Diversities of Gifts, Minstries, Powers, Manifestation


Full Gospel believer
Mar 27, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
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Part 2 0f 2
What's being discussed (in 1 Cor 12) is the horrendous corruption within the Corinthian group with relation to the "Charisma" - i.e. - the MANIFESTATIONS of the Spirit in the church, and the obvious egotistical PRIDE and DISMISSAL of others based on the "Gifts" that this or that "Special" person was manifesting. "I do miracles!!! - you only speak in tongues - I HAVE NO NEED of YOU!!!! - I'm SPECIAL - and YOU'RE NOTHING!!!" - leading to the discussion of the "Better way" in C13.
Even though it is common for many writers to speak about some supposed sense of egotistical pride and dismissal of others based on the gifts… “ this is not something that I can see from within the text.
Even though I thought much the same as you do for a number of years which was due to the large amount of material that went along these lines, when I started to carefully read through 1Corinthians I could see no evidence of their being any issues with regard to how some were supposedly dismissing others because they were operating in some ‘lesser’ manifestations of the Spirit.

When I was reading material on this topic, even though some academics were spending a fair amount of time trying to describe this supposed arrogance on the part of some; I could not see any evidence being presented to support their arguments other than some misunderstanding with regard to 1Co 12:21-28.

What we certainly see in 1 Corinthians is evidence with how the wealthy and powerful were lording over those who were of a lesser stature socially; it’s only through the body operating fully within the manifestations of the Spirit that we will be able to see equality in our churches.

Undoubtedly if Paul were to write a letter to many Pentecostal (incl. AOG) congregations today, it would be far more severe than was his letter to the Corinthians and probably more along the line of Galatians, where it seems that many of the local congregations were departing from the Spirit – who knows, maybe they were becoming the first cessationists.

Some good books on the subject (again with wide ranging views):
Ben Witherington, Conflict and Community in Corinth: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians (1995)

Hengel/Jeremias/Michel, Prophecy and Hermeneutic (1978)

Donald Engels, Roman Corinth: An Alternative Model for the Classical City (1990)

Robert S. Dutch, The Educated Elite in 1 Corinthians (2005)

V. Henry. T. Nguyen, Christian Identity in Corinth (2008)

Christopher Forbes, Prophecy and Inspired Speech in Early Christianity and its Hellenistic Environment (1995)

Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, St.Paul’s Corinth (2002)

Richard M. Rothaus, Corinth, the First City of Greece: An Urban History of Late Antique Cult and Religion (2000)

Bruce W. Winter, After Paul Left Corinth: The Influence of Secular Ethics and Social Change, (2001)

John Fotopoulos, Food Offered to Idols in Roman Corinth: A Social-Rhetorical Reconsideration (2003)​
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