Catholics only :This Parish in Minneapolis is pretty much horrifying

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Filia Mariae

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Daniels Mommy said:
Actually, your continual spouting of anti-homosexual epithets is offensive.

Please point out one anti-homosexual epithets that I have used or retract your accusation immediately.

Claiming that "Christ's Church" condemns things....well, I am a Christian and am a member of Christ's Church....the HOLY APOSTOLIC CHURCH which is non-denominational.

The Catholic Church is nondenominational and you are correct that you are part of it by virtue of your baptism and faith.

I find the RCC "interpretation" of the Bible, and what so many members of the RCC use as "proof" of many different "sins" and "disordered acts," limited and offensive.

Many people found Jesus offensive. You are entitled to your opinion.

I have every right to respond to offensive comments.

You do not have a right to debate Catholic beliefs here since the mods have specified that you may not in the thread title. Nothing offensive was said- you just don't agree with what was said. There is a difference.

As for "judging," there is a difference in pointing out perceptions and condemning other people for their choices.

I condemned no one. Please read my post above.

I find it abominable that anyone could condemn another set of Christians because they do things a little differently.

I did not condemn a single person. I pointed out a sinful behavior. You need to make a distinction between persons and acts. Engaging in an activity identified as sinful by the Word of God and intended to image the love of Christ for His Church is not "doing things a little differently."

I'm sorry you are so offended, but you are offended by your own perceptions, not reality.

Peace be with you.
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Dona Quixote
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Filiae Mariae, the simple truth is that it is difficult to set up support groups that are not composed predominantly of members needing support.

AA is composed of people who have addictive drinking behavior.
OA is composed ot people with eating disorders or addictive eating behavior.

Dignity will be composed of homosexuals, because people who aren't homosexual don't need that support group.

As they are the members and leaders of that group, it is natural that they will have different feelings about their orientation, and that they will be at different stages in dealing with their orientation.

Most support groups of any kind aren't aversive conditioning groups. People don't go to be punished. People go to be loved and accepted unconditionally and to meet friends who are dealing with the same issues they are on a daily basis.

Within Dignity, I am sure there is a whole spectrum of opinions. There are probably some who are leading chaste lives because of the support they are receiving. There may be others who are practicing homosexuals but who are encouraged to continue their journey with God and remain in the church. There may be others who feel that the church's position is wrong.

Other than infiltrating Dignity with heterosexual members who drive the agenda and act as program chairmen, I don't see how you could possibly have a support group of 100 (let's say) homosexuals without having 100 different opinions, and 100 people with different ways of dealing with their orientation.

In a way they are a microcosm of the Church, because, much as some people would like to have cookie-cutter Catholics with cookie-cutter beliefs, in a church of 500 members there are probably 500 different opinions and 500 people who relate to God and their Church in different ways.
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Filia Mariae

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Fantine said:
Filiae Mariae, the simple truth is that it is difficult to set up support groups that are not composed predominantly of members needing support.

AA is composed of people who have addictive drinking behavior.
OA is composed ot people with eating disorders or addictive eating behavior.

Dignity will be composed of homosexuals, because people who aren't homosexual don't need that support group.

Certainly, and as you will note in my post above to Cat, I expressed an opinion that it would be largely inappropriate for those no struggling with same sex attraction to attend such a support group as it may feel like being under a microscope for those who do struggle with it.

As they are the members and leaders of that group, it is natural that they will have different feelings about their orientation, and that they will be at different stages in dealing with their orientation.

I agree.

Most support groups of any kind aren't aversive conditioning groups. People don't go to be punished. People go to be loved and accepted unconditionally and to meet friends who are dealing with the same issues they are on a daily basis.

Okay...but does AA encourage people to drink? No.

Within Dignity, I am sure there is a whole spectrum of opinions. There are probably some who are leading chaste lives because of the support they are receiving. There may be others who are practicing homosexuals but who are encouraged to continue their journey with God and remain in the church. There may be others who feel that the church's position is wrong.

Dignity's explicitly stated purpose is to change Church teaching. For starters, this is impossible. Secondly this is the issue- Dignity is fundamentally unfaithful to the Church and utlimately to its members because it does not preach the truth.

They state that they:

advocates for change in the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality;

Other than infiltrating Dignity with heterosexual members who drive the agenda and act as program chairmen, I don't see how you could possibly have a support group of 100 (let's say) homosexuals without having 100 different opinions, and 100 people with different ways of dealing with their orientation.

That's not the issue and I am in no way suggesting that those not struggling "infiltrate." I am stating that Dignity is unfaithful and therefore unacceptable for use by a Catholic parish.

In a way they are a microcosm of the Church, because, much as some people would like to have cookie-cutter Catholics with cookie-cutter beliefs, in a church of 500 members there are probably 500 different opinions and 500 people who relate to God and their Church in different ways.

Opinions and perspectives are one thing. For instance, the Dominican and the Franicscan schools of thought take opposing sides in the specualtive debate over whether Christ would have come had the Fall not happened. Dignity is not a matter of opinion or perspective- they are objectively promoting heresy.

