Evidences for Young Earth Creationism


Aug 26, 2003
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I've been to the supermarket and most of the apples look unblemished to me. I highly doubt you could easily spot any differences between the two. I've also seen many without stems.

I grew up next to a ton of orchards. This is the type of thing you see.


Would an apple created 10 seconds ago have a healed scar from a worm eating into it?

If not, then why would rocks have scars from millions of years of radioactive decay, such as uranium radiohalos?


These are no different than the scars from the insects found on apples. These are scars created by the decay chains of isotopes with really, really long half lives.
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I'm where?
May 25, 2012
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So basically your are telling me that if God made an apple, we can tell by the size and growth of the seed/apple how old it is. So by that test we see that the apple is possibly 34-90 days old. But in reality it was just created a second ago.

So we are back to scientists making assumptions about how old the earth is by testing isotope ratios and ignoring a possible creation event. Again you are still making assumptions about the starting ratios.
There is no scientific evidence whatsoever of a recent creation event. Therefore scientists do not take the possibility into account.
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Forty six and two are just ahead of me...
Sep 5, 2012
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So basically your are telling me that if God made an apple, we can tell by the size and growth of the seed/apple how old it is. So by that test we see that the apple is possibly 34-90 days old. But in reality it was just created a second ago.

So we are back to scientists making assumptions about how old the earth is by testing isotope ratios and ignoring a possible creation event. Again you are still making assumptions about the starting ratios.

P.S. Is it correct that Mars is almost exactly the same age as the earth?

No, ED. It has nothing to do with the size and growth. It has to do with the accumulation of trapped radioactive decay byproduct. Radioactive byproduct which does not get trapped while the rock substance is still melted (hence, not yet a rock).

So then what you are assuming is that God embedded different amounts of Strontium, Argon, lead, etc. into the rocks such that it looks exactly like the rock formed millions/billions of years ago.

In other words, because the isotopes decay at different rates, after 1 million years, a different amount of each of those isotopes will have decayed and become trapped in the rock.

So God made the rocks with precisely the right amounts of those isotopes to make it look like they all started decaying 1 million years ago? That's quite the deceptive, trickster god you believe in....
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Feb 10, 2021
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The following is just a concise summary of my more detailed points at my apologetics website, Bereawiki.

1. Human Population Growth:

Annual population growth rates exceed 1% in most of the world's countries, and at a 1% growth rate one goes from 8 people to 7 billion in just 2,071 years. Even if assuming population grew just half as fast as it does today, at a 0.50% growth rate, human civilization would still be only 4,130 years old. And if dropping down to rates just 1/5th the rates seen today, at a 0.20% growth rate, 8 individuals still grow to 7 billion in just 6,849 years.


For an Evolutionist to argue that human population has been around millions of years they must argue that growth has been at a standstill all that time, and that human population did not begin growing substantially until the past 10,000 years. This is a strong evidence the world is younger.

2. Dinosaur Soft Tissue

Multiple instances have now been documented of dinosaur soft tissue including flexible blood vessels and preserved dinosaur skin. Even large numbers of dinosaur eggs with the soft eggshells preserved by massive amounts of sediment after being flooded out of their nests were discovered. While iron has been shown to be capable of preserving soft tissue for 2 years, it does not explain how the organic material could have been preserved for tens of millions, contrary to all predictions of evolution.


A) 2005 discovery of T-Rex soft tissue.

B) 2009 discovery of hadrosaur soft tissue.

C) 2013 discovery of hadrosaur soft tissue.

D) 2013 lufengosaurus egg soft tissue.

3. Transitional Forms

Darwin's falsifiable prediction that the fossil record would produce the required transitions between core types of life has been utterly proven false. Thus his original model of phyletic gradualism was largely abandoned after 1972 when Gould and Eldredge created a new theory, Punctuated Equilibrium, proposing evolution just sped up too fast for the transitions to appear in the fossil record - a convenient way of denying the fossil record's evidence to move the goalposts.

