[FORUM CLOSED]MUST READ: Christian Apologetics Statement of Purpose

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Following my Shepherd
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Jan 27, 2004
United States
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Christian Apologetics Forum Statement of Purpose

Christian Members: To participate in this forum please read the sign-up thread and request access.
Non-Christian Members: Please read this sticky thread and follow the instructions before posting in this forum.

Christian Apologetics is a branch of theology that concerns itself with the rational defense of the Christian faith against arguments and opposing viewpoints. The purpose of the Christian Apologetics forum is to give non-Christians the opportunity to start threads to challenge Christian theology, beliefs and practices, and Christians the opportunity to rationally defend their beliefs. Christians may start threads to present an argument in support of the Christian faith. Threads that are started for the sole purpose of ridiculing Christians and Christianity will not be tolerated. Promoting faiths other than Christianity will also not be permitted.

As a general guide for posting topics, non-Christians who are challenging Christianity should offer arguments as to why Christian beliefs are incorrect or untrue. Similarly, threads started by Christians should contain an argument why Christian beliefs are true and correct. All thread topics must contain an identifiable argument against or for the Christian faith. All participants should endeavor to support their arguments, and their rebuttals, with evidence.

Forum Guidelines
  • Christian members must sign up for access to this forum. The sign up thread is located in the Christian Apologetics Center (viewable to Christian members only).
  • Non-Christian members must have 100 posts and 5 likes to post in this forum.
  • Non-Christian members must also read and agree with the rules of this forum (please make an "agreement" post in this sticky thread).
  • Debate about Christian theology, beliefs, and practices between Christian members is discouraged.
  • If Christians want to debate each other on a topic they should do so in the Christian Apologetics Center.
  • Only Christian members (see our faith groups list) may answer questions about the Christian faith or defend the Christian faith against arguments and opposing viewpoints from non-Christian members.

Polemics and Flaming
This forum is for the purpose of debate and interchange of ideas about the Christian faith. To this end, all respectful debate is welcome. However, any denigration of the views, character or intelligence of another member will not be accepted under the site rules on flaming. Posts must address the topics of the thread, and add substantively to the discussion, rather than responding personally to posters.

In the interests of informed debate, members will not speak in a disrespectful way of the Christian God, the Trinity, or the Holy Scriptures (The Bible). A similar respect is expected towards the faith and sacred texts of other religions. Expressing disbelief in God is acceptable, referring to Him as a 'fairy tale' or a 'narcissistic god', or making a comment such as 'god throws a childish tantrum', is not acceptable.

This is a Christian site. Explaining or contrasting the beliefs of another faith is fine, promoting these beliefs as right, good, or to be embraced is not.

Any posters, Christian or non-Christian, who resort to posting hatred of any individual or group will be at risk of being banned from this forum.

Forum Specific Bans
Members who receive multiple staff actions for violating the guidelines of this forum or the CF sitewide rules will have their posting privileges in this forum removed. If you are banned from posting in this forum, please click on the "Support" tab in the header navigation bar, or "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page, and open a new support ticket.

Handling Disagreements

Members who participate in the Christian Apologetics forum are expected to treat one another with courtesy and respect at all times, ESPECIALLY when you disagree with each other. It is not a flame for a member to disagree with another member's argument or opinion on a specific topic. Discussions and debates may at times become heated, so please remember to keep your emotions in check and your responses in line with our sitewide rules and the following guidelines.
  • When you disagree, address the content of the post and not the poster.
  • When you disagree with someone's position, you should post evidence and supporting statements for your position. This policy, sometimes referred to as "X means Y because of Z", must be followed especially when posting claims that are widely considered to be controversial.
  • When you disagree and you find yourself becoming frustrated and angry, step away from the computer and give yourself time to cool down.
  • Always proofread your post before hitting the "Reply" button to make sure you have responded with courtesy and respect.
All posts must adhere to the Christian Forums sitewide rules.

" . . . but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence," (1 Pet. 3:15).
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