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Anyone here ever witness a miracle?


Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Jun 6, 2002
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I was saved during the Jesus movement of the early 1970s. I was in the high school at the time and was not aware that miracles and healing had passed away :doh:.
All the "Jesus people" from the school were going to meet in a local park on Saturday for praise, worship, and testimonies (we did things like that). Alas we all showed up on Saturday and the skies were dark and it began to rain. Again, not knowing any better, we prayed for the skies to clear so we could proceed with our plans. Immediately before the eyes of all, the clouds began to part and blue sky appeared over the park... the park only mind you. All around us the sky was dark with coulds, but over our heads was blue sky.

That was amazing....

We know better now to try such a stunt.:D
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Jul 12, 2012
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I was saved during the Jesus movement of the early 1970s. I was in the high school at the time and was not aware that miracles and healing had passed away :doh:.
All the "Jesus people" from the school were going to meet in a local park on Saturday for praise, worship, and testimonies (we did things like that). Alas we all showed up on Saturday and the skies were dark and it began to rain. Again, not knowing any better, we prayed for the skies to clear so we could proceed with our plans. Immediately before the eyes of all, the clouds began to part and blue sky appeared over the park... the park only mind you. All around us the sky was dark with coulds, but over our heads was blue sky.

That was amazing....

We know better now to try such a stunt.:D

It still works! My husband and I were out picking up a mattress once. We had it on the car and were rolling on down the highway, and we saw sprinkles. So we all started yelling "Love you Lord!" And it stopped raining!

I've experienced other miracles as well. God works so amazingly!
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Apr 13, 2010
Hampshire, UK
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There's a woman in our church who talks of the day God made it rain on her car so the windscreen would get washed - she'd run out of washer water, she prayed and it rained.

And, yes, I've seen miracles. I think my favourite one is seeing a young non-Christian teenager have her curved spine straightened.

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Jul 12, 2012
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My husband and I suffered from true spiritual wasfare for awhile. It was really crazy. One day, after I had spoken with the wife of the pastor at my church about how I could combat this, he came home in a frenzy. He was cursing and screaming about his day at work.
So silently I prayed, "Demon I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus."
His very next sentence was "(loud sigh) Sorry Lord."
He was perfectly serene the rest of the night. Praise the Lord!
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Jan 2, 2013
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I'm talking unmistakable miracle...healing, or spirit manifestations, or such?

Sorry if this thread has been done before
I don't know if this may sound lame or 'mistakable' - but do you not see the miracle when life is created? I see this as a miracle - maybe it is my lack of biology courses but is seems unmistakable to me.
When you plant a seed in the garden and it grows into something I never grow tired of seeing this miracle.
When my two children were born I truly felt like I was witnessing an incredible miracle -- I know this happens something like every second on this planet - but I don't know if that makes it any less of a miracle -- I am still in awe of those moments ...
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everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Mar 23, 2004
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This past summer i had punctured my leg with a rusty part of my fire escape. It got infected really bad. I prayed along with many others and it was healed. And believe it or not, i punctured the same leg (different place) the same way about a month later. It was infected and i was getting the symptoms of lockjaw. I prayed along with others, and it was healed. There's no indication that my leg was ever punctured, no scars or anything. God healed me.

Our God is a very present HELP in our times of trouble.
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everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Mar 23, 2004
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There's the incident of the mother in China. A request was posted in our prayer forum here to pray for her. The situation was tragic. She had tumors growing on her face and the CHinese gov't would not help because she was poor. We prayed. Then we heard that the Chinese government intervened and she was operated on.
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Feb 12, 2013
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Last year my brother died on an operating table. He was dead for 29 minutes. When I got there late the next day he was in a coma. They feared he would not come out of it or be unable to function. I quietly prayed and got family to agree with me in prayer. By the next day he was awake, the day after he was up and around. I live several hours away. He was home before I was and is doing fine. He thinks it is because he is strong and healthy. I call it a miracle.
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Oct 17, 2010
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I'm talking unmistakable miracle...healing, or spirit manifestations, or such?

Sorry if this thread has been done before
I have been cured from an incurable disease, among other things. I am such a sinner I do not even like myself. Yet The Living God loves me as if I am his only child. That is a miracle!
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Just pokin around
Feb 11, 2013
behind enemy lines
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A friend and elder in fellowships wife had been diagnosed with ovarian cysts and pending an operation. After church I prayed with her and I said to her that she needn't be worried, and that the Lord would deal with it. I believe the Lord had me say this. It really wasn't of me ( I am not that presumptuous or have a " healing ministry " ) anyway 2 weeks later we were informed that the cysts had cleared up and that no operation was necessary.
I shared this once before and was told in no uncertain terms that this is common and wasn't a miracle. so am reluctant to share this but thought it might encourage someone.
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Just pokin around
Feb 11, 2013
behind enemy lines
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I have been cured from an incurable disease, among other things. I am such a sinner I do not even like myself. Yet The Living God loves me as if I am his only child. That is a miracle!

You are not alone in this.
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Apr 12, 2012
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As a Catholic, we believe strongly in miracles. As a matter-of-fact the Catholic Church itself is very slow to declare anything an actual miracle. This isn't because our church doesn't believe in them (far from it!); it is because the definition of a "miracle" is very strict, and the "miracle" MUST be UNEXPLAINABLE in any other way accept the intervention of God!

