Help for youth ministry...


Active Member
Oct 14, 2004
San Diego
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ok, let me start with some background. my church is new life assembly in san diego, ca. this particular church is located in what most people would call the "ghetto". it is literally in the middle of one of the worst neighborhoods in san diego (i.e. weekly drive-bys, crackheads, cops everywhere, gang fights, etc). i used to live in that area of town when i was younger but i moved to a nicer "white" neighborhood when i was about 7 or 8. what does this have to do with the ministry? well, my church is primarily mexican, and when i say primarily i mean 99%. most of the youth that attend are from broken homes. actually, i would venture to say that 85% of the youth come from homes with single parents or with two non-involved parents. most of the youth that come, come of their own volition because their parents don't attend. these kids are seriously starved for attention. there have been some major break-thrus in our youth group as far as fellowship and whatnot, but we still have a lot of work to do. i guess you could say our youth group would be considered a mission field for most youth groups. almost all of these kids are from non-christian backgrounds, and most are from homes where there is alcoholism, violence, or just general apathy. i come from youth groups where most of the kids got along and we played awesome games, went on retreats, etc. but, that kind of stuff won't really work with these kids. i guess what i'm trying to ask for is any advice on how to better reach these kids, what kind of activities we can do to help get them involved, or just any advice in general. please :help: !

Echoes Peak

Willing Servant
Nov 4, 2003
Marital Status
Well, I've worked with I guess, what you would call "suburban kids" in youth groups, and I've taught kids who came from pretty bad neighborhoods. I think the key to workining with these kids regardless of where the kids from is showing that in you're in it for the long haul. One thing that kids from troubled backgrounds tend to lack is some kind of stability and environment where they feel respected. I would go about developing or incorporating some of the programs and activities that worked when you were in other youth groups with them, but I definitely be sensitive to their needs and their situations. I would adjust accordingly so that any lessons or what not you use is relatable. I have found that when working with any kind of kids, teenagers or even adults, its important to make things relevant to their lives. I think between that and just working to establish a good relationship with these kids, just might be the best way to handle the situation.
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IsLaNdEr AnGeL

Active Member
Oct 19, 2004
iN PaRaDise~GuAm ;)
Hi there. I hope this can help. I'm from Guam. And in our island, we our a melting pot of cultures. We have white, black, asian, pacific islanders, etc. But, we all seem to get along...even in church. With our ministry...we usually pray....pray...and pray some more. We believe that's its not by might, nor by power, but by the spirit of God that is going to get through our young people. If anything, it will be God who break the hearts of stone and turn them to hearts of flesh. After that, I would suggest...that as a group you guys all get to know each other. By like playing basketball or going bowling (anything non-confrontational) where in they won't feel pressured to know about Christ. Instead, what you can do find out what their "felt Need" is and meet that felt need. For example, if their felt need is food because they don't have enough to buy when they are hungry, buy them food. Or if they need a friend to confide in, you can be that friend. Eventually, when they see that there's people there who actually care enough to take time for them, they usally get drawn to Christ. Without you even trying so hard. I've learned in a spiritual parenting class, that "People don't care how much you KNOW, only about How much you Care!". And i think that's important because it's through our show of love for people that will draw them to Christ.
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I majorly agree with Echoes Peak, show them that you are there for them and that you ain't going anywhere.

My team leader has been working here in the Uk in a place called countesthorpe for 8 years and only now are we getting to see some major break thru's as kids realise that we care about them whether they are Christians or not.

You don't have to lay the Christianity teaching on to much, definately have it under lying all you do, but they will investigate for themselves why you are there all the time. That is when your witness will be evident. St Francis of Assissi said " Preach the Gospel at all times,if necessary use words!"
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Active Member
Oct 14, 2004
San Diego
Marital Status
hey thanks for the advice guys. sorry for such a long time between posts. as we've been fellowshipping more and more and having more activities, we've all gotten closer. i've made it a point to just talk to the younger youth (middle school) about anything they wanted. usually they would be the ones to bring up touchy topics like family, etc. one night we went on a hike to the top of a mountain and had a devotional with prayer time. the leaders went around praying for the youth and a lot of the kids really opened up. i know God's moving in the youth. it's just gonna take time and PATIENCE to bring in all of the youth.
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It is what it is.
Sep 13, 2004
Marital Status
Hey drumbum,

I've worked with similar youth. My two suggestions are:
1. Love them! (Which I'm sure is already happening!)
2. Treat them like other kids. You can take them on retreats, to conferences, etc, matter of fact it's critical that you do. They need to see the larger body of Christ particularly Christian Youth. Yes you will need more chaperones, yes you will need to raise a bunch of money to do it. I have found though that when the kids from the ghettos meet with the kids from suburbia it's hugely beneficial to both groups. Your kids need to see that Christianity is liveable as a youth and the kids from "normal" youth groups provide that.

I've been blessed to see some of these kids grow up to be amazing, ministry minded adults. It's very cool to be a part of God's awesome work.

And of course...pray, pray, pray!
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