Homosexual Marriage in America


Junior Member
May 2, 2013
But for the US... this is going to be the last straw that brings forth God's judgement. It's bad enough we've murdered millions of innocent little babies, but now we are excluding God out of all areas of life.

If you demand God to get out... eventually He will, and then comes the destruction that was being held off due to His presence.

Right after the catching away of the church (when Christians living as overcomers are taken to Heaven as reward for being a overcomer... the rest of the Christians will be left behind)... they gonna be some bad times in the good 'ol USA like there never has been before.

It ain't gonna be nuthin nice...

Yes, God is a Gentleman. If you ask/demand Him out, He won't overstay His "welcome," unlike demons that will break down the [spiritual] doors to plunder (should one allow even a crack of a spiritual door to be open.) And, demons will try their best not leave - and will even "resist arrest" when the [spiritual] cops are called (like archangels on God's charge, the Holy Spirit/Christ, etc.) And, the world is delusional right now; soon the delusion will become so saturated that it will become a strong delusion.

And, any student of history knows that most all powerful/world empires begin by founding their nations on relatively holy/good rules and laws, and then fall because they forsook those very holy/good rules and laws. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is actually 1) a warning to Christians, and 2) a prophecy and warning to other world nations - an education - concerning what has collapsed great nations in the past, and what will collapse great nations in the future. Rome fell because of debauchery in every avenue. This made them a weak nation, and easy to destroy. America will suffer the same fate if it continue down its path. Notice how Russia is all of a sudden becoming a Eastern power and influence, whilst (at least on the surface) promoting "good/righteous" beliefs (like rejecting homosexuality.) But, homosexuality is just one part of the puzzle, and certainly not the main ingredient to Empire Collapse.
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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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personally, I see no where that Jesus ever told us to fight political battles. Yes, I vote, pro-life. Jesus never forced His beliefs on anyone, we accept Him and the cross or we don't. I suggest our churches stand up and refuse to marry homosexuals in the church but as far as the gov't goes, my problem with homosexual marriage is they will teach homosexuality in the schools as just one other option.... pre-pubescent kids will be experimenting with things they don't understand. No one has yet to determine if homosexuality is biological or environmental.... but these are people. They may be Christians, or atheists but one way or the other they deserve common respect. As far as homosexuality, they are sinners like the rest of us, if they accept Christ and repent even though they may struggle, they can be saved.

The divorce rate is over 50% I think the sanctity of marriage sailed a long time ago..... what happens in church is their business, what happens to our kids, in school is our business, but the law of the land is what it is. It was much worse in Christ's day and He never lead a moratorium or focused on the corrupt and evil culture, except for the religious folks.

If you had an opportunity to share the gospel in N.Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran or China, would you focus on their laws or on the people? If you approach other cultures with your preconceived ideas about what their country should act like, you might very well hinder the gospel. Most countries outlaw homosexuality but have other crimes that are not illegal that kill or hurt many many people... we would still focus on spreading the gospel and not on their laws..... Jesus changes hearts, that changes cultures... tell them He loves them with an everlasting love and stop looking at them as any worse then the adulterers, perverts and baby killers that attend our churches now.
we said
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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And, any student of history knows that most all powerful/world empires begin by founding their nations on relatively holy/good rules and laws, and then fall because they forsook those very holy/good rules and laws.

Umm, no. Akkad, no. Babylon, no. Persia, no. Greece, no. Egypt, no. Songhay, no. Aztec, no. Mongol, no.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is actually 1) a warning to Christians, and 2) a prophecy and warning to other world nations - an education - concerning what has collapsed great nations in the past, and what will collapse great nations in the future. Rome fell because of debauchery in every avenue. This made them a weak nation, and easy to destroy.

Rome--almost, for a bit during their Republic phase, kinda sorta. But remember that Rome was Christian for a century before it finally fell, and was more certainly more moral in the fourth century AD than it had been in the first couple of centuries.

America will suffer the same fate if it continue down its path. Notice how Russia is all of a sudden becoming a Eastern power and influence, whilst (at least on the surface) promoting "good/righteous" beliefs (like rejecting homosexuality.) But, homosexuality is just one part of the puzzle, and certainly not the main ingredient to Empire Collapse.

Um, Russia had been an "Eastern Power" 'way back in the 1800s, and the Soviet Union was certainly an "Eastern Power" through most of the 1900s. Nothing "sudden" about that.

And the only "good/righteous" belief it can claim even now is "rejecting homosexuality." In most every other way, the government is corrupt and is led by a thoroughly evil--but very clever--man.

Evangelicals in America are so simple to fool. All Satan has to say is two points--just two points--"We reject abortion and homosexuality" and evangelicals in America will fall for everything else he says...even if they discover he lied about those two points.
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A voice crying in the wilderness
Jul 26, 2004
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personally, I see no where that Jesus ever told us to fight political battles. Yes, I vote, pro-life. Jesus never forced His beliefs on anyone, we accept Him and the cross or we don't. I suggest our churches stand up and refuse to marry homosexuals in the church but as far as the gov't goes, my problem with homosexual marriage is they will teach homosexuality in the schools as just one other option.... pre-pubescent kids will be experimenting with things they don't understand. No one has yet to determine if homosexuality is biological or environmental.... but these are people. They may be Christians, or atheists but one way or the other they deserve common respect. As far as homosexuality, they are sinners like the rest of us, if they accept Christ and repent even though they may struggle, they can be saved.

The divorce rate is over 50% I think the sanctity of marriage sailed a long time ago..... what happens in church is their business, what happens to our kids, in school is our business, but the law of the land is what it is. It was much worse in Christ's day and He never lead a moratorium or focused on the corrupt and evil culture, except for the religious folks.

If you had an opportunity to share the gospel in N.Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran or China, would you focus on their laws or on the people? If you approach other cultures with your preconceived ideas about what their country should act like, you might very well hinder the gospel. Most countries outlaw homosexuality but have other crimes that are not illegal that kill or hurt many many people... we would still focus on spreading the gospel and not on their laws..... Jesus changes hearts, that changes cultures... tell them He loves them with an everlasting love and stop looking at them as any worse then the adulterers, perverts and baby killers that attend our churches now.

Jesus did indeed speak of iniquity, and He reminded folks of the list of the commandments which details them. There is a time to keep silence and a time to speak. It takes time to grow into this discerning. I've witnessed to many on the streets and have seen folks come to the Lord through my witness presented to them by various verbal presentations. At times, it was important to call a spade a spade, rather than lighten the definition of sin by calling it an "alternate lifestyle," or other PC term. Writing to churches, Paul told them to flee fornication and youthful lusts. To all people, his words are just as applicable.
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