COMMENTARY ON GENESIS CHAPTER ONE: A Scientific Harmonization of Creation Week


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There remains in the minds of those who read the first chapter of Genesis many questions in which some have been answered while other questions left open for interpretation. While many throughout the centuries have put their minds to the Genesis account there are a couple questions that stand out as never being answered: What was the light that God created?, and why was the sun created on Day 4 instead of Day 1? In this presentation you will find those questions satisfactorily answered.

What does it mean to harmonize something into a real scientific understanding? It means that all the details start with a Singularity and the details go in an order that is scientifically plausible. You will find many interpretations of things like the light God created but there is always a flaw that yanks the account out of context. When you read Genesis chapter 1 with an interpretation that doesn't harmonize, that means something is amiss somewhere in the interpreting. Here you will see how the events of creation week beautifully harmonize, showing God's intelligent order of design.

Day 1 - Genesis 1:1

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

The most fundamental verse in all the Bible as well as the most scientific. For those who believe verse 1 will not have problems believing the rest of Scripture.

The first act of Day 1 is the creation of space and the necessary ingredients to start crafting all things. The first thing needed is God. Without God building a space to construct planetary systems cannot be done. God is the Singularity (Exo.3:14).
God Is the Carpenter of carpenters. God the Father put God the Son (Jesus) in the care of Joseph because God saw that Joseph was a righteous man and a fine carpenter. God loves carpenters because they enjoy creating as God loves creating. No Carpenter or Chef shows up for work thinking his supplies will be there. They get their supplies ready before starting their project. Since man is made in the image and likeness of God, logical thinking is also part of us being created by God. God here has created all necessary things to continue His work of creation.

The universe and the earth are now birthed...conceived. God created a space (i.e., expanse) with water, gravity, matter, electromagnetic radiation and photons -- the basic ingredients needed for the creation of the universe and planetary systems.

"...and the earth"

The earth is now in the earliest stage of conception. The earth cannot live on its own because it is not yet considered a planet. The earth is a watery mass in this newly created expanse we also call space. Its also important to this study to understand what the word "expanse" means.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary says:

"EXPANSE, noun expans'. [Latin expansum.] A spreading; extend; a wide extent of space or body; as the expanse of heaven."
Websters Dictionary 1828 - Webster's Dictionary 1828 - Expanse

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible - H7549 רָקִיעַ râqîyaʻ (taken from the book),

"H7549. רָקִיעַ râqîyaʻ, raw-kee'-ah; from H7554; properly, an expanse, i.e. the firmament or (apparently) visible arch of the sky:—firmament.
(1) Raqiya means that which is fixed and steadfast, rather than that which is solid. (1a) The application to the heavenly bodies is simple and beautful: (1b) they are not fickle and uncertain in their movements, but are regulated by a law that they cannot pass over. (2) It comes from raqa (7554) which means spread out. The firmament, then is that which is spread or stretched out--hence an expanse. Thus it is extended and fixed, or fixed space. (3) The interplanetary spaces are measured out by God, and though the stars are ever moving, they generally preserve fixed relative positions; their movements are not erratic, not in straight lines, but in orbits, and thus, though ever changing, they are always the same."

Space is like a large room that God created. The universe is a finite place that had a beginning. Holy Scripture says our Eternal Father deliberately created the universe with a purpose. That purpose revolves around the earth. Humanity is God's greatest goal of creation week. But creating humans is done in steps, as God is the greatest of all scientists and knows what He is doing.

"By faith we understand that the universe was framed by the word of God, so that things that are seen were not made out of things which are visible" (Hebrews 11:3, MEV).

This verse in Hebrews alludes to Genesis 1:1 (as well as other acts of creation).

Genesis 1:2

"The earth was formless and void, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water."

After the creation of space-time, matter and energy, God's Spirit is now moving over the waters of the earth in its conception. This earth is formless and void, empty of anything we would recognize as earth today. It is noteworthy to see how this was translated in the Greek Septuagint:

"ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ἀόρατος καὶ ἀκατασκεύαστος, καὶ σκότος ἐπάνω τῆς ἀβύσσου, καὶ πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἐπεφέρετο ἐπάνω τοῦ ὕδατος."

Word: ἀόρατος (invisible, without form).

Word: ἀκατασκεύαστος (without shape).

There is no evidence in orthodox Christianity that the earth preexisted before the universe. Those who say that the earth had become a wasteland deviate from traditional theology on the matter and succumb to 20th century falsehoods. The universe was created in verse 1 of Day 1. This is what Hebrews 11:3 alludes to.

The earth in this fetal stage of creation has more in common with the bubble in a lava lamp than it does with a spherical planet. This is what is meant by "without shape."
So the earth is merely just a very clear watery substance in space. There are no stars at this point and without the light of stars the universe is a very dark place. The watery deep of the earth cannot be seen. This earth had not become a wasteland due to some mysterious gap between Gen.1:1 and 1:2.
God's Spirit follows up on that creation of space, and now, having the supplies to start creation, will now begin construction. Though here in verse 2 of Day 1 the earth is empty and void...shapeless and unseen.

Recap of Genesis 1:2,

Gen.1:2 - God follows through with His first act of creation and His Spirit is moving over the watery heap. There is no light yet created. The newly created universe is dark. God moves over the fetal earth which is formless, without shape, and void. God is about to create something for the earth.

Below is a gif of how the newly created earth may have looked like (or similar to) in Genesis 1:1-2.
3D Blob GIF by Round - Find & Share on GIPHY

Evidence of a watery origin for the solar system
Evidence of a watery origin for the solar system -

Genesis 1:3 -- The Light

NOTE to reader: The exegesis on Genesis 1:3 is new but the basis in which this interpretation comes from is very ancient. The early church fathers tried to solve this but they simply could not have understood it without a more advanced knowledge of geoscience. This research deals with physics so advanced that its still in its infancy in modern physics.

"God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light."

God created the core of the earth which is kinda like a little sun that burns white hot inside the center of our planet. In the darkness of space the light of this core coming into existence would have been the only truly created light source seen in space, seen through the watery heap, as the universe is still in darkness at this stage of creation. On this fetal earth, it can be safely said that the iron age has begun, as the core is made of iron.

Sonolumenescence may explain God's verbal command here. See star in a jar experiment.
Sonoluminescence (star in a jar) - YouTube

Now of course this is just an example of what happened when God commanded the light to be made. I'm sure that the physics going on here were far more advance than our knowledge of science today. But this little experiment does support the voice of God involved in His act of creation. The core of the earth may have began similar to this experiment in sonolumenescence.

The earth was made by water (2 Peter 3:5 )...water being the main ingredient to the earth. The core is made up of elements that when combined with water will react and create earth (molten rock, soil, the mantle). As God created the core it would have been seen in space at this time. From far off in the distance, the core would have looked like a Pulsar as it churned. The Light of God's Presence would have also been seen. But the light created was not God, although this light came from God's command. God created everything in essential steps necessary to achieve His goal - the habitable globe, תֵּבֵל, οἰκουμένη.

The core is now activated and the earth is now been given the light of life by our Eternal Father.

Gen.1:2. The earth is without form, shapeless, void. God's Spirit moves over the fetal earth as God plans on giving light to the earth.

Gen.1:3. God creates the earth's core which gives life to the earth so that the earth can sustain life. The core forms and begins to churn.

Job 38:14. The earth now takes shape as clay to the seal.

Genesis 1:4-5 - Rotation of Earth

"4 God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day."

Isaiah 45:7,

"I form the light and create darkness;
I make peace and create calamity;
I, the Lord, do all these things."

Proverbs 8:27

"When He prepared the heavens, I was there,
when He drew a circle on the face of the deep."

Traditionally, Genesis 1:4-5 are understood as the earth's first full rotation as a spherical planet.

Clement of Alexandria (150-215 A.D.)

The following is taken from his writing called The Instructor, which I’m citing from the very last page of Book III entitled To The Paedagous:

“And when the seasons, in their circling course,
Winter and summer, spring and autumn, each
Should come, according to well-ordered plan;
Out of a confused heap who didst create
This ordered sphere, and from the shapeless mass
Of matter didst the universe adorn;--
Grant to me life, and be that life well spent,
Thy grace enjoying; let me act and speak
In all things as Thy Holy Scriptures teach”
(Ante-Nicene Christian Library, Vol.1).

St.Ambrose (337-397 A.D.)

"Consequently, the year, too, has the stamp of a world coming to birth, as the splendor of the springtime shines forth all the more clearly because of the winter’s ice and darkness now past. The shape of the circles of years to come has been given form by the first dawn of the world” (St.Ambrose, "Hexameron" The Fathers Of The Church series translated by John J. Savage., p.12).

Ambrose understands that both the shape of the earth and its rotation began on Day 1.

St.Augustine (354-430 A.D.)

“But if the light first created enveloped the earth on all sides, whether it was motionless or travelling round, it could not be followed anywhere by night, because it did not vacate any place to make room for night. But was it made on one side, so that as it travelled it would permit the night to follow after from the other? Although water still covered all the earth, there was nothing to prevent the massive watery sphere from having day on one side by the presence of light, and on the other side, night by the absence of light. Thus, in the evening, darkness would pass to that side from which light would be turning to the other” (St.Augustine, "The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Vol.1." Ancient Christian Writers, Vol.41., p.33).

St.Augustine may not be able to identify the source of light on Day 1, but he, like other church fathers, are reading that the earth was round and began to rotate on Day 1.
What Augustine has right is how the earth is a sphere and rotating at this point. However, he is having trouble identifying the light.

St. Augustine didn't know exactly how the earth turned. But his 4th century mind was on the right idea:

“These writers are then asked why Saturn is cold. Its temperature should be higher in proportion to the rapid movement it has by reason of its height in the heavens. For surely when a round mass is rotating, the parts near the center move more slowly, and those near the edge more rapidly, so that the greater and lesser distances may be covered simultaneously in the same circular motion” (p.52).

What Augustine gets right is that there is something inside a planet that makes it spin. This he would have solved had he known about the core.

From what we read from the early church fathers, its clear to my mind that they were reading a round and rotating earth on Day 1. They were no fools. They were brilliant ancient scholars who understood Scripture well.

On Day 1 God drew the circle on the deep as a building engineer makes designs on constructing a new building. The Scaffolding is up and the shape of the circles of years has now begun from the first full spin of the earth. For God (in verses 4-5) began creating Earth Standard Time. The separation of light and darkness would begin with earth's very first rotation. As the core rapidly spins and forms a chuwg, God ascribed to the earth its spherical shape. The word "chuwg" in Proverbs 8:27 is describing Day 1 of creation.
As the core rapidly churns, the earth takes on its spherical shape. From the moment of the earth's first spin inertia then becomes law.

The earth at the end of Day 1 is now moving and also taking shape like a clay pottery takes shape:

Job 38:14,

"It is turned as clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment" (KJV).

"It turneth itself as clay of a seal And they station themselves as clothed" (YLT).

Both the KJV and YLT best translate this verse to the correct Hebrew understanding. The earth is turning itself at the end of Day 1.


