Game based on Bible passage about killing everything that breathes


Married Mouth-Breather
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Brutal Bible Bloodbaths is now available on Steam Early Access. It has a ridiculous amount of blood though otherwise the graphics are like Minecraft since they are not very realistic.

It is based on Deuteronomy 20:16-20 - and some boys talk about it - I was wondering if Christians thought the humor was offensive...
From the video:

So, in this game God said we have to kill everything that breathes in those cities?

Justin: Yes

Kevin: Even babies?

Justin: Yeah

Kevin: Cool.

Kevin: Is it bad for me to love that command?

Justin: No, you're just being enthusiastic about God's perfect plan

Kevin: That's good, I was worried I might be a psychopath
Though I thought the boys seemed to be pretty respectful of God.

This shows footage of a sacrificed toddler being sliced up, worshipping a foreign goddess idol causing soldiers to kill you, chopping clothed temple prostitutes, ordering soldiers to go on a killing spree, a cow corpse spilling blood onto flowers, receiving a quest, being told to chop living chickens' legs but their head was chopped instead of their legs:

This shows the player chasing people around houses in order to kill them, tidying up after the soldiers by pushing chopped bodies into a pit, and skilfully chopping animals.

Here is the Bible passage it is based on:
Deuteronomy 20:16-20
But what about the cities the Lord your God is giving you as your own? Kill everything that breathes in those cities. Completely destroy them. Wipe out the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. That’s what the Lord your God commanded you to do. If you don’t destroy them, they’ll teach you to do all the things the Lord hates. He hates the way they worship their gods. If you do those things, you will sin against the Lord your God.

Suppose you surround a city and get ready to attack it. And suppose you fight against it for a long time in order to capture it. Then don’t chop down its trees and destroy them. You can eat their fruit. So don’t cut them down. Are the trees people? So why should you attack them? But you can cut down trees that you know aren’t fruit trees. You can build war machines out of their wood. You can use them until you capture the city you are fighting against.


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Brutal Bible Bloodbaths is now available on Steam Early Access. It has a ridiculous amount of blood though otherwise the graphics are like Minecraft since they are not very realistic.

It is based on Deuteronomy 20:16-20 - and some boys talk about it - I was wondering if Christians thought the humor was offensive...

Though I thought the boys seemed to be pretty respectful of God.

This shows footage of a sacrificed toddler being sliced up, worshipping a foreign goddess idol causing soldiers to kill you, chopping clothed temple prostitutes, ordering soldiers to go on a killing spree, a cow corpse spilling blood onto flowers, receiving a quest, being told to chop living chickens' legs but their head was chopped instead of their legs:

This shows the player chasing people around houses in order to kill them, tidying up after the soldiers by pushing chopped bodies into a pit, and skilfully chopping animals.

Here is the Bible passage it is based on:
Deuteronomy 20:16-20
Man, this is messed up, and worldly.

The New Testament speaks out against violence.

DateApril 20, 2024
VerseEphesians 4:31-32 (ESV): "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

Matthew 26:52 (ESV): "Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword."
ExplanationEphesians 4:31-32 is a call for Christians to put away negative emotions and behaviors such as bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice, and instead be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving towards one another. This passage emphasizes the importance of love, kindness, and forgiveness in the Christian community.
Matthew 26:52, on the other hand, is a command from Jesus to one of His disciples, Peter, to put away his sword after attempting to defend Jesus with violence. Jesus' message here was that violence and the use of force are not the solutions to conflicts or threats, but rather, love, peace, and forgiveness should be pursued.

Both passages emphasize the importance of non-violence and forgiveness in the context of religious beliefs and communities. Cults or individuals who use tainted religious views as an excuse to commit heinous acts, such as violence, are in direct opposition to these teachings.
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Married Mouth-Breather
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Man, this is messed up, and worldly.
I don't understand - it is based on the Bible passage. Though I made it so things die straight away rather than suffering.
The New Testament speaks out against violence.
It is based in the Old Testament. Those verses seem pretty clear when they say "kill everything that breathes in the cities of the promised land".
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I don't understand - it is based on the Bible passage

It is based in the Old Testament. Those verses seem pretty clear when they say "kill everything that breathes in the cities of the promised land".
Yeah, the OT does not reflect Christian life nowadays. I am glad that Jesus got rid of the OT in the NT. :) If we all lived like the Old Testament, the world would be a place of death.
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Married Mouth-Breather
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Yeah, the OT does not reflect Christian life nowadays. I am glad that Jesus got rid of the OT in the NT. :) If we all lived like the Old Testament, the world would be a place of death.
It is pretty closely based on the Old Testament but I wouldn't consider it to be a Christian game.
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