Family finds hope, healing. Destroyed Church rebuilt. Convert escapes locked room.


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Jul 27, 2009
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  • Feb. 15, 2024 | India​

    Martyr's Family Finds Help, Healing

    [13] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Sunita and Stuti.
    Like other Christian widows in India, Sunita has been neglected by her non-Christian in-laws.
    Pastor Vinod was killed in 2021, leaving behind his wife, Sunita, and 13-year-old daughter, Stuti. They have struggled emotionally and financially with their loss while living with Hindu family members who refuse to help them. Front-line workers have helped them get counseling, which has given them tools to express and process their emotions and begin to regain some joy. Read More.
  • Feb. 15, 2024 | Benin​

    Destroyed Church Rebuilt, Reopened

    [7] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Benin Christians.
    Voodooists destroyed this church building on National Voodoo Day in 2023. It has now been rebuilt with help from the global body of Christ.
    On January 10, 2023, in a small town in central Benin, a group of voodooists burned down a church when Christians refused to honor local idols. Benin is considered the birthplace of voodoo, and the country celebrates National Voodoo Day on January 10 each year. Occult practices, which include worshiping idols, sacrificing animals and wearing special talismans to ward off evil, are widespread. With VOM's help, the church has been rebuilt and reopened. Read More.
  • Feb. 15, 2024 | Lebanon​

    Christian Convert Escapes from Locked Room

    [8] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Khaled.
    Most Lebanese are Muslims, but around 30% of the country is Christian.
    Khaled's Lebanese Muslim family was displeased when he decided to become a follower of Christ. After learning about his newfound faith, they attacked him and locked him in a room away from his wife, attempting to force him to return to Islam. But Khaled escaped and eventually reunited with his wife. She was also not supportive of his conversion and only allowed him to return if he paid the full cost of their housing and living expenses without any financial assistance from her. He found a new job, is paying the expenses, and is trying to demonstrate God's love to his wife. Read More.