Evolution: Library: Punctuated Equilibrium

Transitions listed today in Wikipedia's list of transitional forms are the same types of life seen today, ancient snails and nautiloids (e.g. Ammonoidea, Nautiloidea) which are similar to snails and nautiloids seen today. Ancient octopi (e.g. Palaeoctopus, Proteroctopus, Vampyronassa) which are strikingly similar to octopi seen today. There are ancient cockroaches (Aphthoroblattina), butterflies (Archaeolepis), spiders (Attercopus, Eoplectreurys), bees (Melittosphex), ants (Sphecomyrma), and leaf insects (Eophyllium), similar to insects today. There are ancient pangolins (Eomanis). There are ancient deer (Heteroprox), camels (Protylopus), and antelope (Eotragus). Etc. However, what is generally lacking are the transitions between these core types of life. Microevolution is compatible with the Genesis 1 account where species were told to speciate after their kinds, and does not infer a common ancestor.

List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A number of bipedal fossils have been discovered in recent years, and the oldest hominids in humanity's family tree are all now recognized to have walked upright and had unusual complexity similar to modern man, such as advanced faces. Orrorin tugenensis walked upright and was in an advanced stage of evolution. Sahelanthropus tchadensis discovered walked upright and had the face of a hominid half its age. Ardipithecus ramidus walked upright and was so advanced it disproved the popular apes to humans theory. Footprints discovered in 2009 showed Erectus walked upright. And Lucy, aka Afarensis, walked upright per a new study in 2011.

* Ardipithecus:

Oldest Skeleton of Human Ancestor Found

* Orrorin:

BBC News | SCI/TECH | 'Oldest' ape-man fossils unearthed

* Sahelanthropus:

Palaeoanthropology: Hominid revelations from Chad : Article : Nature
Facelift seals standing of oldest hominid : Nature News

Oldest member of human family found : Nature News

* Erectus:

Prints Show a Modern Foot in Prehumans (Published 2009)

* Afarensis:

"Lucy" Was No Swinger, Walked Like Us, Fossil Suggests

On top of this a large number of alleged missing links have been discovered to have coexisted so that their evolving from one another as had been claimed is highly unlikedly. Most notably Afarensis and Ramidus coexisted, Neanderthals and Humans coexisted, and Habilis and Erectus coexisted.

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Finds test human origins theory
A New Discovery in Human Evolution - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Skull May Alter Experts' View Of Human Descent's Branches - NYTimes.com
Fossils paint messy picture of human origins - Technology & science - Science | NBC News

Oldest <i>Homo Sapiens</i> Fossils Found, Experts Say

4. Microevolutionary Rates

Microevolutionary rates today are consistent with a young earth, rather than millions or billions of years.

Rapid Evolution

Examples include Australia's cane toads which evolved longer legs and heat tolerance within a few decades, Italian wall lizards which evolved larger heads and new gut structures within a few decades, flowering plants, and rodents. That they can adapt so quickly suggests Earth is far younger, and that a common ancestor is false or we should be able to see the transitions between core types of life occur.

Lizards Rapidly Evolve After Introduction to Island
PLOS Biology: Rapid Evolution of Enormous, Multichromosomal Genomes in Flowering Plant Mitochondria with Exceptionally High Mutation Rates
PLOS ONE: Recent and Widespread Rapid Morphological Change in Rodents
" transitions between core types of life "

What do you mean by that ?
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Feb 10, 2021
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To claim humans have been around millions of years it couldn't just be slow, it would have to be non-existent. Even at a .20% population growth rate, less than 1/5th the rates seen today, human population would still be under 7,000 years old. Furthermore, the countries with the worst technology today have the highest population growth rates, e.g. those in Africa. That doesn't fit your claim that technology is driving faster population growth. If so, why do countries with worse technology have more population growth?
Why are there populations of
species with populations in
only thousands? That don't fit your vlaim.
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