Headcovering Women


Apr 13, 2012
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I'm not anabaptist at all, but I just wanted to come onto this incredibly awesome thread and chime in. I just started headcovering about a week and a half ago. It's something that I've been mulling over at various times for the past couple of years, but I never went and made that final step. My HOH and I were talking last week about our spirituality, and we both decided it's time to step it up a notch. I asked him the next day what he'd think if I started covering, and he got on board with it immediately!

I'm working on more modesty and submissiveness, so it was a huge thing to me that we were both led to me doing this. He's told me already that he finds my covering highly attractive on several different levels.

So far, I'm only doing the bandana-style (fold into a triangle) sort of headcovering. I've been looking online and absolutely adore the tichels that Jewish women wear because of their big size, pretty colors and patterns, and their versatility. I intend to go modestly in long skirts and dresses, yes, but I don't plan on being "plain" by any means, so I may end up getting a few of these. For now, however, I just have a cute white bandana with a blue border and little flowers on it, as well as a plain white cloth that I cut out myself. The dark blue cloth I bought I'm a little more afraid to take scissors to.

At any rate, I just thought I'd chime in. I love headcovering so far, and I can't imagine why I waited so long to start doing it! I feel so much more feminine like this than I ever did without!
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Feb 13, 2012
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I'm not anabaptist at all, but I just wanted to come onto this incredibly awesome thread and chime in. I just started headcovering about a week and a half ago. It's something that I've been mulling over at various times for the past couple of years, but I never went and made that final step. My HOH and I were talking last week about our spirituality, and we both decided it's time to step it up a notch. I asked him the next day what he'd think if I started covering, and he got on board with it immediately!

I'm working on more modesty and submissiveness, so it was a huge thing to me that we were both led to me doing this. He's told me already that he finds my covering highly attractive on several different levels.

So far, I'm only doing the bandana-style (fold into a triangle) sort of headcovering. I've been looking online and absolutely adore the tichels that Jewish women wear because of their big size, pretty colors and patterns, and their versatility. I intend to go modestly in long skirts and dresses, yes, but I don't plan on being "plain" by any means, so I may end up getting a few of these. For now, however, I just have a cute white bandana with a blue border and little flowers on it, as well as a plain white cloth that I cut out myself. The dark blue cloth I bought I'm a little more afraid to take scissors to.

At any rate, I just thought I'd chime in. I love headcovering so far, and I can't imagine why I waited so long to start doing it! I feel so much more feminine like this than I ever did without!

:amen::clap: Love your post! I've taken out a few of my scarves to start wearing myself. It's a great feeling!
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Apr 13, 2012
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:amen::clap: Love your post! I've taken out a few of my scarves to start wearing myself. It's a great feeling!

Thank you!

One thing that I worried about beforehand, tbh, is people looking at me funny, or thinking I'm a Muslim or something. It turns out it's not really all that big a deal as I thought it was going to be. I've had some weird looks, but it actually doesn't bother me at all.

If people ask me, I'll tell them simply what it's for.
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Mary of Bethany

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Jul 8, 2004
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Hi. :wave:

I've enjoyed reading this thread.

As an Orthodox Christian, I also cover, though I only cover at church or during prayer times at home. Many Orthodox women, even in America, wear headcoverings, though it is left up to the woman, and I know quite a few women who cover all the time.

I either wear large bandanas that cover most of my hair, or larger scarves that wrap around my neck and tie in back and cover all of my hair. My hair is fine, so I also have trouble with some scarves being too slippery. I want to crochet or knit some scarves to wear.

In the past I purchased some scarves from Tznius.com - Modest Clothing, Headscarf, Tichels and Jewish Clothing and have been happy with them.

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Jan 25, 2013
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My wife and I are approximately 60. We may be moving to join a Chrarity kind of church.

One big change will be the way my wife dresses. She has almost always worn pants, and in most of the Christian settings we have been in that has been common.

She may be having some trouble getting used to the idea of dresses, as a faith issue.

So, that being said, here's my questions:

1. What Biblical reasons are there for dresses only, in addition to Deut. 22:5?
2. What other advice would you give to us to help us work through this issue?

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Hi. :wave:

I've enjoyed reading this thread.

