Statement of Purpose Egalitarian Christians Statement of Purpose

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Jul 2, 2003
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The Egalitarian Christians forum is a forum for discussion and fellowship for members who believe in Bibllcal equality between men and women. Some things about Egalitarians include:

  • Belief that the Bible teaches the full equality of men and women in Creation and in Redemption
  • Belief that both woman and man were created for full and equal partnership.
  • Belief that man and woman were co-participants in the Fall
  • Belief that husbands and wives are joint heirs together of the grace of life and that they are bound together in a relationship of mutual submission and responsibility
  • Belief that both mothers and fathers are to exercise leadership in the nurture, training, discipline and teaching of their children

Some specific guidelines for this forum include:
1. This is a safehouse forum for Egalitarian Christians. Criticizing or mocking members that hold that view is not allowed.
2. This forum is intended to be informational and not for debate. There may be some disagreements, but these should be handled with grace towards one another rather than attacking one another.
3. Abortion cannot be promoted on Christian Forums.
4. Members of this forum may come from all denominations, and may hold a range of positions on the ordination of women as leaders, pastors, or sacramental ministers within the Church. These differing views may be explored within this forum, but that women are called to share in the work of the church alongside their brothers may not be debated. Ordained women and their ministries are to be respected in this forum.

Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage:
Homosexuality and same sex marriage may be discussed in this forum; however, no promotion of these topics is allowed. Promotion is defined as encouragement of the progress, growth, or acceptance of something including advertising and publicity. Fellowship posts can also include statements that are in alignment with beliefs of the given denomination, even by non-members. They cannot include debate or non-beliefs.

House Rules:
All posts within this faith community must adhere to the site wide rules found here (Community Rules). In addition, if you are not a member of this faith group, you may not debate issues or teach against its theology. You may post in fellowship. Active promotion of views contrary to the established teachings of this group will be considered off topic.

For more information, see Theopedia
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