Ever been persecuted in America how to handle it?

Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
United States
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There definitely is anti-Christian persecution in America.
It does not come at you directly for being a Christian but usually in a roundabout way - and it's subtle.
In the workplace you may be labeled as "not aggressive enough" or "having a funny personality", you may be denied promotions or pay rises, you may be the butt of people's jokes.
Outside work, most people are not appreciative when you hand them a tract. People may not want to sit next to you on the bus, if you're reading a Bible, etc., etc., etc.
The way to handle it is to: 1. Thank God you bear the name "Christian" and 2. Ignore their arguments and realise the problem is that something within them rebels against Someone within you.

PS. I no longer live in America. Things may have changed - probably for the worse - in the 25+ years since I've been gone.
There is one thing I have seen, that in spite of the pressures of political correctness, small business often, if not usually, operates according to practicality, and their policy is 'what works'. Thus, integrity goes a long way in the workplace.
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