As an Orthodox Christian, I also cover, though I only cover at church or during prayer times at home. Many Orthodox women, even in America, wear headcoverings, though it is left up to the woman, and I know quite a few women who cover all the time.

I either wear large bandanas that cover most of my hair, or larger scarves that wrap around my neck and tie in back and cover all of my hair. My hair is fine, so I also have trouble with some scarves being too slippery. I want to crochet or knit some scarves to wear.

In the past I purchased some scarves from Tznius.com - Modest Clothing, Headscarf, Tichels and Jewish Clothing and have been happy with them.


My mother never attended church services without a headcovering and usually wore hats in public. Her headcovering of choice was a hat. IMO it met the biblical requirements of covering her head adequately.

I attend a church where many of the women do not wear any headcovering (lest they offend some non-existant person) or, if they do, it is a tiny lace doily held in place with a hairpin. I joke that if I were to attend church with my loins covered in such a manner I would be promptly arrested.

I find it comforting that headcovering is practiced by godly women all across the Christian spectrum and pray that more might come to practice this biblical teaching.
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Follower of Yeshua
May 7, 2010
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My wife and I are approximately 60. We may be moving to join a Chrarity kind of church.

One big change will be the way my wife dresses. She has almost always worn pants, and in most of the Christian settings we have been in that has been common.

She may be having some trouble getting used to the idea of dresses, as a faith issue.

So, that being said, here's my questions:

1. What Biblical reasons are there for dresses only, in addition to Deut. 22:5?
2. What other advice would you give to us to help us work through this issue?


Honestly, there are none. And even Deut. 22:5 is not talking about a woman not wearing pants-but rather a woman not wearing "armor", which basically probably means that a woman should not fight in a war. With that being said...I only wear dresses and long skirts myself-it's something I felt led to do. Not because I saw a bible verse that commanded me not to wear pants, but because I started noticing how obviously a pair of pants/jeans accents an area that could cause lust in someone walking behind me. Let's be honest-our eyes are automatically drawn to that area when walking behind someone in tight pants! Not that I have this great figure, but in no way do I want to cause anyone behind me to stumble in their walk. As for headcoverings, I wear one every day, and have been for over a year....but now I have questioned my reasons. It used to be because I thought Paul "told us to" in 1 Corinthians 11. But now I am understanding that it was NEVER a Torah commandment of YHWH (God) in the Old Testament, which is all that was around in those days! And we are not to "add or subtract" from the Word of God! So while I still am going to continue to wear my headcoverings, I now can say that while it was never one of God's commandments, I am wearing one out of modesty, and as a symbol to myself that I am under the covering of Yeshua as my Savior. I am in no way going to imply that it is something mandatory to do (like I used to do!), because it's basically a custom and a tradition of man (or woman! lol) instead. The ONLY people who were commanded by YHWH to wear a headcovering was the High Priests because they were directly in the presence of YaH in the Holy of Holies. So anytime we "add" a commandment that we have to wear a headcovering, is simply not something that YaH approves of...it's just following a tradition that man created. But to wear one simply for reasons of modesty is fine. :)
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Mar 10, 2011
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Hi, I am glade to see other women convicted to wear head covering, I believe God is instructing me to do the same, but I am surprised many of you are wearing them all the time, I do not find this in scripture.

Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the Corinthian church because they were behaving carnal, and behaving unholy in their public gathering of The Lord Supper, women were speaking out of line, people talking in tongues without interpretation, and many prophesying.

He taught them how to have a more organized respectful gathering, one that would honor The Lord, a worship service that would not scare guest away with the babbling of tongues with no interpretation, one where married women (not single women) would cover their heads in the church (not to Target or local grocery) to display the order of submission in the family of Christ
The head of every man is Christ,
the head of a women is her husband
and the head of Christ is God

4A man dishonors his head if he covers his head while praying or prophesying.

5But a woman dishonors her head if she prays or prophesies without a covering on her head, for this is the same as shaving her head. , (1 Corinthians 11)

I am a christian women who is married, I am to cover my head when gathered with other men and women for prayer. ( 13Judge for yourselves. Is it right for a woman to pray to God in public without covering her head)

This would be the only time, not when I am alone with other Christian women, or just going about my daily chores, or away from home and at my work place. (You can if you like, but it would not be in sin if you did not)

10For this reason, (prayer, prophecy, and to display order of submission in the church) and because the angels are watching, a woman should wear a covering on her head to show she is under authority. ( 1 Corinthians 11)

I find it very curious that Paul tells the church to do this because the angles are watching.
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Follower of Yeshua
May 7, 2010
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Hi, I am glade to see other women convicted to wear head covering, I believe God is instructing me to do the same, but I am surprised many of you are wearing them all the time, I do not find this in scripture.

Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the Corinthian church because they were behaving carnal, and behaving unholy in their public gathering of The Lord Supper, women were speaking out of line, people talking in tongues without interpretation, and many prophesying.

He taught them how to have a more organized respectful gathering, one that would honor The Lord, a worship service that would not scare guest away with the babbling of tongues with no interpretation, one where married women (not single women) would cover their heads in the church (not to Target or local grocery) to display the order of submission in the family of Christ
The head of every man is Christ,
the head of a women is her husband
and the head of Christ is God

4A man dishonors his head if he covers his head while praying or prophesying.

5But a woman dishonors her head if she prays or prophesies without a covering on her head, for this is the same as shaving her head. , (1 Corinthians 11)

I am a christian women who is married, I am to cover my head when gathered with other men and women for prayer. ( 13Judge for yourselves. Is it right for a woman to pray to God in public without covering her head)

This would be the only time, not when I am alone with other Christian women, or just going about my daily chores, or away from home and at my work place. (You can if you like, but it would not be in sin if you did not)

10For this reason, (prayer, prophecy, and to display order of submission in the church) and because the angels are watching, a woman should wear a covering on her head to show she is under authority. ( 1 Corinthians 11)

I find it very curious that Paul tells the church to do this because the angles are watching.

Again, headcovering was never a Torah command of YHWH (God). So if He did not tell women to cover their hair, then who is Paul to add to the commandments of YHWH? I have studied many articles and sermons about this. In the Torah (1st 5 books of the Bible), YHWH gives us His commands of how to live, worship Him, treat others, what to eat, how to dress, etc. etc. That's why Yeshua (Jesus) says that when we love God and love others, the entire Law hangs on those two things. The Torah just expands them out and tells us exactly HOW to do them.
With that being said....there is NO command in the Old Testament to wear a headcovering, except for the High Priests going into the Holy of Holies each year to sacrifice to atone for the sins of the people. They had to wear a covering because they were directly in the presence of YHWH.
When Christ died for us, the veil was torn....and HE became the Mediator of the New Covenant. HE became the covering over man.
Women are still under the covering of men though, and they can choose to wear a physical covering on their head IF they choose, which was what was going on culturally during the biblical times, and up until this day.
To wear a covering is NOT a command of YHWH, so it is not a sin not to wear one, but it shows respect,and a submission that a woman is under the covering of her husband, or a male figure.
The words Paul used are mistranslated from Greek to English. The word should be "women", and not necessarily just "wife". Therefore, it is not incorrect for a divorced, widowed, or single woman or young girl to wear a covering.
The command is to "pray without ceasing". Since I have been covering, He has put many people (men and women) in my path that I pray for....in grocery stores, at doctors offices, etc. etc. I pray at work on break, so to me it would be very difficult to want to pray for someone, and have to dig around somewhere to find something to cover my head with. So I wear one continuously.
The thing about the angels is that they are ALWAYS watching us, to see who is properly observing the spiritual order of God's creation.
The headcovering is way more detailed than it seems! If you google "Christian headcovering", you will find hundreds of articles on it, as well as sermons. There have been books written, etc. A very deep article that I like a lot is a free eBook by Gary Naler called "Coverings". All of his young unmarried daughters cover continously like I do.
Also, I have heard of amazing things happen spiritually to those who wear a covering. For instance, a pastor said that he started having nightmares, and his wife started wearing her headcovering to bed, and they went away!
I personally started having horrible demonic thoughts in my head not long after I got saved. I would cry and cry to YHWH to help me with it. Last year He strongly led me to headcovering, and little by little, the demonic thoughts eased up, and I can honestly say that I cannot remember the last time I had one! I'm not saying that the covering is some magic thing, but it has some sort of spiritual meaning to it, just like many things in the Bible do....baptism, Lord's Supper, headcoverings, etc. etc.
To me, I also wear one as a modesty thing. I am set apart by YWHW, and am choose to dress in a way that would be pleasing to Him as His daughter and Bride....in long dresses/skirts, and with a headcovering that I wear all the time as a symbol that I belong to Him and am observing the spiritual order of His creation-YaH first, then Christ, then man, then woman. Sort of like a wedding ring! :)
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Mar 10, 2011
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Migdala thank you so much for your information in this matter.

