Dating and dealing with society

David Domshy

Aug 10, 2016
Edmonton AB Canada
Marital Status
In Relationship
So not so recently I started dating a strong, Christian girl. I am 17, and generally at my age most couples have sex. Now I nor my girlfriend have any intention of having sex before marriage, and my family and my friends keep asking and nagging if we have had sex. It has gotten irritating that i keep having to explain to everyone that we are waiting for marriage. It has gotten to the point that i just ignore the question and of course this has not stopped it.

Is there anyway you have found for explaining to people that we are waiting for marriage and it has worked? or should i continue to tell them and hope they stop?

The Portuguese Baptist

Centre-right conservative Christian-Democrat
Oct 17, 2015
Lisbon, Portugal
Marital Status
So not so recently I started dating a strong, Christian girl. I am 17, and generally at my age most couples have sex. Now I nor my girlfriend have any intention of having sex before marriage, and my family and my friends keep asking and nagging if we have had sex. It has gotten irritating that i keep having to explain to everyone that we are waiting for marriage. It has gotten to the point that i just ignore the question and of course this has not stopped it.

Is there anyway you have found for explaining to people that we are waiting for marriage and it has worked? or should i continue to tell them and hope they stop?

No, other than explaining it, there is no other way.

Just say, ‘No, we have never had sex; we are Christian and, therefore, we are waiting for marriage, because we believe that this is what God wants for our lives, and we are here to serve him.’ You cannot be less ambiguous than this, so this should suffice.

If they criticise you for this, then you just have to tell them that their opinion has absolutely no value to you and walk away. Simple! :)

If the only problem is that you have to repeat it to every single new person who asks you about it, you should be patient because new people do not know about it yet. However, if the problem is that the same people keep on insisting, you should just ask them to stop repeating their worthless opinions.
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