Can marriage ever be a sin if both are Christian

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And a penalty is there for life, for being disobedient....
I wouldn't refer to it as penalty.
I simply mean that, since that man chose to disobey God, he will miss out on God's best for him.
He may very well live a long and happy life.
We are free to choose what we wish to do.
But if we do not choose what He tells us, we cannot escape the consequences.
Yet He may very well bless our lives abundantly.
It still will not be the best that He wanted to give to us.
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I simply mean that, since that man chose to disobey God, he will miss out on God's best for him.
Watch in person, in real life - those who chose to disobey God, and did not repent, cannot be trusted. They cannot discern God's Will and Plan and Purpose daily or for life. They can scarcely tell, if at all, when someone lies to them, or if they are being told the truth! And this results in them doing more that is disobedient, more that is wrong, and more that causes pain or harm or loss to others in the body / assembly .
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Nov 14, 2004
The apostle Paul said that it's ok to have an unbeliever as a spouse. But it's not preferred. It's not sin however

No he did not he said if already has a wife we know he does not approve if not already married as said in 1 Corinthians 7:39

and I am not debating anyone anymore about this

1 Corinthians 7:39
A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 7:12-16
12 But to the rest I, not the Lord, say: If any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is willing to live with him, let him not divorce her. 13 And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. 15 But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace. 16 For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?
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Mar 14, 2023
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The bible says as it was in the days of Noah they were marrying and giving in marriage and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so it will be when the son of man returns

In the days of Noah marriage was a sin because sons of God married daughters of men that is the non spiritual people

I thought marriage is never a sin if person is Christian as Paul said he who marries has not sinned but such will have trouble in the flesh

But could it be a sin if the other person possibility may not be a true Christian if they are not of similar background to atleast be born in Christian family though it is possible one is a Christian if one is not

What other situations is it a sin ?

But how can it take them by surprise if Christ will come after the tribulation do you think some will not even believe they are in the tribulation because how then can it take them by surprise ?

My dad says when Paul says in the last days people will forbid marriage it means because people will live together without getting married I don’t think however it is necessary to get married and have kids you may not raise in God if one is not spiritual but this means people should not sin and if they do they must repent

I am convinced now that I should not marry because it may not work out my father thought it was good for me though I don’t have to and my grandfather
my dads father told me before he died he wanted me to get married but my father said I don’t have to listen to him if I thought it was good and I was able to do something for the Lord I would think to get married but I think being single is being more profitable for the Lord the barren has more children than one who is married because you should not make people feel they have to get married which being single is maybe more safe and good for some and you don’t know if you will meet one suitable

unless I am convinced being married is good if I meet one suitable I don’t think I should get married

I think that you misunderstand the Scriptures on a number of points.

The passage about Noah, communicates that none of the evil people
on earth saw the flood coming. (Not, that marriage was evil.)

The passage referred to from Paul, addresses the fact that a Christian getting
married (if he is eligible to get married), does not sin, is making the point that
marriage is acceptable in the Christian moral-ethical model. But, Paul also
teaches that it is better for a Christian to remain single, in order to serve
the kingdom of God. (Paul is NOT saying that anyone who marries, is proven
to not be a sinner).

