Donald Trump


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Jan 7, 2016
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After a lifetime in front of cameras, this doesn’t bode well. He was more focused on optics than delivering a speech of literal life & death importance to the nation.

Even though Donald Trump had a prepared speech that he simply needed to read from, he still incorrectly described his own policy. This wasn't a little oops. It was a massive one that caused tangible harm. He gave false information about coverage for coronavirus treatment during a global coronavirus pandemic. One that just 2 weeks ago he falsely claimed was a hoax. Now he's personally had interaction w two ppl with confirmed cases, who also interacted w his children. Sen. Graham is in self-isolation bc of having met those ppl.

Also. During a worldwide pandemic creating ongoing economic shock Trump announced a ban of cargo ships from Europe. That was another massive gaffe.

I already made a thread about this but it's already old bc we continue to see the consequences of Trump's incompetent speech. It's not just fodder for Twitter like a silly Biden gaffe some in his base are pettily feasting on. It's also alarming that Trump's team has turned their focus back onto this silliness during a pandemic & economic instability. It shows their priority is always Trump.

Trump’s Oval Office Address Included 3 Major Errors That Had to Be Corrected

Zoomers, do you think a gaffe during an unscripted speech is as serious as 3 major errors in an address to the nation? Trump of course constantly goofs in off-the-cuff remarks too, & is infamous for his "wandering."

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