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Day 2 -- Genesis 1:6-8,

"Then God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” 7 So God made the expanse and separated the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse. 8 God called the expanse Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day."

The earth at the end of day 1 is still a body of water. There is no earthly sky and and no land. There is no expanse in which the air flows and the birds fly. All is water.

Clement of Rome (35 - 99 A.D.),

“Thus, by His transcendent might He established the heavens, and by His incomprehensible understanding He ordered them: the earth He separated from the water now encircling it, and firmly grounded it on the unshakable foundation of His own will” (Clement of Rome, Ancient Christian Writers Vol.1., "Epistle To The Corinthians", 33:3).

Flavius Josephus (37-100 A.D.),

“After this, on the second day, he placed the heaven over the whole world, and separated it from the other parts; and he determined it should stand by itself. He also placed a crystalline [firmament] round it, and put it together in a manner agreeable to the earth, and fitted it for giving moisture and rain, and for affording the advantage of dews” (Antiquity 1:30).

Both of these quotations are nearly identical in scope. They both indirectly quote from Job 26:7 and they mention the roundness of the earth.
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the whole earth is covered with water and in water. Thus God creates an expanse...a space...between the waters allowing air to flow between the ocean and the newly created sky (earthly atmosphere).
râqîya' means a space in between objects or a large surface as in the ocean. This is called an "expanse." Outer space is an expanse and the space between land and the earthly sky is an expanse. The NLT renders râqîya' this way in Genesis 1:6-7,

"6 Then God said, “Let there be a space between the waters, to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth.” 7 And that is what happened. God made this space to separate the waters of the earth from the waters of the heavens."

The NLT translated râqîya' as "space." Very good! Space is interchangeable with "expanse"

The expanse covers two things:

A large space in between land and sky -- the open expanse.
A large extended area of the sea, sky or outer space.

"God called the expanse Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day."

The expanse God created separated the waters so that the earth would have air, a sky, atmosphere. The second Day concludes with the earth's second full rotation.

How fast was the earth's rotation before the gravitational pull from the sun and moon? This is hard guesswork. The earth, not having the moon's gravitational pull to slow down the rotation of the earth, may have caused the earth to spin faster and a complete rotation may have been approximately 12 hours. However, the core may not have caused the earth to spin very fast without stronger gravitational pull from sun and moon. All this is hard to determine. However, the earth could not have rotated at too fast a speed or the earth would not have been able to maintain it's spherical shape. For too fast a rotation would result in an egg shaped earth. So exactly how fast the earth is turning in undetermined. The separation of day and night (the day-night cycle) does not reach fruition until Day 4.

"For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else" (Isaiah 45:18).

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Tell Me, if you have understanding" (Job 38:4).

With the atmosphere now created, the fetal earth is now building up the magnetosphere caused by the core and the earth's rotation. The atmospheric layers of the earth are still fragile moments after creation. The core of the earth acts like a generator which needs a little time, per se, to charge up the earth. The "North" (Job 26:7) is now being magnetized by the core which causes our magnetic field. Though while the expanse of the sky now exist, below the sky is nothing but water. Land has not yet appeared on the earth.

Evolutionists have this real big problem explaining the origin of water and assume comets from space bombarded our planet and caused water to appear on earth. You have to wonder how this water could stay on this earth with the sun pounding on the earth from the start?? So even if the earth at this time had an atmosphere there would be no water from comets as it would all be evaporated while entering our atmosphere and on impact. But evolutionists say the earth was somehow a water planet with early life forms evolving without a strong magnetic field! How can this be? If there was no magnetic field, solar radiation from the sun would scorch the earth relentlessly and neither water or an atmosphere would exist on earth.
AAAS is a reliable source of information for evolution theory. In the article linked below, evolutionists say the earth's core didn't even solidify until 500-million years ago--just in time for the ice age. This means that evolutionists believe that all water: the water in our atmosphere, the water of the earth, all evolved without a strong magnetic field!
Earth's magnetic field helped life evolve | Science | AAAS

After this point was drilled into evolutionists, they quickly changed the above article with a new article in 2020 saying the magnetic field was strong the whole time. It's amazing how philosopher's conduct their scientific theories. Once their theory was proven wrong, they just quickly threw down some rhetoric saying the magnetic field was always strong. This is a perfect example of the make-it-all-up-as-you-go method of philosophy.

From the Biblical perspective, no explanation for water is necessary.

"For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water" (2 Peter 3:5).

So who you gonna believe: the Biblical worldview where water makes up the universe, or the evolutionist worldview where trying to explain the origin of water has led to laughter even among their own ranks. You decide..
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Day 3 - Genesis 1:9-10

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good."

The core God created was no small thing. Its essential to the earth and without it our planet may not have land. While Jupiter and Saturn are believed to have cores, those cores may not be large enough in proportion to the size of the two gas giants which could explain why they are gas giants. But God wasn't has concerned about creating those planets for habitation like He was the earth. While some may reasonably ask about the formation of the galaxy, it seems clear that Scripture has the creation of our galaxy on Day 4.

God is creating in the formation of land. He created the core to aid in that formation of land. From his creation of the core things like molten rock and lava would form what will become on Day 3 as nutrient enriched soil.

From the very beginning God drew up the blue prints of His creation. He created many things and caused many chain reactions. God is creating the laws of physics and biology.

The mantle of the earth is now visible from earth's orbit.

Note: There are a few creationists, a small few, who claim the mountains didn't get big until the Flood. This is an unreasonable position to take. The mountains in all their glory were created on Day 3. There is no reason assume there were no mountains until the Flood. The mountains came when the land appeared. No reason to assume it was flat land.

