Friends in low places

:cry: :help:

My fiance and I are going to be married on May 17th. Although I love him with all my heart, and will forever be thankful to him for bringing God into my life. I don't like his friends. No matter how much I pray about it I just can't get the feelings of hate out of my heart. He has been a Christian his whole life, and while this is new for me, I judge them on their lifestyle choices and do not want to associate with them. Everyone of them (and there's A LOT) do drugs and drink on a regular basis. (One has a naked picture of his wife painted on his Harley).
Everytime he's with them I feel like he's cheating on me. The emotions I feel are extremely hurtful. I don't want to feel like this. He tells me that Christians don't judge others and I should like them because he does. But I just can't, I don't want them around my house or my soon to be husband. How do I get over these feelings?? Or How do I make him see things the way I do???


can t spell--can t type
Feb 3, 2002
New York state
I do not know your intended but I am going to do something I never do and that is question his salvation or least his leval of christian committment. I had some questionable freinds when i was first saved too and they led me into lots of temptations. Perhaps he feels the way I did and I could change them but it didn t work for me I sank to their leval. The Lord graciously removed them all from me but I still have to bear the consequences of those relationships.
I agree with you. i would not want anyone who makes me feel uncomfortable in my house. Maybe you will have to give your fella a choice them or me and if he chooses them you will know how he really feels now instead of when it is too late.
No we are not to judge but to use descretion.
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High speed, Low drag.
Oct 21, 2002
Korea for the time being.
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"Jesus loves the outcasts. He loves the ones the world just loves to hate." -Relient K

There is a reason for everything. I try to make the best of every situation. If God has put me in a place that I don't feel comfortable in, I think I need to look at any reasons why I'd be there. Growth may be one reason in your case. Maybe He's chosen to help you develop a heart for ministering to people such as these. Given time, every one of your fiancee's friends could come to know the Lord through YOU! Your love and actions toward them will likely be the most prime example of what living a Christian life is. I'll be praying for you and your situation.
Love in JC,
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Not drinking the kool-aid
Site Supporter
Feb 4, 2002
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Remember, you cannot change your man if you marry him. Don't marry him with out resolving this first. I don't think you are wrong to not want these buddies of his hanging around. It's one thing to befriend someone with the intent of helping them along in their relationship with God or if you're witnessing to them or whatever. It's another thing to love the things of the world and to devote yourself to a sinful lifestyle. 1 John 2:15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
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does he do any of the stuff you don't like about his friends? my hubby's closest friends sound exactly like yours and i don't particularly care for them too much, but i know i can't tell him who he can be friends w/-i wouldn't want him to tell me who i can be friends w/. in our case, we usu. hang out w/ them together so i know he's not doin something behind my back. also, maybe try to find some new friends through church or something to hang out w/-it's hard not to hang around certain people if theyre the only friends you've got.
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Apr 14, 2002
Marital Status
As far as you go, he is giving himself to you when he gets married. It doesn't matter if his friends hang out with Billy Graham. You are the priority. If soemthing tries to share that priority then there will be problems. Marriage isn't dating. It isn't wearing a ring and moving in. It is a life long committment to one other person and forsaking everything else.
When I was younger, I wasn't ready to do that. I could have gotten married, but I wasn't ready to be a good husband.
A woman isn't a ball and chain, she is a partner for life.
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