Boards of Canada?


Hayden Bear.
Apr 17, 2009
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Has anyone ever heard of this band? Does anyone else feel an extreme spiritual connection with God when you listen to it? Everytime I hear their songs I just want to lay down on the ground and pray, or take a long walk outside and just enjoy God's creation. Boards of Canada's music has tons of subliminal messages and weird symbolic stuff and lots of hypnotic stuff, but for some reason whenever I listen to it it feels like God is talking right to me. It's weird, especially if you look up their lyrics. Is it wrong to use things like this to get closer to God? Or does the fact that you're so close to God make it okay? If you want an idea of what I'm talking about, try listening to songs like "84' Pontiac Dream", or "Tears From the Compund Eye". You can look them up on youtube. Turn the volume up full blast and close your eyes and tell me you don't feel something. It might just be me, I have a weird taste in music. And I think I should mention that whenever I listen to this music, I feel extremely inclined to witness to as many people as I can. It's as if no matter how afraid I am to talk to someone about God, I can just listen to this music and God takes over and helps me through situations. Let me know what you all think.

white dove

(she's a) maniac
Jan 23, 2004
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Hey love,

The music isn't overly-remarkable to me, but I do love their song titles, wow.

I don't think it's horrible that music would make you feel closer to God somehow. Just because music is secular does not mean it is inherently "evil." I believe that God is so powerful and amazing (with just a bit of irony), that God can use things that may not seem spiritual (or things of this world) to uplift and draw people closer to Him.

Just a thought. ;)
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May 5, 2012
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Hi, its several years later and you probably wont read this. I hope you haven't stopped listening to Boards of Canada.

Of course its not wrong to listen to them. Even though the audience is mainly drug and secular based, their songs give you a strong sense of nostalgia and gods appreciation.

Go to this song in youtube:
www(dot)youtube(dot)com /watch?v=0grbfRqBdpY

Many of their songs convey the innocence of children. They might not even be as secular as one would expect.

Anyways, hope you find this? Probably not. I made an account just now to reply to you, haha.
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Mar 22, 2011
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I know Boards of Canada, although I can't say I get that sort of feeling. I haven't listened to them in some time, but if you like BoC, you should check out:
Explosions in the Sky
This Will Destroy You
The American Dollar
God is an Astronaut

They are all in the category of "post-rock" and there's a lot of good stuff out there, whose name isn't very big. But there's also a lot of not so good post rock too...

Edit: I didn't realize I posted in a zombie thread
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Nov 20, 2011
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I only have one CD by them - stumbled upon it at a Goodwill and figured it was worth the $1 risk. I enjoyed it, but can't say I had the same reaction of the original poster. I'll have to give it another spin and listen more closely. I personally feel that God can use "secular" music/artists just as well as he uses those that are more overtly Christian. God dosen't limit Himself, so there's no reason we should either (just my opinion).
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Mar 18, 2013
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I listen to Boards of Canada occasionally (when I'm in a "weird" mood), but overall it tends to make me anxious. It's interesting and different music though. I'm don't know how true the rumors about subliminal messages in their songs are, but that's one reason I don't want to listen too much of it personally.

I agree with Leere, post-rock genre has some good music. :) (For example check out Explosions in the sky - Your hand in mine. That's a very spiritual and tear inducing song at least for me!) I'd also include Lights Out Asia to his list of bands to check out if you enjoy BoC.
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