Funny kid stories


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Jan 15, 2002
United States
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We can't have a parenting forum with a funny story thread. :)

What are some of the hilarious things your children have done or said?

A few months ago my 6 year old daughter decided that she had had enough of her older brothers picking on her. She decided that she was going to run away and live in the park. :( The funny part was when I asked her what she would do for food? She opened her Wal-Mart bag that she packed in a hurry and pulled out a gallon of HI-C punch and a jar of garlic salt. She said I'm too little to reach the good food maybe I better just live here. (I think she realized you cannot survive very long on Garlic Salt). :D We both start laughing.

Can't wait to hear your stories. :)


Feb 7, 2002
*displaced* CA, soon to be AZ!
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/me cracks up at the thought of living on Hi-C punch and garlic salt...

Poor kid! One bite of garlic salt, and the gallon of punch is history!

I guess my daughter was about three, and my son was still an infant. My husband and I were home from work, and we decided to pile the family into the car and do some shopping. Now, Hubster and I were using this valuable time to communicate with each other, you know, normal parental conversations.

My daughter was being a motormouth in the back seat, interrupting EVERY SINGLE sentence we said. She had opinions on EVERYTHING. And she made sure that WE HEARD those opinions, too!

I got exasperated. Finally, I turned to the back seat chorus and said, "Now, Theresa, this is the time for Mommy and Daddy to talk to each other. You are NOT to interrupt us, unless you have something IMPORTANT to say."

All got very, very quiet. We waited.

Here comes a voice from the back seat: "Excuse me. I have something IMPORTANT to say."

"Yes, Theresa, WHAT IS IT?"

"I have a hole in my pants."

I STILL laugh myself inside out remembering that!!

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