Have You Received the Holy Ghost Since You Believed?

Presbyterian Continuist

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Mar 28, 2005
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From a very early age, I had always believed in God. I went to Sunday school in church where I learned about Jesus, his life and ministry. I remember regarding him as a very good man, an example to aspire to, but I never really understood what it truly meant to be a Christian. However, those Christian men and women who taught me, and those who looked after me at a young age, planted a seed in me. Later in my early twenties, I had a desire to come to know Christ, to have peace with Him and to receive forgiveness of my sins.

One January evening in 1994, I was in my bedroom at university, I was reading passages from the gospels and a tract that someone had given me from a local church. I quietly prayed to God to show me how I could follow Christ. It was if that everything I was reading suddenly came to life. For the first time in my life, I recognised who Jesus was, not just any person, but the Son of God who died to save us from our sins. My heart responded to him that night and, if I remember correctly, I spent the rest of that evening singing and dancing in the shower. I experienced indescribable joy.

In the summer of 1994, life started to become very challenging. A lot of the Christians who had supported me in my first steps of faith had gone home for the holidays. I felt alone. And over the coming weeks, doubts started to enter my mind. Was I really a Christian? Would God really accept me? I started to focus on every reason why He would not. Every sin, real and imaginary, would upset me, thinking that God no longer wanted me. Several weeks into my summer vacation, I started to become very depressed, thinking that God had left me and that, no matter how I tried, He would not have me back. I used to have nightmares at night thinking that something terrible would happen to me. It was like living 24/7 in a pit of despair.

One evening, I was at a friend's house chatting around the dining table and I felt so tormented that I had to go and lock myself in the bathroom. I apologised shortly afterwards and said that I did not feel well and had to go home.

When I got home, I went straight through the front door, up the stairs to my bedroom, and closed the door. I went on the floor, on my hands and knees, for about half an hour, pleading with God to help me out of my despair. I got up and sat on the bed. Within minutes, I felt completely surrounded with the presence of God. I felt I had been completely lifted out of a pit of despair and being embraced by His love. It seemed to last a long time, and the next thing I knew was that I had fallen asleep and enjoyed the most refreshing sleep I had as long as I could remember. I woke up the next morning with confidence and joy. My face was smiling at just about everyone I met that day. I returned to my friend's house in the evening and the entire family there looked at me with surprise and said "something has happened to you".
This exemplifies the verse: "If you seek the Lord with all your heart, you will find Him." By locking yourself away and seeking the Lord the way you did, brought the presence of God back to you, increased your faith, and stabilised your confidence in Him. It is when we give up trying in our own strength, and go to the Lord and rely totally on Him, that He responds in love and grace toward us.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Mar 28, 2005
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i agree with you totally and that scripture you quoted was why i posted on this subject ... because that scripture terrifies me... which theres no doubt in my relationship with Christ where i stand because Jesus was our example in the flesh and when i did get saved everything became natural to me as far as loving your enemies , walking in Love, a deep desire to develope my own personal relationship with Christ , hunger and thirsting for rightousness, seeking a Holy walk , upon recieving Christ into my heart i was instantly changed and gifts of the spirit came on me at the time of waking up speaking in tongues ... im just not understanding why i woke myself up speaking in tongues but since that night ive never spoken or prayed in tongues ....
What many miss is that praying in tongues is an act of faith in God's Word which says that those who are baptised with the Spirit are able to pray in tongues. They wait for the Holy Spirit to do it for them instead of them stepping out in faith and doing it themselves. As the person acts in faith, attempting to make up a language that expresses the desire and burden of their hearts in prayer, the Holy Spirit responds by inspiring the words which start to flow out of the person.

If you have an artesian well pump in your back yard, you can sit and look at it until the cows come home but nothing will happen. The pump will not work by itself. You have to pour water down the top to prime it, and then you have to work the handle to get the flow of water happening.

It is the same with tongues, prophecy, any other spiritual gift, preaching the gospel to get sinners saved. You have to start the process in faith. When you make up the language to speak, it is what you believe you are doing which makes the difference. If you believe that you are just babbling nonsense, then that is just what you are doing. The writers of Star Trek have made up languages for different alien races and these sound like tongues, but they are not Holy Spirit tongues, because the languages are made up for the characters in the television programme. There is no thought of expressing any of those languages in prayer to God. These characters are speaking the languages on the basis of their belief and it not upon the basis of faith in Christ.

But a person who asks the Lord to guide their tongue to express a prayer burden in the Spirit believes that what he starts to speak is a spiritual language that God understands. Then they sense a flow of language from them with words that are being inspired by the Holy Spirit as they continue consciously speaking. They can stop speaking at any time, or they can choose to continue praying in the language until they feel that their burden or desire has been satisfactorily expressed.
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Feb 14, 2020
United States
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The witness to me of the Holy Spirit is my changed life which began immediately and continues now 40 years later. Included has been periodic signs, visions, dreams that fulfill in life. But those aren't the real signs of the Spirit, it's changes in my life that you just don't make in the flesh and stick to. You have to have a spirit life. I can look back over the 40 years and see He was always with me through it all. The proof is in living it.
Amen! Me too!
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Half-ready for Anything.....
Jul 29, 2015
Phoenix, AZ
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Have you? As the Apostles did at Pentecost?
Yes I was 18 and my uncle was on his deathbed and I was immature and in shock by his grotesque physical appearance but he looked me in the eyes and it was like I sat down and was watching someone else. The holy spirit delivered the most eloquent reassuring message to him and told him what to do to be saved and forgiven and then it left me and we left and my boyfriend was like " where did that come from? That was amazing!! How did you know what to say.?"and I was still freaking out on his appearance and I said " I dont know. What did I say? That wasn't even me." Then it dawned on me! It was the Holy Spirit! Thats the only time though.
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Aug 4, 2020
The Hague
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ok i got a question on this topic of speaking in tongues when i got saved in a holiness church ... that night i woke myself up speaking in tongues / unknown language... but as far as im aware ive never spoken in tongues since that experience how ever i know i have the Holyspirit because healing flows thru me by the Holyspirit and have been told by 5 pastors im a prophet and i have dreams and visions ... however im a little confused on this topic cause i dont have prayer tongues in a unknow language like many others do ... and that 1 time was the only time im aware of that i spoke in tongues... ive never spoken in tongues in the mist of a congragation like many do ... nor have i ever spoken in tongues while awake.... can anybody explain all this and why i've only spoken in tongues once?
That's why it's the initial evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. There can be a time between that initial time and you subsequently speaking in tongues. If I were you I'd keep praying for it.
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The Peanut Buttery Member.
Sep 17, 2013
I think Christian make their own rules sometimes, when I believe that God is a very abstract being.

I don't necessarily agree with this now. Progress may appear abstract at times, but I actually believe Him to be a master architect. The things He does require awesome dexterity, not some arbitrary mood or emotion.
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