Genesis 1:11

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

God now commands the earth to bring forth grass, trees and all the seeds of each kind of tree and plant of the earth. God is utilizing what He created before to continue what He is doing now. If the earth did not have a core then it would not be considered a living planet. So here you see God working with what He already made to create trees and planets and all the seeds therein.

Genesis 1:12-13

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

13 And the evening and the morning were the third day."

The soil of the earth is now formed and enriched. God now creates the DNA of all plant life and the seeds of life which provide a lush green covering over the earth. The plant life includes trees, of course. The earth is now being oxygen enriched on Day 3. However, plants need time to germinate so God's Spirit is aiding the process. God knows these seeds of life are fragile and allowing the earth a few moments to marinate, per se, before bringing out the big bad boy sun, is essential to the success of all plant life. God's Spirit Is the Gardener which is all that is needed. The creation of earth and all that there is therein is not an act of nature making itself. Rather, God's Eternal Spirit is there creating. The only thing this explanation offers that is naturalist is how God created the laws of physics in such a way that would aid in the process of His creation through natural chemical reactions. Take a block of sulfur and carefully cut a small piece of it and dropped it into a flask of water less than half full and see what happens. Now just think of the reaction the earth's core made up of an alloy combination of iron and nickel, along with small amounts of other dense elements like gold, platinum, and uranium - and vast amounts of sulfur! God did all this by Himself. He knew what He was doing and knows all things about how chemical reactions work. Yet God is in control of everything that is being created, and it was God Who created the natural order of things.

"And the evening and the morning were the third day."

At the end of Day 3, the earth's magnetic field is protecting the earth and plants and trees have had a chance to bring forth seed in God's Presence. With the earth now ready for life, its time to complete the purpose of earth's rotation - the day-night cycle.

Day 4 - Genesis 1:14

"And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs to indicate seasons, and days, and years."

In Gen.1:4-5, God laid out the blueprints that would separate light and darkness by creating the earth to move in a circle (to circuit - H2329 chuwg). This refers to the rotation of the earth which makes it possible for light to pass on one side of the earth while darkness passes to the other side. Now God's purpose for creating a rotating earth is about to reach fruition.

"and let them be signs to indicate seasons, and days, and years."

This is not a reference to astrology. This is astronomy. The lights God created in space would mark the seasons, days, and years. This has nothing to do with astrology.

Genesis 1:16,

"God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also."

The word "stars" in Genesis 1:16 means everything that is not the sun or the moon.

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible,

"H3556 כּוֹכָב kôwkâb, ko-kawb'; probably from the same as H3522 (in the sense of rolling) or H3554 (in the sense of blazing); a star (as round or as shining); figuratively, a prince:—star(-gazer)."
H3556 - kôḵāḇ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv) (

Stars are blazing and shinny just as planets are shining, round and rolling (rotating). So while Genesis 1:16 doesn't break down words in modern English (as English didn't exist back then), it does sum up everything considered a star in the Hebrew language. Be sure to see the Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon definition. The Gesenius' defines "stars" as a "globe" or a "ball." That sums up planets really well.

On Day 4 God created all stars, our galaxy, our sun and moon, and solar system. Now God created all the energy needed to complete the universe and our galaxy on Day 1. Some people fuss over how to explain distant starlight in a young universe? While Dr.Russell Humphreys does cover deep insight into gravitational time dilation, I'm not so sure his white hole universe is necessary. Though I doubt any honest physicist can say for absolute certain how old the universe actually is? What happened at the instant stars appeared? How strong was gravity in the early universe: stronger or weaker? How much of the universe filled with light when God called the stars into existence? And if our galaxy was all light during its creation, did that light instantly reach the earth? There are many questions that produce many theories which I'm not gonna dwell on here.

Genesis 1:17-19,

"17 Then God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness."

God set the sun, moon and stars in the expanse of the heavens (i.e., space).

"So the evening and the morning were the fourth day."

God's has now completed earth standard time. The earth's rotation is now controlled by the moon's lunar gravity. How God created the moon I don't know. It might as been as easy as grabbing a rock and buffing it to fit His expectations.
Last but not least. Had God created the sun on Day 1 it would have been self-defeating. The following video is the last scene of the movie "The gods must be crazy." Here you will see a man who is so nervous around a particular women of interest that he becomes clumsy and knocks every thing down. In the process of trying to put cups back on the table he sets a cup up back on the table only for the cup to fall off again. This is the perfect video to showcase the reason why God did not create the sun first.
the god must be crazy - YouTube

The sun would destroy all life on earth before the magnetic field has a chance to reach full strength! On the evolutionary end of the spectrum, life has no chance. The sun will keep the earth from ever producing life. Water cannot evolve or find a way to remain on earth with the sun scorching the earth every single day. The earth is roasted and a place where no life dwells. Evolutionists pridefully claim the sun is older than the earth. This is very poor science and I find it hard to believe that people still place their faith in the empty words of evolutionists. An earth that is constantly incinerated by the sun cannot hope to develop a magnetic field let alone life. What makes matters worse is how evolutionists just assume the magnetic field is there. Early earth evolution skips and jumps over many stages which escapes the notice of many atheists who did not think it over long enough to find all the scientific impossibilities in the theory.
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Day 5 - Genesis 1:20-23

Modern English Version:

20 Then God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures and let the birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.” 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters swarmed, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 Then God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.” 23 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day."

Young's Literal Translation:

1:20 And God saith, Let the waters teem with the teeming living creature, and fowl let fly on the earth on the face of the expanse of the heavens.' 1:21 And God prepareth the great monsters, and every living creature that is creeping, which the waters have teemed with, after their kind, and every fowl with wing, after its kind, and God seeth that it is' good.
1:22 And God blesseth them, saying, `Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and the fowl let multiply in the earth:'
1:23 and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day fifth."