My research has showed me it needs only to be warn in the church setting, for the unbeliever is not of the church family, and it has no meaning to them, other than curiosity, or repulsion from feminist or independent women, who would view it as bondage to religion, not a good witness to me, looks to much like a Muslim women.
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My wife and I are approximately 60. We may be moving to join a Chrarity kind of church.

One big change will be the way my wife dresses. She has almost always worn pants, and in most of the Christian settings we have been in that has been common.

She may be having some trouble getting used to the idea of dresses, as a faith issue.

So, that being said, here's my questions:

1. What Biblical reasons are there for dresses only, in addition to Deut. 22:5?
2. What other advice would you give to us to help us work through this issue?


For what it is worth: I cover. I cover most of the time as we are asked to do if praying or prophesying in public. As I have a vocal ministry it is more to show submission to God than to my husband ~ a little different to the usual reason women give for covering. As the vocal ministry is public I cover. I also get more questions & opportunities to share the gospel because of the covering.

I also wear trousers all the time. I don't even own a dress. I generally choose long loose tops that come down over my hips ~ which deals with some of the modesty issue. I like salwar kameeze ~ which are both modest & comfortable but not traditional western garb & can make people feel uncomfortable. I actually believe trousers are more modest than dresses as the skirts don't lift in the wind or when small children clamber over you. I can find nothing in the bible that forbids the wearing of trousers for women, only that there should be distinction between men & women. In Jesus' day both sexes wore robes ~ but there was no gender confusion.

I would go with how the Holy Spirit leads you as it is not the same for everyone.
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It is so ordered.
Mar 11, 2013
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I make my own coverings. Being a fun-loving teenager, I usually find yarn that matches my clothes I can't seem to insert an image in this comment, but if you click on my profile it comes up. Message me if you are interested in me making one for you!
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May 23, 2013
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I also make my own coverings.

I usually wear a veil-style covering. I buy stretchy material from a fabric shop (I think lycra or spandex or something like that?), I need about 55-60cm for length and it falls just past the collar. I usually trace/cut around one of my pre-existing veils to get the shape - a bit like a kite with a rounded top and bottom. Then I hem the edges and sew the corners together. It slips on and pins (I use bobby pins or clips) at the front. I find this is a very practical style, very cool and light which is important in Australia! You might be able to see this in my profile pic.

I don't wear a kapp-style covering very often, mostly because they don't stay on my head/hair very well, and I feel they often sit too far back to really cover the head. But when I do, I usually use the pattern/how to at Shepherd's Hill (I can't post links yet! Sorry!). I use cotton or poly-cotton for that.

Although I mostly wear white recently, I've been known to wear other colours and might buy some other colours to make headcoverings out of sometime - but I would only buy colours that match two or more of my dresses. I've got quite a collection of op-shop scarves which I sometimes fold bandanna-style and wear. The larger ones I sometimes wear tichel-style if I'm at home all day.

I make my own because I don't see the point in buying something I can make myself. Especially as things which might be reasonably-prices on the internet turn out to be very very expensive when you factor in that they've got to be posted from America to Australia.

I did think that people might stare when I started covering, but they don't really. Actually, I get more stares depending on what dress I'm wearing. If it's just a skirt and shirt or something, no-one bats an eyelid, but when I wear a cape dress, I get some odd looks.

from Rachel.
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Mar 3, 2013
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Are there any other head covering women on here? Where do you purchase your head coverings?

I just got a simple ivory covering from Garlands of Grace and I love it!:)

So disturbing I'm never covering MYSELF UP. I don't see any men covering themselves up, why should women cover themselves up. DISTURBING. Make me feel subservient and weak. NO, I am equal. I'm never doing that ever, be assertive and proactive, be competitive and collaborating, NOT avoiding and accommodating.

Can't do or be anything like that EVER> How are you supposed to improve ANYTHING if you don't have any confidence and KNOW that change can happen.

