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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Cancer Fighting Strategies


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
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I am not even going to both with you and your arrogant know it all attitude. People like you are perfect to be establishment pawns.
Translation: "I'm utterly incapable of refuting your points so I'll turn tail and run now." What a surprise. And you a have a curious definition of the word "arrogant." Because I don't believe in alternative medicinal fantasies that are totally unproven I'm arrogant? OK......also not surprised at the personal attack though. It's usually the first retreat of a weak argument.

However, i would just like to clear up something for other people who still have their brain cells in tact
More insults. Impressive. Also I love how you call me stupid and can't spell a difficult word like "intact."

Dr Joel Wallach started as a Veterinarian and Nutritionish then later on became a Pathologist
He is a Veterinary Pathologist. Again I have to wonder if this is ignorance talking or willful deceit to make him look like more than he is...

Dr Wallach has done thousands of autopsies and analysis of both animal and humans as funded by the National Institute of Health
Again: ignorance or lies? It doesn't really matter though; either way you're wrong. All it took was a search at the National Institute of Health's web site.

and is not just some guy with a made up theory who came out of the bushes.
That's exactly what he is. Get over it.

The reason for bringing up Dr Wallach was to demonstrate how the medical establishment and pharmaceutical industry is not interested in any cure for cancer that they cannot patent and make money of on,
Interesting, since you didn't demonstrate that at all. All you did was give us a weak example of a blatant quack that if anything only weakened your already weak position and continues to fuel your grandiose conspiracy theory delusions. (PS: we DID land on the moon FYI)

this guy above will feel comfortable ignoring the results of thousands of people because his beloved Pharmaceutical industry has not released a study to back any of these alternative treatments up.
Yes, I am ignoring claims made about cancer cures on the internet (which anyone can make) that haven't oh btw actually been PROVEN. How foolish of me! I should just believe something because it sounds all warm n fuzzy and I wish it was true.


To those of you who are reading, my only advise to you
"Advice" is the difficult word you were reaching for.

take my words with a grain of salt but an open mind and do some research.Take his words with a grain of salt and do some research.
Finally, you said something sensible. Yes, do research. You might start with searching NIH's site for "Joel Wallach." Good luck finding anything about "thousands of autopsies performed" as claimed here (as if that in itself would prove he knows anything about cancer anyway).
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everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Mar 23, 2004
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I haven't looked at the links, but no one should be so naive to think that only an oncologist can tell you what can work for cancer. People should do research and take responsibility for their own health.

Doctors in the US have cured people from their cancer using alternative treatments and were imprisoned and lost their licence because of it. Unless a cancer cure can generate big money for big pharma it would be ignored and pushed aside and the law is on their side.

Dr Joel Wallach had to sue the FDA three times and won, just to be able to say in public that the trace mineral selenium can cure cancer after providing years upon years of clinical evidence.

Cancer treatments are a big money generating industry and people need to get it in their heads that when it comes to big money, people tend not to care about your life.

I agree.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
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I've seen an older idea for fighting cancer resurface lately - eating a ketogenic diet. CBN ran an article on it.

"Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery"

Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery | Single Cause, Single Cure Foundation
Where to start on this one...

- I would not go to CBN/the 700 Club for cancer "remedies" for the same reason that I wouldn't go to the Mayo Clinic for religious guidance.

- "Dr" Fred Hatield, who they feature in their little video, is not an oncologist. In fact, he's not a doctor at all. ie not a medical doctor, which is what we assume when we hear someone is a "doctor." He has a doctorate in Philosophy (he's hardly the first to use this misleading trick to try and give himself the appearance of having medical expertise). And his claims are only that: claims. Asking him for advice about cancer makes about as much sense as asking your butcher or barber or next door neighbor (presuming they have no medical degrees or background, that is).

- The same goes for "Dr" D'Agastino, who headed up the study at South Florida that is talked about in the video (gotta love how he puts on a white coat to add to the illusion of having medical expertise).

- Speaking of the video, that disgusting thing and CBN's little Suzy Q "reporter" who talks after the video clip they show are both grossly irresponsible, misleading, and in some cases, spew outright lies. For starters, the study talked about is but one study. Further, it was only on mice. Many other studies on various cancer treatments showed similar promise and didn't work out, yet they act like "this is the answer." Further still, this low carb diet that they say "worked" so well on mice only worked well when it also included hyperbaric treatment (oxygen saturation). oops, left that detail out.

But wait, there's more. Your body cannot live without glucose, as they imply. Your brain in particular requires it. (Don't take my word for it, look it up) oops, left that out too. And on it goes....

That all said, don't get me wrong; it is true that many people (probably a great many in the USA) eat too many carbs and run the risk of elevated blood sugars as a result, and I agree it's a good health idea to cut back in general, but to come off like it's some cancer cure and for people who AREN"T experts on cancer to act otherwise is again grossly irresponsible, as this idea is dicey at best, unproven and dangerous at worst, as it may misdirect people who don't know any better. And big surprise, after the video this girl immediately tosses out the "big pharmacy conspiracy" silliness (which is like the battle cry of the alt med groupies).

She makes me ill. I can just see someone watching this video and thinking "hey right on, I don't need that nasty ol chemo or radiation or surgery, I'll just use this new diet and bang, the cancer will magically melt away." People like this should be in jail for such misleading "information."
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2016
Salt lake City, UT
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I saw a 60 Minutes report about six months ago about a new treatment for cancerous brain tumors in which a neurosurgeon is now injecting a benign version of the polio virus into brain tumors.

The presence of the polio virus marks the cancer cells as being foreign to the body, which normally fools the bodies immune system into ignoring its' existence.

In the case shown on 60 minutes, a young woman who had already received all the chemo she could take, with only six weeks left to live and with a walnut sized inoperable tumor in her frontal lobe received the new treatment. Her own immune system immediately began attacking the tumor, and within three weeks it was completely gone.

Two years later, the young woman was completely cancer free.

You can get further details about this revolutionary procedure and the doctor who is pioneering what may well turn out to be a "cure" for brain cancer by contacting 60 Minutes directly.
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