Revised Standard Version:

20 And God said, “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens.” 21 So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day."


God created all the creatures of the sea and every winged creature that flies on the earth in the open expanse of the sky. This open expanse is, of course, the space between land and sky. The birds fly on the earth....on the face of the expanse. Meaning, the birds fly above the earth....flying above the ground, in the air.


This verse is important to understand which is why I used three translations to better bring out the meaning of a word. The phrase translated "monsters, sea monsters, creatures" is Strong's H8577 תַּנִּין tannîyn. This word is used to mean sea or land monster depending on the context. In this context it refers only to sea creatures. The KJV translates this as "whales." There is no doubt that tannîyn covers whales. But the definition is much broader than just whales. The Hebrew word tannîyn applied to Day 5 means "marine monsters, sea-serpent, dragon, sea monster, whale, vast fish." Everything that swims in the water is covered....including sea dwelling dinosaurs!

God blessed them and created each kind of bird the ability to breed. God blessed all sea creatures, great and small, with the ability to breed.

Day 6 - Genesis 1:24,

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so."

In order to correctly understand dinosaurs on Day 6 we now need to switch to Latin which is the language of paleontology.

"Dixit quoque Deus: Producat terra animam viventem in genere suo, jumenta, et reptilia, et bestias terrae secundum species suas. Factumque est ita."

There are many important words here but for the phrase "creeping thing" (English), "reptilia" (Latin) will be the focus here. But lets start with a simple introduction to the Latin word "terrae."
The Latin word "terrae" is translated from the Hebrew H776 אֶרֶץ ʼerets and the Greek G1093 γῆ gē. Now "terrae" in Latin has more than one usage and takes on different spelling variations depending on the sense it is used in. Latin, much like Greek, can get confusing to English speaking people. Yet our lesson here is more important to learn in Latin than in any other language on earth. I'll get to that reason later on.

The next word used in Gen.1:24 is the Latin "reptilia." This is translated from the Hebrew H7431 רֶמֶשׂ remes.
H7431 - remeś - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv) (

"a reptile or any other rapidly moving animal:—that creepeth, creeping (moving) thing."

Any of the beasts that walked the land God created could have been dinosaurs (among other beast of the earth). Genesis doesn't list off every kind of land dwelling beast that walked on land. Even if Genesis did list the names of all creatures created on Day 6 we would not recognize them in our language today. But Scripture does mention reptile which we do recognize and does cover dinosaurs.

Genesis 1:25,

"Et fecit Deus bestias terrae juxta species suas, et jumenta, et omne reptile terrae in genere suo. Et vidit Deus quod esset bonum"

God created the beasts of terrae (the earth). This covers beasts like cattle and all things that move or creep along the ground.
The centerpiece of this verse is the Latin phrase "reptile terrae." Now this phrase in Latin in written in the language of paleontology. The Latin break down is required here.

Dinosaur: a word coined in 1841 by paleontologist Sir Richard Owen (though other sources say 1842). The ancient Greek word is δεινός (deinós, “terrible, awesome, mighty, fearfully great”) + σαῦρος (saûros, “lizard, reptile”). From the Greek word we get the Latin dinosaurus. It is the Latin that we English speaking people inherit the word "dinosaur" from. Latin is the language of paleontology. Therefore the St.Jerome's 4th century Latin Vulgate must be consulted over all other languages if we want to understand dinosaurs in Scripture.

The word "dinosaur" in modern taxonomy, however, refers primarily to land dwelling reptiles from the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. But those are the taxonomies according to modern man. Though when we read "reptile terrae" we read two Latin words that literally mean "reptile earth." However, the word "terrae" can also be expressed as the Latin "planeta" (planet).
Since the word "dinosaur" means reptile and lizard, the word "reptile" can reasonably be transliterated to the Latin phrase "dinosaurus planeta" (dinosaur planet)! This is not some wild attempt at mental gymnastics either. The transliteration is used today by Latin speaking people.

Dinosaurs are both reptiles and great beasts of the earth. Since the word "dinosaur" was not a word until 1841, it would be a highly unusual and unfair display of arrogance to hold the Bible down to modern words. The phrase "reptile terrae" absolutely covers dinosaurs.
Another Biblical word used to describe dinosaurs is the word "dragon." The following Old Testament Scripture references describing dinosaurs as "dragons."

Dan.14 - Bel and the Dragon! The Latin words used in this account are "draconem" and "draconis."

This dragon was worshiped by the Babylonians. I don't think they would make a big deal about modern reptiles and lizards. This dragon was something of Babylonian pride that they worshiped. And dinosaurs would have been rare back in the days of Daniel. What kind of dinosaur this was is uncertain. But Daniel killed the dinosaur to prove to the Babylonians that worshiping dinosaurs is pointless. Although the account is Apocrypha, its still ancient and an authentic writing. The event took place long before 1840 when dinosaurs were pronounce an extinct species.

Reference: "1. In scientific usage, any of the animals belonging to the clade Dinosauria, especially those that existed during the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods and are now extinct. [from c. 1840]"
dinosaur - Wiktionary

And here, in Genesis 1:26, we read "reptile terrae" which can mean dinosaur planet in general modern usage.
God created reptiles small. Even the giant Sauropods were small reptiles when created. But reptiles can continue growing their entire life. Since man's life span in the Antediluvian period was approximately 1000 years, it is only in fairness to conclude that reptiles also lived longer lives back then. This means the small Sauropod created on Day 6 would become a giant. By the time the Flood came, roughly about 1800 years after creation, dinosaurs would be ginormous.

