Holding Out


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2017
United States
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No matter the size of the trial it’s always the same issue—waiting it out, so we can continue to grow in our trust and faith in God! One of the most important growth truths is the fact that God always “works all things together for good to them that love God” (Ro 8:28). So, regardless the type of difficulty, and whether or not we understand why we’re going through what we’re going through at the time, He is without fail causing it to benefit us, and continue to increase our faith in Him.

There’s no trial so small and none too big that God takes into account and “works” it out His way! Of all the spiritual exercises God puts us through, waiting patiently on Him in our trials exercises to endure the hardness of all trials. It is quite encouraging when we already know what to do in a trial—hold out, “be still” (Psa 46:10) and wait on God! His answer for us will result for the good of our faith; and our love for Him is commensurate with our faith in Him, because “faith operates by love” (Gal 5:6).

There’s nothing more effective for God’s guidance to us other than knowing we must wait on Him. This is the best time to trust Him and know He is using every little thing for His plans for us! We can do nothing, even if we tried, to interfere with His loving plans for us!