That is unacceptable, and they will have to answer for leading people astray.

I'm sorry if I've made you angry, but I am really frustrated because no one is listening to anything I say. I am NOT attacking homoseuxals. I am NOT advocating to outlaw ministry to homosexuals. I AM advocating orthodoxy.

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Filia Mariae

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Daniel's Mommy,

Daniels Mommy said:
Anytime you refer to homosexuals and the acts they engage in as "abomination" or "disordered" or whatever clinical term you might try to use, it is anti-homosexual. Plain and simple.

First of all, you accused me of using epithets. An epithet is some kind of offenisve slur, which I NEVER did. So you will agree that your accusation was false. Secondly, I NEVER referred to persons struggling with same sex attraction as an "abomination" or "disordered." In fact, I never used the word abomination at all. You did a few pages back, putting the word in my mouth when I did not use it, but I never used it.

You need to make a distinction between persons and acts. They are not the same. If I tell a lie, I am guilty of the sin of lying, but I am not a lie. I am distinct from my acts. If someone desires to hurt someone else, that desire is disordered, but that person themself is not. It is the desire that is disordered. Homosexual acts are disordered. I am not making a statement about persons.

Pointing out the reality of sin in the world is not anti-anything except anti-evil. If I told you a lie and you pointed it out, you would not be anti-Filia Mariae, you would be pointing out a sin on my part.

I don't find Jesus offensive, I find what many Christians try to make Jesus into to be offensive. In fact, I find Jesus quite the opposite : loving, kind, generous, and willing to live His life by example.

It's unfortunate that you are making the mistake of equating being loving with being nice. Sometimes, when you love someone, you can't be "nice." Jesus wasn't always "nice." The Scriptures frequently tell of him "rebuking" people when they were in error. Love means you correct people not to be self-righteous and superior, but because you will their good and want to be in heaven with them someday.

I would beg to differ. This OP denigrates a Church where a friend of mine attends. I find the title of this OP offensive. I find the reasons for starting this thread offensive. I find it offensive to continually attack someone's Church, knowing full well they are members here, too.

CaDan joined the thread after it was started. The issue is very simply- this parish is unfaithful to the Church. That is what is supposed to be discussed here, and you are in violation of the moderators directive for non-Catholics not to debate in this thread.

Sure you did. Read all your posts.

Once again, you fail to understand the distinction between persons and acts. Identifying an act as sinful is not condeming the person who commits the act. This is an important distinction you need to understand.

Again, show me where the Word of God defines the activity as sinful, please. Please oh please show me where Jesus states that homosexuality is a sin.

The first problem is that you believe the Word of God to be contained in Scripture alone. This belief is false and contradictory to Scripture itself. You also seem to believe that Jesus gave simple directives for every moral issue when He did not. Can you show me where He says, "Pedophilia is wrong"? Of course not. Because Jesus didn't make up a list of every sin you could commit and hold forth on it. Proof texting is a deficient means of doctrinal evaluation; one needs to look at the whole of Scripture not isolated verses.

You can't can you?

I certainly can show how Scripture teaches the purpose and design for marriage, and how that purpose and design in contrary to homosexual relationships.

In a nutshell- In Genesis 2 we are presented with the original marriage and we see how original man and woman live in unity pre-Fall and are commanded to sustain one another and multpily in fruitfulness. God declares these two to be in His image and likeness. Their relationship of mutual self-donation is an image of the mutual self-donation of the Father and Son in perfect unity of love. This love is so real that it results in a third person, the Holy Spirit. The mutual self-donation of man and wife is so real it results in a new person too, one who has to be given a name nine months later. Again and again through the Old Testament the relationship between God and Israel is presented as the relationship between a husband and wife. The Song of Songs celebrates sexual love of husband and wife, especially in terms of how it images God's love for His people.

In Matthew 19, Jesus identifies the normative definition of marriage- the indissoluble union of man and woman. Romans does condemn homosexuality directly. Ephesians 5 tells us that the union of man and wife in marriage is an image of Christ and His Bride the Church. Revelation tells us that heaven in the wedding banquet of the Lamb where we wil be joined to Him forever, in fulfillment of what marriage foreshadowed.

What characterizes this relationship of God to His people- a free, total, fruitful gift of self. God's love for us brings forth new life, our eternal life in Him. Marriage images this by bringing forth new life in the image and likeness of God.

There can be no total gift of self in a homosexual act- it is anatomically impossible, and no fruitfulness can result.

Did you know that marriage is the most common analogy for God's relationship to His people in the Scriptures?

Because He had bigger fish to fry with His time on earth. Again I think the self-proclaimed "Christ's Church" ought to focus a little more on HIM and a little less on the homosexuals.

I stated that St. Joan's needs to focus more on adoring Christ in the Eucharist and was told this is not necessary, social justice is necessary. In reality, we draw our strength from the Eucharist, our source and summit. That gives us strength to go out into the world preaching the Gospel to all, that they may "repent and believe in the good news" as Jesus commanded us to do.

Unfortunately, perceptions are all one has to go on when the conversations take place in writing. Offensive language and wording in the OP and continually throughout this thread....not a perception, but in fact a reality.