Here are some other Scripture references to dinosaurs:

Job 40:15-24 - Behemoth/Sauropod (Possibly a Brachiosaurus)
Job 40:15-24 KJV - Behold now behemoth, which I made with - Bible Gateway

Job 41:1-10 - Leviathan
Job 41:1-10 KJV - Canst thou draw out leviathan with an - Bible Gateway

Isaiah 27:1 - Leviathan
Isaiah 27:1 KJV - In that day the LORD with his sore and - Bible Gateway

Isaiah 51:9 - Dragon
Isa 51:9 KJV - Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of - Bible Gateway

Jeremiah 51:34 - Dragon
Jeremiah 51:34 KJV - Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon hath - Bible Gateway

Psalm 104:25-26 - Leviathan
Psalm 104:25-26 KJV - So is this great and wide sea, wherein - Bible Gateway

Isaiah 30:6 - Flying Serpent/Pterosaur/Pterodactyl
Isaiah 30:6 KJV - The burden of the beasts of the south: - Bible Gateway

Wisdom 11:17-19 - Theropods
Wisdom 11:17-19 RSV - For thy all-powerful hand, which - Bible Gateway

Daniel 14:23-29 - Dragon
Daniel 14:23-29 RSVCE - Daniel Kills the Dragon - There was - Bible Gateway

A compliment to Isaiah 30:6 comes from the more ancient Sumerian/Babylonian account: "The Epic of Gilgamesh" (Penguin Classics, p.181 - line 86),

"In its branches a Thunderbird had hatched its brood."

This ancient Sumerian legend of the Thunderbird found its way to North America. What is being described here is a Pteranodon or Pterodactyl.

Genesis 1:26-27 -- creation of mankind

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."

The Triune Being of God created mankind on Day 6 as well. God created mankind unique, separate in stature from the rest of the wild kingdom. God created man in His own image and likeness. Furthermore, God gave man dominion over all the wild kingdom. Human dominance on earth is seen throughout the pages of history. We humans build great cities, fly airplanes, go to the moon, land machines built by man on Mars. Mankind is truly unique. This is because God created us as a special creation. Since we are created in God's likeness, we, by nature, also love to create. Evolutionists will never be able to get past this simple little fact.

The earth is rich in nutrients our bodies need to survive. The earth itself is a living planet. In Genesis 2:7 it says,

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

God created man from the dust...the earth. The word translated "dust" is Strong's H6083 עָפָר ʻâphâr,

"from H6080; dust (as powdered or gray); hence, clay, earth, mud:—ashes, dust, earth, ground, morter, powder, rubbish."

God breathed into man's nostrils and man became a living soul.
Who is God? This is the most important question. Because if this question cannot be answered by the believer then the believer can be led into a great many falsehoods.

God is the only Eternal Living Being. God made man out of the earth but it was God's powerful hand working the creation of man. God breathed into man a soul. The soul is of God. Our soul does not make us One with God, or little gods. It means our soul is immortal and only God Himself can condemn it. This is why hell is eternal. Those who chose to separate themselves from Christ will be sent to hell where their souls never die but yet are brought to condemnation for an eternity. God Is an Eternal Being, The Singularity of all there is, was, or ever will be. The only reason why mankind cannot live forever is because of the curse God placed on man and the rest of creation after the fall.
God not only gave man dominion over the earth, but God told them to multiply and to fill the earth.

Genesis 2:21-24 -- Eve

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

God here is performing the world's very first general anesthetic surgery. God removed one of Adam's ribs, extracting Adam's DNA from it to create Eve. After the surgery God closed up the flesh as an surgeon would.
God creates woman from man for the purpose of creating a special bond of marriage between man and woman -- "and they shall become one flesh."

Here concludes the lesson on the Day 6.

On Day 7, God ceased from His work of creation and dedicated that Day to Himself. God created the earth and all therein is. Therefore God knew He had the right to enjoy one Day of His creation before sin enters the world. God created the earth for us and He only enjoyed one Day of it for Himself. God is most definitely NOT selfish!
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One last comment I would like to drive in. While I am definitely a Young Earth Creationist, earth-time cannot be measured on Days 1--3 due to no sun or moon to regular the earth's rotation. The day-night cycle we know today began on Day 4. The speed of the earth's rotation prior to Day 4 is something that probably cannot be known. This does not mean the earth is millions of years old. But it does mean that since earth-time cannot be measured on the first three days of creation, we therefore cannot know exactly how long those days were. They may have been shorter or they may have been longer. Though each Day of creation was gauged by the earth's full rotation. The question is how long did it take on those first three days for the earth to rotate? We may never know.
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You did not describe the creation given in Genesis. You brought ideas of science into The Bibles account given in Genesis 1.​

In order to believe the creation account, the two should be interchangeable. A scientific fact, in the end, either is or it isn't. There is no idea. An idea is a theory and the theory may be fact, or it may be incorrect, but whether the scientist is right or wrong the fact remains, even if we don't understand it yet.

What @Ragdoll has described is a theory, and any theory has validity until proven incorrect. It is very well written, and like all theories is probably correct in some areas and incorrect in others. We can say the ancient writers could not have understood this or that, but God understands all that he chooses to. I don't necessarily agree with everything he has written, but then I don't agree with any human 100% of the time.​
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What was the light that God created?, and why was the sun created on Day 4 instead of Day 1?
I did not go all the way through the article …because I could see right away this is based on theory and words being used have been added, that throw this theory off immediately.

I am a young earth person also…. as are many scientists, whose research is silenced…I don’t know for sure the age of this present world maybe between 8 and 20K …But… in the end what matters is …God said in the beginning ….and that is good enough for me.