Like what I like to say "If you want anything to get done, do it yourself" because no one else will do ANYTHING

NO. Horrible worst thing to do in entire world. I be independent and assertive and get things done, change and improve things

Get it done - ACTION
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May 23, 2013
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To Christian7PraiseJesus,

Although I respect that you have your own opinion, I would ask that you please consider your words before you type them and also check the Bible before forcing your opinions upon others. None of the ladies on those post have tried to force others to cover, and nor should others try to force us not to. I will try to address your comments as best I can from a Biblical viewpoint.

First of all, you don't see Christian men wearing a headcovering or prayer covering because the Bible specifically tells them not to - "Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonours his head." 1 Corinthians 11:4. It's also mentioned again in verse 7 - "A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God."

Verses 5 and 6 deal with women, "(5) Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head - it is just as though her head were shaved. (6) If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head."

Secondly, there is a "headship order" - that is, an order of things. It's laid out quite plainly in 1 Corinthians 11:3, where it says, "... The head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God." We're not really equal to men, they're our "head", just as Christ is their "head" and God is Christ's. If we "dishonour" our "head", it's dishonouring Christ and God, as well as man.

But the headship order doesn't, as you suggest, say that we are subservient, weak, or avoiding. Verses 8 to 12 say, "(8)For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; (9) neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. (10) For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head. (11) In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. (12) For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God." From these verses, it would seem that God's order of things agrees with your suggestion that women should "collaborate" with man - we're both designed to help each other out. Men aren't stronger or better than women - we're just different.

Headcovering certainly isn't a sign that we're subservient and weak. It's a sign of respect - respect for God, and respect for our father or husband. And, quite the opposite of showing that we're subservient, the Bible even says that the headcovering is a "sign of authority"!

Please, in future, prayerfully consider your words before you write something which can be so hurtful to those of us who are doing our best to follow God's word and respect Him.

with love and God bless,
from Rachel.
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Apr 29, 2013
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So disturbing I'm never covering MYSELF UP. I don't see any men covering themselves up, why should women cover themselves up. DISTURBING. Make me feel subservient and weak. NO, I am equal. I'm never doing that ever, be assertive and proactive, be competitive and collaborating, NOT avoiding and accommodating.

Can't do or be anything like that EVER> How are you supposed to improve ANYTHING if you don't have any confidence and KNOW that change can happen.

Like what I like to say "If you want anything to get done, do it yourself" because no one else will do ANYTHING

NO. Horrible worst thing to do in entire world. I be independent and assertive and get things done, change and improve things

Get it done - ACTION

Although I am not from this part of the forum, perhaps you would like to take a look at 1 Corinthians 11 vs3-16. That will explain the biblical aspects.

With respect to the rest of your post, you have to understand that there are Christians that live their entire lives to the very word of the Bible with little time for imaginative interpretation. Whether you like it or not, women are subservient to men in terms of biblical hierarchy but that doesn't mean that in other areas they are not equal or even superior. A man and a woman, together are a team under God. They bring different things to the team. Each, on their own does not fulfil God's plan entirely. But, like any successful team, a leader is required and God decrees that the man is the head.

Examples can be seen here...

Genesis 3:16 -- ...Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you...

1 Corinthians 11:3 -- ...the head of the woman is man...

1 Corinth. 14:34 -- ...women... must be in submission...

Ephesians 5:22 -- Wives, submit to your husbands...

I think that you should do a little reading or study to understand God's instruction to us.
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Dec 15, 2012
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I haven`t heard a disussion or disagreement among christians about clothes, hairstyles etc. for ages. It used to be almost a fad and for some an obsession.
Actually came to check out information on anabaptisats and related denoms.
Still do way more reading on these forums than I log in to post....

Anyway...I like womens` headcoverings, although that has nothing to do with my faith.
I just think they are beautiful, regardles of whether they are plain or funky, whether they are western styles or non-westen styles.

I am into the snood version, if you all who wear headcoverings consider snoods [proper?] headcoverings.
A friend once asked me to make her a snood and I had no idea what it is.
After she told me I launched into making lacey crocheted snoods with very skinny cotton threads. I wear them myself too.

Clothes and hairstyles are two of the topics I refuse to argue about.
That seems ridiculous - aren`t there enough real problems around to wrestle with??

As far as modesty is concerned, I DO believe in modesty for BOTH, women and men.

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