If you correct these misunderstandings of the Bible, then you are in a very
different place.
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Nov 14, 2004
I agree that He was more emphasising the sudden nature of judgement though it means must repent before. I agree if you mean only those are not eligible to be married are those entering sinful marriages but once you marry though there is to risk to die before you marry one is only allowed to continue if person accepts them and their children to follow christ or it becomes a practicing sinful lifestyle. If you want to say some people are not eligible to be married that they have to be single even a christian that is wrong as paul says nevertheless if one marries one has not sinned. I know you are a catholic and seem to want to trouble me to make arguments to try to annoy me to make me keep defending though anyone who studies scripture will know you are wrong. So I am not arguing anymore. You can make arguments still you are free but others can argue with you if they have time for it.
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Nov 14, 2004
People think they are getting away with evil by rejecting others but actually since the bible teaches there are rewards in heaven one way to lose a big reward is to reject someone for marriage just because of despise or just to be too judgemental not wanting to be generous even if they dont have money to help but you can help yourself but still all will be saved who believe and repent that will be happy that spared from hell and still in heaven there is no sorrow just will miss out on better reward for God will bring every work into judgement that means also there is lack of reward for sin and not living as sacrificial life as you can but the evil of rejecting another is worse.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to be safe it is best to teach perhaps remarriage even after adultery is wrong if person is truly sorry that the book of Job just means he understands one can have such consequences from other weakness not that it is right to and should reconcile if sorry unless person refuses to have children then is not a valid marriage but if have disease should not continue sexual relationship but not need to reconcile if not truly sorry but just separate and none can remarry but I will not hold that continuously if no change just to accept catholic faith after being baptised and chrismated if they let me be baptised as I want to and I heard they do if there is no documents left to prove my baptism if I find after joining catholic faith no change then will not accept that for any way for myself I will just not follow it if they dont prove that it is their fault for not baptising that for myself I will not accept it.
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Nov 14, 2004
Actually I am not following catholic church as sinful people can take advantage of system to plan to commit adultery which is a serious sin that can lead to death to die in the planning or while sinning before having chance to repent so I should not go to encourage it. I will follow instead the below after seeking to be baptised as an adult and following that church too.

I believe we can not risk that we can not continue to hold to church beliefs for must proclaim the good news to all. That one can only accept church beliefs to test for all christians are accepted but afterward we must all proclaim that all christians can be saved. We are the church and are commanded to be living to proclaim the good news to all we know who needs it and need to serve God in anyway that message while we have chance to seek to serve Him in some way to be profitable servants incase we die while not seeking to not have opportunity to call on the Lord. I decided also I would test the orthodox church beliefs to accept it when I go to church but if it does not prove not accept it and continue to go to church to test yet not accept if it does not prove.
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Nov 14, 2004
Christians are treating marriage as though it is sin that you are following prosperity gospel or that you are following the lust of the flesh to hinder people and is sin that the bible says it would be sin in last days that people will forbid marriage even and they need to repent to be saved.

As much as I respect the pastor of my new church who wants to encourage to be focused on kingdom but he does that by saying God looking for people only to seek God and not marriage and as much as I respect Rabbi Kirt Schneider from discovering the Jewish Jesus but he does wrong to say to seek to forbid marriage saying it is lusting after the flesh.

And is wrong to try to forbid marriage to one because of one past that does not affect them now or because they have views that are biblical that they teach against saying falling into sin looking at porn even if one repents of it each time truly loving spouse more but falls sometimes is reason for divorce while it is not and they need to repent though is right that person must not have intention to.

Some will come out trying to support them to forbid marriage for others or me not showing care but I wont reply to them except if I see there is right point that needs discussion.Some try to discourage by making it a sin by saying I would rather have the crumbs of lazarus than to have the things promised by prosperity gospel as though to marry which is one of the ways they probably mean of prosperity is itself a sin to lead to damnation.

Also nothing is wrong to have as long as that is all one pursues not to have a relationship with God which includes serving Him while he can that is that one is not focused on himself only but he seeks to spread gospel and gives back to the poor and helps the needy one knows needs his help to keep seeking to do to those one knows is in genuine need one at a time who he can help while he can incase he dies while not seeking to not have opportunity to call to christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
Some I saw who posted the below verses seem to use this to condemn seeking to marry but actually is a instruction for others to be charitable and should also come together in support to teach others to be charitable and help others have the means to reach their goals as Paul does not say is wrong to seek interest but not only for his own interests meaning you can have interest but not focus only on your own but seeking to help others too and is not a selfish ambition if you are doing it not to have more than others to make them suffer that that is not one intention but for sake of obtaining favor from the Lord so they dont disrespect you as bible says he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord and he who has children speak to enemies in the gate that is in public that quiver of children to have more is said because it is a blessing as more chance for more to honor but having one is sufficient if he respects one

Philippians 2:1-4
Unity Through Humility
1 Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, 2 fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. 3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem
others better than himself. 4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is not right to give up on what is good to want to marry or to condemn others for seeking it but it should not consume one and I decided for myself I will focus on God and goals to serve Him mainly so that it does not consume me and it should come natural that not forcing something not natural I mean not seeking to try among people who dont even appear open to other people.
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