While you may have been subjectively offended, there was nothing objectively derogatory or condeming of people.


I apologize for angering you, but the issue being discussed here is not your feelings on homosexuality. If you want to start another thread on why you think homosexual acts are a perfectly morally licit choice, that it fine and your prerogative. But you are hijacking a thread that was not focused on that and are accusing me of things that I did not do. This is both unfair and hurtful. If you read the thread again, you may find you still think I am wrong about homosexuality but you will find I NEVER condemned any person. I only identified a parish that is unfaithful to Christ's Bride in a number of ways, one of which is the encouragement of homosexual acts.

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Annabel Lee

Beware the Thought Police
Feb 8, 2002
CaDan said:
Someone seems to be able to read a lot into a couple of potlucks . . .

What do you want done with this thread, Cadan?
You could probably pm a mod and ask that this unfair assault on your church be closed.

You have the patience of a Saint. :holy:
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Michael, Daniel, and Zoe
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Annabel Lee said:
What do you want done with this thread, Cadan?
You could probably pm a mod and ask that this unfair assault on your church be closed.

You have the patience of a Saint. :holy:

or the skin of a rhino....or is it an elephant? :scratch: I forget!
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I remember orange CF
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Hundreds of anti-war activists planned to leave from the Twin Cities this morning for a trip that involves spending 48 hours on a bus in exchange for about eight hours of participation at a major rally in Washington, D.C.

"I tell people it will be the worst trip you'll ever love," said Julie Madden, coordinator of peace and justice ministries at St. Joan of Arc Church in South Minneapolis.

Seven chartered buses, all fully packed, were scheduled to depart at 9 a.m. from the church's parking lot after a brief ceremony that included a blessing by Roman Catholic Archbishop Harry Flynn of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, who has previously expressed his reservations about the war.​
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Filia Mariae

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Daniels Mommy said:
When you realized that CaDan was, in fact, a member of this parish should you or should you not have changed the wording of your OP title? Or maybe, just maybe, asked that your whole thread be deleted? Out of sheer Christian love?

What did you expect to happen on this thread? Did you want someone to slap you a high five? Did you want CaDan to weep and fall into your arms, thanking you for showing him the light? I just don't understand the purpose behind posting what you posted about this Church.

Perhaps it is not your place to judge where St. Joan's is Spiritually. Perhaps it is not your place to determine whether or not they focus on adoring Christ in the Eucharist.

Maybe this thread should be closed, since it is denigrating to at least one member of CF who is also a member of this particular parish.

Gee, I don't know.

Several OBOB memebrs wrote letters to the appropriate authorities. In addition, many more OBOB members are praying for this this parish and priest.

And, if you will read the thread, you will note that I have requested for it to be closed multiple times and have been ignored.

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Dona Quixote
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It sounds, from CaDan's message, as if the Bishop is supportive of this parish and its social justice ministries.

Certainly supportive enough to look askance at angry, judgmental letters from people with no personal knowledge of the parish other than what they read on a message board.
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Filia Mariae

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Fantine said:
It sounds, from CaDan's message, as if the Bishop is supportive of this parish and its social justice ministries.

Certainly supportive enough to look askance at angry, judgmental letters from people with no personal knowledge of the parish other than what they read on a message board.

I wonder if you see the irony of your accusing others of writing "angry, judgemental" letters when you have not seen the letters. Perhaps you should heed your own advice regarding being judgmental.
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Filia Mariae

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This thread is absurd. Someone insists there is nothing heretical about eco-spirituality and when the contrary it demonstrated, they disappear. Another person insists Dignity is legit and when Dignity themselves assert their desire to change the teaching of the Church, that person disappears. Someone else insists the Bible has nothing to do with sexuality and when that claim is refuted they disappear. :doh:
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Critical loyalist
Apr 18, 2002
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Filia Mariae said:
This thread is absurd. Someone insists there is nothing heretical about eco-spirituality and when the contrary it demonstrated, they disappear. Another person insists Dignity is legit and when Dignity themselves assert their desire to change the teaching of the Church, that person disappears. Someone else insists the Bible has nothing to do with sexuality and when that claim is refuted they disappear. :doh:

I can't comment about eco-spirituality because the label could be applied to a variety of beliefs, some heretical, some not. Searching through this thread, all the proof I see you giving that the practices at St. Joan's are heretical on this issue is repeatedly calling it pagan without providing justification, calling it a waste of time, pointing out it focuses on creation-centered spirituality without figuring out what they mean by the term, and pointing out they adopted some Eastern practices without showing they adopted Eastern beliefs.
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Filia Mariae

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fragmentsofdreams said:
I can't comment about eco-spirituality because the label could be applied to a variety of beliefs, some heretical, some not. Searching through this thread, all the proof I see you giving that the practices at St. Joan's are heretical on this issue is repeatedly calling it pagan without providing justification, calling it a waste of time, pointing out it focuses on creation-centered spirituality without figuring out what they mean by the term, and pointing out they adopted some Eastern practices without showing they adopted Eastern beliefs.

Lex credendi, lex orandi.
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