help if you believe there is some communication issues.

Getting counseling as a family to help learn to be able to parent with the challenges you face with your daughter. Depending on the extent of the trauma, even possibly getting help to put a behavioral plan in place for home.

You might see if there is a pediatric brain injury rehabilitation program available.

Of course, taking care of yourselves - getting time away and taking care of you and your spouse - finding a sitter or day care that would help once or twice a week.

Some states have programs that are for free, or will bill medicaid if your child qualifies for it. They provide case managers who come into the home and assess the situation then work with the parents to come up with a plan, and they work with you for a given length of time.

The Brain Injury Assoc of America may offer something in articles, but also offers links to US States associations where support may be available for parents.
Also - check out this page if you haven't already. http://www.headinjury.com/families.htm
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Aug 13, 2015
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"You might want to consider grief counseling? It might help you make peace with the daughter you lost and therefore better able to help the daughter you have."

Thank you, those two statements were a blessing. . . Yes, I lost a daughter yet have one in front of me. I had never considered that. Perhaps I may not yet have gotten over my grief. That is why seeking counsel from brethren is such a blessing. Thank you, LaSorcia. Thank you Lord, for the wisdom.
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I'm a CAT-HOLIC, proud cat parent & Catholic.
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Mar 25, 2015
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Hello Jfrsmth,

I am sorry for your situation. I would like to say I can imagine it is hard, but I cannot. I have no children and feel an outsider here, but your post spoke to me, so here I am.
Kristen offered up some good advice and things to ponder. I cannot come close. So what I will say is this.... My relationship with my father was more like what you fear your relationship with your daughter will be one day. Looking back I can say there are a few simple things that he could have done that may have been good. Even if your daughter cannot express herself well or in a way you understand, be patient. Try to smile and site by her, even if that means you just plop down on the couch next to her as she watches TV. Just be there and love her. If you find yourself getting frustrated, think of the funniest joke you know and try to laugh. Take slow and calm leveled breaths and know that the frustration and anger can be calmed with a bit of internal work.

I will keep you in my prayers and hope that your relationship with her improves and she improves.


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Jan 7, 2016
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I would definitely consider counseling. Family counseling & maybe personal counseling for yourself as well. I've never been in that situation but a friend has been helped so much with counseling. It transformed her. Specialists for your daughter could help too. It sounds like she has communication problems. There might be a way to help her with them. Btw my parents were 39 & 43 when I was born. In their 40s when my brother was born. They're not unusual for where we live at all. They're super energetic & healthy. I don't think your age is really a factor. I think maybe all the stress & stuff has made you feel much older.
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Sep 16, 2014
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Praying for you and your family in a difficult situation. I think sometimes as people we forget that one of the most important things you can do with your child is to just be "there" for your child. Even if it's a simple interaction, the expression of real love is comforting and powerful. God is in control of the future, so we can enjoy the day with our loved ones and express our love for them. God bless!
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Aug 13, 2015
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Hello Jfrsmth,

I am sorry for your situation. I would like to say I can imagine it is hard, but I cannot. I have no children and feel an outsider here, but your post spoke to me, so here I am.
Kristen offered up some good advice and things to ponder. I cannot come close. So what I will say is this.... My relationship with my father was more like what you fear your relationship with your daughter will be one day. Looking back I can say there are a few simple things that he could have done that may have been good. Even if your daughter cannot express herself well or in a way you understand, be patient. Try to smile and site by her, even if that means you just plop down on the couch next to her as she watches TV. Just be there and love her. If you find yourself getting frustrated, think of the funniest joke you know and try to laugh. Take slow and calm leveled breaths and know that the frustration and anger can be calmed with a bit of internal work.

I will keep you in my prayers and hope that your relationship with her improves and she improves.



David, your words were good too. Sometimes, just a simple note of compassion and shared experience from brethren can bring salve to a wounded heart. Thank you for both.
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Active Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Praying for you and your family in a difficult situation. I think sometimes as people we forget that one of the most important things you can do with your child is to just be "there" for your child. Even if it's a simple interaction, the expression of real love is comforting and powerful. God is in control of the future, so we can enjoy the day with our loved ones and express our love for them. God bless!

Thank you.
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