Science is always in flux ….But we don’t bring the Word of God down to science, we bring science up to the level of the Word… and in doing so both science and mathematics will prove the Word’s validity.
The first two questions are relatively easy to answer when we read what is written. This article attempts to punch a hole in the truth …but the scripture cited along with other scripture.... and how Genesis reads, only validates this truth…..I am just going to cover the following statement ↓

Genesis account there are a couple questions that stand out as never being answered: What was the light that God created?, and why was the sun created on Day 4 instead of Day 1?

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created (bara) the heaven and the earth.

It does not state when the heavens and earth were first created or if they were created at the same time. It could have been the same time but…. It doesn’t say … we don’t know.
But what it does say is that both the heavens and the earth were created. Additionally, the Hebrew particle ‘eth before both “the heavens” and “the earth” emphasize the article “the”, which distinguishes them both from the proceeding event of verse 2.

Create = bara in Hebrew - The word created is to bring something into existence that did not exist before, or to make something out of nothing. Only God can create…. man can fabricate, build, construct, design, make, assemble, etc.… but man cannot create. Once God creates something He does not need to create it again, because it now exists…. He can just speak it into being.

Genesis 1:2

And the earth was (hayah) without form, and void (tohu va bohu); and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The first WAS in verse 2 is the Hebrew word hâyâh and has been translated 75x in the OT in various ways including both.... was and became

While hayah has been translated was in most English versions including the LXX. In the original Hebrew ….there was no verb “to be” (which is translated was) However there is a verb “to become”, which is how this should be translated. The second was in this verse was added by translators there is no corresponding Hebrew word in that place.

Some have stated that the word became is semantically unsound in that usage… I will address this
Failure to recognize the figure of speech polysyndeton (many ands) that God uses in the consecutive 34 verses from 1:1 to 2:3; using “and” 102 times to emphasize the acts of God… must be taken into consideration when dealing with syntax….. A figure of speech is a legitimate departure from the laws of language in order to emphasize and draw attention to what is being said. Of the 219 documented figures of speech… God over 214 different figures in the scriptures.

Although I can speculate and theorize (based on scripture) as to what took place between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2 …the Bible is not clear as to what exactly happened….so I do not know. What I do know is, from Genesis 1:2 to 1:21, God did not create anything again until the 5th day when He created soul life in “great whales and every living creature (chay nephesh) that moveth”.

He did not create ….because everything between Genesis 1:3 and 1:19 had already been created in the first earth….God just spoke it back into existence.

Isa 45:18 For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else.

2Pe 3:5-7 &13

5) For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

6) Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

7) But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word, are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

13) Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Currently we are living in verse 7….. Verse 6 states the world perished (destroyed)… this cannot be speaking to Noe’s flood seeing as they all lived with the animals, and the world was not destroyed. But the first world between Genesis 1: & 1:2 became without form and void.
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You did not describe the creation given in Genesis. You brought ideas of science into The Bibles account given in Genesis 1.

God is the Author of scientific truth. He created all the laws of physics. This is a full commentary on Genesis chapter 1 and it does harmonize better than all other interpretations. When I see a lack of harmony in an explanation, I know something is amiss. If you disagree with something here please ask a question.
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I did not go all the way through the article …because I could see right away this is based on theory and words being used have been added, that throw this theory off immediately.

I am a young earth person also…. as are many scientists, whose research is silenced…I don’t know for sure the age of this present world maybe between 8 and 20K …But… in the end what matters is …God said in the beginning ….and that is good enough for me.

That's fine. There are others, however, who seek a deeper understand of the events of creation. I agree that the end is more important than the beginning. I prefer sharing the Gospel over subject matter like this. However, I also know the importance of creationism and apologetics which is why I studied them.

Science is always in flux ….But we don’t bring the Word of God down to science, we bring science up to the level of the Word… and in doing so both science and mathematics will prove the Word’s validity.
The first two questions are relatively easy to answer when we read what is written. This article attempts to punch a hole in the truth …but the scripture cited along with other scripture.... and how Genesis reads, only validates this truth…..I am just going to cover the following statement ↓

You must not have read very far because there is plenty of Scripture supporting this commentary, along with ancient exegesis.

"For his invisible things – that is to say, his eternal power and Godhead – are understood and seen from the works of the creation of the world. So they are without excuse" (Rom.1:20, NMB).

This verse alludes to creationism...the study of God from what He has created.

Genesis account there are a couple questions that stand out as never being answered: What was the light that God created?, and why was th
e sun created on Day 4 instead of Day 1?

Those are questions commonly asked.

Although I can speculate and theorize (based on scripture) as to what took place between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2 …the Bible is not clear as to what exactly happened….so I do not know.

Gen.1:1 - God's first act of creation was the universe and the earth in it's most fetal stage.
Gen.1:2 - God immediately moves over the earth with the intention of creating something for the earth.

What I do know is, from Genesis 1:2 to 1:21, God did not create anything again until the 5th day when He created soul life in “great whales and every living creature (chay nephesh) that moveth”.

Then that is an unorthodox interpretation. Even the ancients knew God created on all 6 days.

He did not create ….because everything between Genesis 1:3 and 1:19 had already been created in the first earth….God just spoke it back into existence.

More unorthodox interpretations. God did not create a first earth. I see you follow the three earth age theory. This theory is well refuted in Revelation 21:1,

"Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea."

The first earth is our present earth. The second earth is the new earth. So there is no room for an imaginary earth before our present earth age.

-7 &13

5) For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

6) Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

This verse is about the Flood. Noah's Flood. There was never a Lucifer's flood if that is what you are alluding to.

