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Born to Watch

Mar 19, 2011
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In our lustful society nudity will cause some to sin.
Socially it isnt acceptable in most of Australia. It is not a good image for the church and would probably alienate the church.
Seriously do you believe Jesus walked around naked in Jerusalem? Do you believe we are to be Jesus? Can you in all good Christian conscience serve as Jesus did by imposing your nudity on others.

Its not about serving your own will, its about serving others as Jesus did.
People who call attention to themselves are doing the exact opposite of what we are lead to do as Christians.
Humbly serve others as Jesus showed us, by his actions.

Nudity is about self.
Christianity is not about self.
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I don't like titles
Jan 8, 2005
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The Dag,
The problem with your line of thought is that you are now compelled to excuse all sin simply because frail human church leadership does not all always correctly address sin when it arises. We cannot judge or define sin by how we humans frequently fail to address it but we must hold to the highest standards as stipulated by the Word of God and by the inner witness of the Spirit.

In my opinion there would not be a single person walking this planet who as a nudist who would not be exhibiting various forms of debased behaviour and I am of the strong opinion that anyone who is wilfully involved in such debased behaviour simply has their senses dulled and I could not imagine any individual who is filled with the Spirit of God being involved in such debased behaviour – none and without any exception.

When such people are found within our assemblies they should be cautioned, counselled and if they do not change their behaviour they should be subsequently excommunicated.

If anyone is found to be involved in this type of immorality who has been an ‘active’ member within their congregation for a lengthy period of time, even if they repent of their sin, the amount of time that they have wilfully spent hiding this would also in my view be grounds for them being kept out of senior ministry and leadership roles for a very lengthy period of time.
The problem with your viewpoint is that you assume that not kicking the person out of church is automatically excusing their sin. At no point in time did I say or imply that. When I look at how harsh Jesus words were to the religious leaders of the day and I see churches being the same yet people happily accept that and condone it. That is even worse than excusing a behaviour in my view.

With regard to being honest, I should really be upfront and say that my use of “my opinion” on this website is simply a concession to it being a public forum and particularly that many contemporary Christians and church goers have a moral understanding that is probably inferior to the vast majority of unchurched individuals of say 30 years ago.

Being in my fifties I am part of a generation that has been able to travel through some turbulent times where increasingly for many, right is no longer necessarily right and evil is merely a dated concept that that belongs to the kill-joys and wowsers. Sadly this change has not only affected the secular world but has become entrenched within vast elements of the Church here in Australia – let alone with the rest of the Western world..
I really dislike it when people say things like this. At the end of the day when people make these kinds of statements they are looking at the world through rose coloured glasses! There are things that were done better in the past just like there are things that are done better now. One of the best examples of this is pedophilia. While some were put on trial and sent to jail the standard practice which the church also adopted was to sweep it under the carpet! They paid hush money to the victim. They either transfered the person to another place where they could get at more children or they promoted the person to get them away from children. However this latter option often meant they were able to cover up others doing the same thing. Of course lets not forget the majority of denominations (or factions of denominations) which called dancing evil. I'm sure you remember the old joke that says why don't baptists have sex standing up? Because it might lead to dancing. We can laugh at that but it is based on truth in that dancing was seen as very sinful.
I could give other examples of how things are done better these days if you want. However I think it would be better if one could just acknowledge some things are better while others were worse.
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Mar 6, 2011
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In our lustful society nudity will cause some to sin.
No it won't. Nudity doesn't cause people to do anything moral or immoral.
Can you in all good Christian conscience serve as Jesus did by imposing your nudity on others.
Who, other than you, is talking about imposing nudity on anyone?
Nudity is about self.
Christianity is not about self.
I disagree. Nudity may or may not be about self. While some may want to give in to some narcissistic tendency to display themselves, for most nudists it is nothing of the sort. But I think you'll find that Christianity is fundamentally about self. Who are you saving - me or you? At its core Christianity is as selfish as every other religion.
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Born to Watch

Mar 19, 2011
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Well, I am a Christian and I work hard at having a biblical basis for my beliefs.


Yet stand amongst the atheists?
I am not questioning your Christianity John.
I see Jesus came to us as a servant, unlike the atheists amongst us who have no Christian understanding or relationship. They want to impose not serve.

The book of 1 Corinthians states we are to assume others weakness
Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.
Substitute meat for nudity and you have the answer.

1 Corinthians 10:23 says, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not."

"Abstain from ALL appearance of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:22)

"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9.)

Getting my point, imagine a royal priesthood running around naked and the connotations it evokes. Pedophilia? Wicca?

Its not how we perceive the issue its how the world sees us as Christians.

Who are you serving? Jesus or yourself?
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Aug 3, 2004
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Getting my point, imagine a royal priesthood running around naked and the connotations it evokes. Pedophilia? Wicca?

Are you sure I have advocated that?

Your presuppositions underlie your labels. I think the Pharisees did that about Jesus, when they accused him of being in league with the Devil because he did not fit their categories.

I am well familiar with the weaker brother verses. I have published articles on them. I dislike seeing them misapplied.

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Born to Watch

Mar 19, 2011
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Yet you as a Christian advocate self over service in what is clearly a contentious issue.

Maybe the weaker brother verse is worth another look?

All said and done if you think nudity is acceptable in the Christian community Johnz, then there is little I can do.
God Bless
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Jun 19, 2005
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Yet stand amongst the atheists?
I am not questioning your Christianity John.
I see Jesus came to us as a servant, unlike the atheists amongst us who have no Christian understanding or relationship. They want to impose not serve.

The book of 1 Corinthians states we are to assume others weakness
Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.
Substitute meat for nudity and you have the answer.

So should Christians refrain altogether from eating animal flesh and boycott the likes of McDonald's, KFC and Hungry Jack's like they call for a boycott of nudist venues and beaches? You see where I am going with this?

"1 Corinthians 10:23 says, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not."

Bah and nonsense. If something doesn't kill, maim or injure anyone then give it license. I have NEVER heard of anyone who instantly died or went blind from seeing a naked person or went to a nude beach. Wasn't it Neitschze who taught "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"?

"Abstain from ALL appearance of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:22)

Totally inappropriate verse to use here. God creates us in His image, male and female and says it is 'very good'. So, you are calling God evil because of nudity?! I question as to whether you really ARE a Christian!

"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9.)

What is 'dark' about nudism? Seriously, have you even experienced it for yourself?

Getting my point, imagine a royal priesthood running around naked and the connotations it evokes. Pedophilia? Wicca?

Another strawman argument. Paedophilia in its literal sense is someone who has a generalized love for pre-pubescents. It has nothing to do with child sexual abuse, which should be correctly re-named "Misopaedia". As for Wicca, did Jesus not possess supernatural powers to protect and heal the way that Wiccans do? Did the Pharisees not call him into question as to where he got his power from and he refused to tell them the answer.

I have Wiccan friends and they are very beautiful individuals, certainly not these nasty, evil malicious characters that some "Christians" have painted them up to be. And NOT all Wiccans are nudists/naturists either.

Its not how we perceive the issue its how the world sees us as Christians.

Who are you serving? Jesus or yourself?

Yes, and our reputation as legalistic wowsers leaves a LOT to be desired by society.
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Mar 6, 2011
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