
Oct 20, 2010
Eastern Orthodox
Marital Status
I am a mother of a 4year old lovely girl. I and my husband work full time and every day i get 2hours to spend with my daughter. After she sleeps at 9pm, i need to study for my postgraduate exams so that I can progress in my career. otherwise i will lose my job. I FEEL SO GUILTY ALL THE TIME THAT I AM NOT DOING THE BEST FOR MY LITTLE GIRL. are there any mothers out who feel guilty like I do. I feel bad all the time.


God is the Father and Jesus is His son.
Apr 7, 2011
Marital Status
Hi Confusion1982 :)

You're not alone in feeling guilty. I think as moms, we always seem to feel guilty about something. Sometimes, our guilt isn't needed. We're doing the best we can with what we have. I know that I feel guilty for times that I'm not the mother I should be, like saying something I shouldn't or not handling conflict the right way with my children. I too wonder if I'm donig what is best for my children and I think that is a questions that all moms ask and continue to ask all their lives.

This is a tough one. Many women are not in a position financially to be able to stay home with their children and they have to work. It seems that is something you have to do too. If you only have a few hours a day with her, then make them great hours :) You have to work, right? And so does your hubby and in a few short years, she will be in school.

Don't be too hard on yourself. You're doing great. You spend time with her when she is with you and you are doing your other tasks when she is in bed. Guilt is never from the Lord and satan will use whatever he can to get at you and he knows that for you, it is guilt over having to work and not spending as much time as you'd like to with your daughter. Whenever we feel condemned and guilty, we must reject that, especially when its over something that isn't sin.

If you truly cannot make things better for your daughter and this is what has to be for now (you and hubby both working) then you don't need to feel guilty. Just make time with her special. My daughter is 10 and is in school and I'm spread thin with all of my daily tasks and my young son who is only 2 plus my 6 year old son. She was getting sort of lost in the mix so I decided that once a week we'd have "girls night". We do this every Thursday from 7-9pm. It's not alot of time, but she looks forward to it and its time for just her and I... no dad, no siblings... just us girls.

You're doing great... just lean on the Lord and don't let the enemy get you down :)
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God is the Father and Jesus is His son.
Apr 7, 2011
Marital Status
I really love that girls night idea.

I am in a similar situation. My children are 9 and 5. I am working in a preschool as an assistant. I find it hard to keep on top of work, children's homework, and housework. I am studying at night ( to get my teaching degree)

It is so challenging isn't it? Sometimes I'm too tired to even do a girls night, but I make myself :) It really isn't much time together, but it's special because it's all about her for those two hours.

God bless!
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