Houses Of Worship Grapple With The Vaxxed And Unvaxxed Divide


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Mar 17, 2015
catholic -- embracing all Christians
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Worship online just isn't the same, even after a year of getting used to it. Yet widespread vaccinations haven't resolved all the questions of how to gather again, despite the eagerness of congregants to see each other again.

Churches have even upped their production quality. In a video produced for Facebook, the choir at the Temple Church in Nashville sings, spaced out, in the parking lot. Members like 73-year-old Rogers Buchanan watch the stream from their couches.

"They talk about people staying at home and missing their restaurants and going places and travel and all that. The only thing I've missed in this whole year is going to church," Buchanan says with a laugh. "What little I travel and go to restaurants is not that important."

Sunday morning services are the main reason Buchanan, who is a city bus driver, rolled up his sleeve to get vaccinated at a nearby church in February. His preacher told members they should, and that if enough people got vaccinated in the community, services could resume more normally.

"I usually follow my pastor pretty well," he says.

Even as the most vulnerable have pretty well gotten their COVID-19 shots in Nashville, Temple Church still hasn't returned to in-person worship services.

Many congregations in Nashville — especially those with predominantly Black members — have taken a more conservative approach to getting back together. And no government regulations are stopping them.

Houses Of Worship Grapple With The Vaxxed And Unvaxxed Divide

The 3 minute radio segment at the link above is interesting to hear -- you get to hear the voices of the people being interviewed.


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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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On one hand we are told to obey 'Caesar' ---the government, as he (it) is "God's minister" for our good, as God states; and we are warned that 'he bares the sword not in vain'. The only time God advises us to go contrary to government is when it requires us to go contrary to God as the Bible shows us ---not our ideas; and wearing masks is not a violation of God's path for us; nor spacing out in church services. Let us not be rebellious in our walk in this world. The purpose of masks might seem inconvenient, but it is established to help stop the spread of this virus. If we think of only our likes and convenience and oppose the government, we are just asking for trouble and dis-honoring our God. This applies also to vaccinations !
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