Daily Bible Verses Easter-Pentecost | The Priestly Prayer Of Jesus | We Are Not Of This World


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Nov 14, 2012
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Hey Everyone,

Here is my reflection for today's reading - John 17: 11-19.

The KJV audio is on my site here: Daily Bible Verses Easter Season To Pentecost | Wednesday Week 7 | They Are Not Of The World | The Priestly Prayer Of Jesus Continues – Listen To the Bible! | King James Audio Bible | KJV | King James Version

My reflection goes like this:

The Priestly Prayer of Jesus continues. In these Bible verses, Jesus asks his Father to guard the disciples. Jesus says that he himself has kept them safe while he has been with them. Only Judas Iscariot has been lost to him, and this was known in advance by God and foretold in Scripture; the other disciples have been prepared for the betrayal, in order to help them not to lose heart.

The disciples are going to need to be strong on the journey ahead of them. They will need God’s help continually to sustain them on their mission to preach the Gospel and establish the Church. They will suffer persecutions, and ultimately, for most, martyrdom. Jesus asks the Father to preserve them in faith, to preserve their sanctity.

In these verses, the word ‘world’ has multiple meanings. The world was not made to be evil. It was made by God and God saw that his creation was good. It is for the world that Christ came into the world, to restore that initial and essential goodness, to return mankind to our proper inheritance.

The world, though, does not last and can often be at odds with the life of the spirit. Furthermore, through our actions, people have made some aspects of the world evil and ugly, this following the prompting of the evil one, who tempted us to follow him in sin and error. In this sense, the world is God’s enemy, tempting us still to embrace transitory, fleshly pleasures, at the expense of the immortal inheritance which can be ours.

Through their belief and their fidelity to Jesus, therefore, through receiving Jesus’ word, the disciples are not of the world. They have given themselves to the life of the spirit, and now are sent by Jesus into the world to communicate this gift to all. Through their missionary activity, they are sanctified, and through Christ’s consecration of himself to the Father on the cross. Through this, all Christians are sanctified. The words taught to us by Jesus are truth. The Word is truth.

Additionally, here is a psalm I put up today on YouTube - Psalm 84: