College Protests Highlight the Need to Teach Truth in Tumultuous Times


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Feb 5, 2002
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While many over the weekend were focusedon Mystik Dan’s longshot photo finish victory at the Kentucky Derby, protesters clashed with police at the University of Virginia and disrupted graduation ceremonies across the country. More than 2,100 anti-Israel protesters have been arrested so far.

We now know that activist groups were training students for months before campus protests began. Many are not just anti-Israel but anti-America as well. At a New York City rally, for example, one protester said Osama bin Laden “did what he did because he had to do it.” Others burned the American flag.

Wall Street Journal columnist Walter Russell Mead summarized the activists’ beliefs:

Many of Hamas’ most passionate campus supporters believe that the organization wants to establish a secular Palestinian state. They also believe that Israeli Jews are European immigrants displacing an indigenous population—white settlers who should go home to Poland. . . . They see Hamas as part of a global coalition of “progressive” movements advancing causes such as climate change, democracy, and LGBTQ rights against global capitalism.

Not one of the beliefs you just read is true.

What is the best way to respond to a movement based on such delusions?


There have been no protester disruptions at the University of Florida, despite its elite status and Wall Street Journal ranking it as the No. 1 public university in the country. President Ben Sasse explained his school’s three-part approach to the protest movement:

  1. “Universities must distinguish between speech and action.” He calls the speech “central to education” but draws “a hard line at unlawful action. Speech isn’t violence. Silence isn’t violence. Violence is violence.”
  2. “Universities must say what they mean and then do what they say.” At his university, this means they will always defend protesters’ rights to free speech and free assembly, but “if you cross the line on clearly prohibited activities, you will be thrown off campus and suspended.” In their case, this is a three-year prohibition from campus.
  3. “Universities need to recommit themselves to real education.” He notes that “teachers ought to be ushering students into the world of argument and persuasion. Minds are changed by reason, not force. Progress depends on those who do the soulful, patient work of inspiring intellects.”
Those of us who follow Dr. Sasse’s career are not surprised by the clarity of his leadership. He is brilliant, having studied at Oxford and earned degrees from Harvard and Yale. But more importantly, he is a committed Christian whose worldview is consistently biblical.

How can those of us who share his beliefs make a transformational impact on our broken culture?


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