Catholic Students in Tangerang, Indonesia Beaten and Stabbed with Knives While Praying Together by Muslims


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Oct 9, 2016
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Catholic Students in Tangerang, Indonesia Beaten and Stabbed with Knives While Praying Together by Muslims


A group of Catholic students at Pamulang University were beaten and stabbed with knives while praying by a mob of Muslims who did not like their prayer activities.

This incident was located on Jalan Ampera RT 007/002, Babakan Village, Setu District, South Tangerang City, Indonesia. This attack was led by a local community leader (RT Chair).

The victims admitted that they were shouted at with harsh words as well as threats of physical violence.

The SETARA Institute said this incident was a violation of Freedom of Religion and Belief (KBB) as well as a reflection of the weak ecosystem of tolerance amidst Indonesia's diversity system. The SETARA Institute also stated that law enforcement against perpetrators of various types of freedom of terror has been too weak so that incidents like this continue to occur.

In Indonesia, although the country has religious freedom for Christians, Catholics, Buddhists and Hindus. In fact, adherents of this religion are often the target of attacks from the Muslim community, usually on the grounds that they are prohibited from worshiping at home. Meanwhile, Muslims can worship anywhere freely without having to have permission. Every Friday Muslims close roads and public facilities for worship in many places, sound loudspeakers in residential areas at 2.00 AM during the fasting month, and sound loudspeakers freely 5 times a day.

instagram @permadiaktivis2 Permadi Arya on Instagram: "mahasiswa/siswi katolik univ. pamulang viktor dipukuli, dibacok cuma karena mereka BERDOA berawal dari RT bernama Diding yang memprovokasi warga izin gus menag @gusyaqut @ansor_satu kristenphobia semakin biadab akibat tidak ada tindakan tegas dari pemerintah sehingga tidak ada efek jera cc: pak @jokowi pelaku sudah dilaporkan ke polres tangsel.. teman2 bantu mention di kolom komentar tiga akun polisi dibawah ini yaa yuk kita banjiri notif bapak2 polisi agar pelaku segera ditangkap @kapolrestangsel @humasrestangsel @listyosigitprabowo share lagi ke insta story kalian, sebarkan ke grup WA. viralken #stopkristenphobia"