Cerebral Palsy



Does anyone have experience with CP?

I have a 3yr old boy who may have CP. We just took him to a physiotherapist and she mentioned that she thought he might have CP, He has tight leg muscles and was a preemie at 27 weeks gest. He doesn't seem to have any other problems just tight muscles in his legs so we see a ped on the 1st of June due to a report from the physio lady, any advice?


Dressed up for my Anniversary - March 13th
Nov 27, 2006
Eastern Canada
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Hi there!

MY daughter ( who is nearly three) has CP. She also had' tightness' in her legs ( rigidity or overtone).
If your child is three already and they are just starting to consider that he may have CP then he has a fairly mild case of it! They started suspecting CP when my daughter was 3 months and were pretty much certain when she was 6 months.
My daughter see's a physiotherapist , occupational therapist and speech language pathologist regularly , she also visits a CP clinic twice yearly ( consisting of a neurologist , physiotherapist, social workers , orthopeadic surgeon e.t.c.)
With CP (especially more severe cases) early intervention is key. Pus for your saon to be evaluated immediately and then start getting people involved n his care. Developmentally has he hit milestones on time? Any speech problems? Any fine motor skill problems? These are all things that can o with CP{ - if it is just the rigidity in his legs then your road sholdnt be too difficult - physio can probabaly help. My husband little sister als has CP , fairly mild case - sh had a couple of surgeries and they have helped her a lot - she is 11 no and you'd never know she had anything 'wrong' with her.
Anyway - if you have any questions I've been walking this road with my daughter forthe last three years and learned to navigate the world of hospitals , physiotherpay , e.t.c.- my best advice is to learn about your sons condition , understand it well enough to ask lots of questions and be assertive for his sake - you have to be his advocatein order to get the best care!
Take care
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My husband and I noticed the tightness in his legs when he started to walk but our GP just blew us off.... So we let it be for a while but then we were not satisfied and went around the PG and got a referral to a child develpoment center, He can walk but has trouble with walking flat foot he can but chooses not to (it hurts) we have physio but only on appt/month. so we hope everthing will turn our for the best.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2005
Vancouver Island
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My daughter was diagnosed with mild CP when she was five, by a pediatric neurologist. She had (has) a mile whole body tremor and low muscle tone in her trunk. She was a premie and was always delayed especially in speech.
My daughter is 16 now and words can't describe what an awesome kid she is (aside from the pscyho hormonal alien she becomes one week every month)
I think because we got the diagnosis so late we didn't treat her like she was different. She had physio and OT and speech therapy and had a special chair in preschool and coudln't sit upright on the floor at circle time.
Now she is in high school. She has a boderline IQ (just over 70) but nobody knows. She has decided to follow a modified program in school that will allow her to complete school but will not give her a proper diploma. WHen she made that decision it was like a huge weight was lifted off of her.
She can't do math, her brain doesn't get numbers.
BUT she can read orally (has trouble with comprehension) played softball and ball hocky and this year joined an all girls tackle football team!!!!!! She is pondering the wrestling team for next year.
Again you can't tell there is anything wrong with her and if I dont tell the teachers they don't even know.
She tires a little more easily and when she is sick or tired sometimes the tremor is noticable.
When she was a baby she would get very rigid.
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May 29, 2007
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i Have CP, but there are varying degrees/stages of it, mine just effects my speech (stuttering), and some motor skills. it can be worse, though, i guess the best thing to do would be pray and consult your physician or pediatrician. i feel for you, but your daughter can get through it :)
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