Currently we are living in verse 7….. Verse 6 states the world perished (destroyed)… this cannot be speaking to Noe’s flood seeing as they all lived with the animals, and the world was not destroyed. But the first world between Genesis 1: & 1:2 became without form and void.

There is no ancient exegesis that supports this 20th century interpretation. Therefore it lacks harmony and this interpretation is like a symphony played out of tune and out of time. A true understanding will harmonize like a beautiful symphony. It will not spit at ancient exegesis or discard sound theology. It will not compromise with a condemned theory that both Scripture and the early Church rejected (that is evolution theory).[/QUOTE]
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Then that is an unorthodox interpretation. Even the ancients knew God created on all 6 days.

Words mean things ...that is how we communicate and how God communicates with us. God was not limited on the use of the word Create …. whether the ancients agree or it is unorthodox is irrelevant to me...What the Word of God states ….is what the Word of God means…..that’s relevant.
If you want to add words may want to check with the Author first

More unorthodox interpretations. God did not create a first earth. I see you follow the three earth age theory. This theory is well refuted in Revelation 21:1,

Actually, I follow the Word …wherever that takes me….that’s what is.

The word (prōtos) is interpreted various ways including former and first. Rev 21:4 uses the word former in the context of things being passed away. The Textus Receptus translates this before or former which is interesting since this was one of the primary ones used in the KJV ….but KJ has the word first. However …………Any way you look at 2Pe 3:5-7 &13…. it’s three.

This verse is about the Flood. Noah's Flood. There was never a Lucifer's flood if that is what you are alluding to.

I didn't call it Lucifer's flood... others might, but I won't cross that line... it's speculation. The Bible doesn’t say ….so we don’t know….
What it does say is…. it was annihilated. You can’t have Mt Ararat you can’t have an olive branch, you can’t have Noah his fam and the animals if it’s destroyed ….perished………If it was referencing Noah
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Words mean things ...that is how we communicate and how God communicates with us. God was not limited on the use of the word Create …. whether the ancients agree or it is unorthodox is irrelevant to me...What the Word of God states ….is what the Word of God means…..that’s relevant.
If you want to add words may want to check with the Author first

Genesis 1:1 says God created. That is what the word of God says. The ancient exegesis does matter since they lived in the Biblical times and spoke the Biblical languages. So orthodoxy does matter.

The word (prōtos) is interpreted various ways including former and first. Rev 21:4 uses the word former in the context of things being passed away. The Textus Receptus translates this before or former which is interesting since this was one of the primary ones used in the KJV ….but KJ has the word first. However …………Any way you look at 2Pe 3:5-7 &13…. it’s three.

Nothing in 2Pet about three earth ages. Revelation 21:4 speaks about our present earth and earth age in past tense.

What it does say is…. it was annihilated. You can’t have Mt Ararat you can’t have an olive branch, you can’t have Noah his fam and the animals if it’s destroyed ….perished………If it was referencing Noah

Genesis 6:13,

"And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth."

God destroyed the earth with the Flood. This is what 2.Peter 3 is referring to. Revelation 21:1 is speaking about the new earth as the our current earth will have passed away.

Don't be afraid of evolution theory. The Flood is so easy to defend scientifically once you understand it. No need to fear the big bad wolf. Evolution theory is nothing to be afraid of. You can trust Scripture more than you can trust science.
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Nothing in 2Pet about three earth ages. Revelation 21:4 speaks about our present earth and earth age in past tense.

Sometimes visuals are helpful....


2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:


2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.


2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
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The whole bit on dinosaurs and plugging modern science into scripture reminded me of the following Answers in Genesis Comic:

View attachment 315614

Dinosaurs are in Scripture. They are mentioned in Genesis if you read the Latin Vulgate. You see, paleontology uses many Latin terms. While dinosaur is a relatively new term derived from Latin, the language of paleontology can be seen in the Vulgate with "reptile terrae."

Here again I'll quote Romans 1:20,

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,"

Here we see the Apostle Paul teach creationism. We understand God through what He created. Modern science began as a means to understand the world God created.

Dinosaurs are also mentioned in other ancient works of antiquity. There are also authentic petroglyphs and engravings that depict dinosaurs. Christians don't reject science. We just reject bad science. The Bible has always been friendly to science. So friendly, in fact, that the knowledge of God in the Bible led us to modern science.
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Sometimes visuals are helpful....

View attachment 315621
2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

View attachment 315620
2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

View attachment 315623
2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Overflowed with water alludes to the Flood.
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d taylor

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In order to believe the creation account, the two should be interchangeable. A scientific fact, in the end, either is or it isn't. There is no idea. An idea is a theory and the theory may be fact, or it may be incorrect, but whether the scientist is right or wrong the fact remains, even if we don't understand it yet.

What @Ragdoll has described is a theory, and any theory has validity until proven incorrect. It is very well written, and like all theories is probably correct in some areas and incorrect in others. We can say the ancient writers could not have understood this or that, but God understands all that he chooses to. I don't necessarily agree with everything he has written, but then I don't agree with any human 100% of the time.​

Believing what God has given as the true creation account has nothing to do with science. As with the rest of The Bible has nothing to with science.

A person can either use The Bible only to understand God;s creation and know they are learning the true account of creation. Or they look outside of The Bible and be deceived by sinful man and satan accounts.
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Believing what God has given as the true creation account has nothing to do with science. As with the rest of The Bible has nothing to with science.

A person can either use The Bible only to understand God;s creation and know they are learning the true account of creation. Or they look outside of The Bible and be deceived by sinful man and satan accounts.

It's interesting how Biblical theology led mankind to modern science.

Don't confuse science with evolution theory.
Evolution theory is philosophy, not science.
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