This must be true and be verifiable before the Catholic church will give it the OFFICIAL title of miracle, now UNOFFICIALLY is very different. We absolutely believe that miracles happen everyday, such as breathing, or the type mentioned by other posters; but in order to convince the non-believers of a "miracle" it cannot be able to be explained by them as a "natural occurance".

This being said, I've witnessed "miracles" that non-believers might call "coincidence" and I've personally experienced a few great miracles in my life, that would fit the mold of a "true miracle of God" (the only reason my church couldn't declare it such is that I had no witnesses, and no testing was done to see if it was possible to have happened by the scientific community.) It still however does fit the mold.

The first of these was my brother being badly burned. He was only 3 yrs old. It was the 1950's and he somehow managed to pull a tank of scalding hot water down over his shoulders! I'll try to spare you the nasty details, but he was screaming and my mother saw steam coming off of his body! She tried to remove his clothes when she realized what had happened, and found his skin coming off with the clothes! So she dunked him, pj's and all into a tub of cold water and called the ambulance. The end results were that the doctors used skin grafts from the bottoms of his feet, etc. to cover the burned areas, but the places the grafts were taken from wouldn't heal, (since his body was in such a state of shock). He wound up being 75% open wound with the burns being of 2nd and 3rd degree! My parents were told he would die. They went to our church and prayed and sought help from a very holy priest, well known for his gifts of discernment and healing. Fr. Solanus Casey (and many other faithful) prayed for him. He was in the hospital 2 yrs! But, he healed! Today he is in his late 50's and very healthy! If you know anything about serious burn victims, you'll know that even today, his chances of survival would be very slim, for your body is so completely open to infection and in such a state of shock it is difficult for it to heal. So praise God for that healing!

Another one was my sister, who was born with multiple interior birth defects in 1961. She only had one lung, Scoliosis of the spine, and a heart, that had the major valves to it, switched around sending blood into her body that hadn't been oxygenated much. She was very blue all the time and her chest would collapse in often, as an infant. She had surgery to remove her tonsils at age 5 and "died" on the operating table,(because she was also allergic to general anesthesia; which is as uncommon as being allergic to Tylenol.) They brought her back. She had open heart surgery, that same year, to correct the heart, and once again "clinically died" on the table. Since it was in the early 60's they didn't know how to help her as well as they would now. She was the first person to have that type of heart surgery, and all the others for many years after died from it. She alone lived. My parents were told that she might die from the surgery and, if she lived, wouldn't live long in life. They were also told that her recovery would take so long, that she would probably have to be taught how to walk again. The night of the surgery, my parents were called at home, and told that the hospital (literally) LOST their daughter! She somehow climbed out of her bed and WALKED AWAY). They searched everywhere for her and found her asleep in the bathroom. Apparently she had to go, and as a five year old, simply left to go in search of the bathroom. How she did it, how she found one at age 5, and the fact that she could walk to it, all confounded the hospital. She has survived well past the 20 yr limit the hospital gave my parents for her life, and is still living in her early 50's! Once again, she was on prayer chains everywhere! She had to wear a complete body brace 23 hours a day, and could only take it off to lay flat or swim. She wore it until she was 16 and had stopped growing. How she survived all of that only God knows. She is written up in the medical journals that interns study at the U of Mich.

With all of this, you'd think we'd seen enough in our family, but there were to be many more medical emergencies and more miracles to get our family through.

The truly greatest miracle that I personally experienced though came when I was about 13 yrs old. I always believed in God and would often speak to Jesus, conversationally, every night; and he would speak back to me! I thought this was common and what prayer was like for EVERYONE! It was wonderful, but now the Lord seldom speaks to me in that way; I suppose that He wants me to learn to hear Him in that "still small voice", spoken of in Holy Scripture. However during my childhood it was COMMON for Him to talk to me like this. So you'd think that I would never question my belief in Him. But, like others, I still did! I asked Him one day if He would help me to KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that He really existed!

It didn't take long, before He answered that prayer. I climbed up a tree in the far back of our property with other kids one afternoon. It was a maple tree that the kids would often climb and it was WAY out, away from any houses! The weather started looking stormy and all the other kids left to go home, since it was getting about dinner time anyway. But I stayed alone, up in my favorite tree perch. I had two of them, and I decided to climb up to my next highest position in the tree. I remember having my hands on a branch above me, but when I went to put my foot on the next highest limb, I slipped! I found that I didn't have a very good grip on the tree branch (not expecting to slip) and I fell! I was up about 30 ft high, there were tree branches everywhere below me, and there was also a lot of junk like farm fencing, posts, etc. below the tree. ....now I SHOULD have fallen straight down, (the laws of gravity and all). I, at least, should have hit some branches on the way down...but I didn't. You see, I didn't fall straight down. It happened so fast! The next thing I knew, I landed on the LAST branch of the tree, on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE TREE, straddling this large branch, and directly in front of the trunk, FACING IT! I didn't hit so much as a twig on the way over there, so I didn't somehow bounce off of something. I didn't hurt when I landed either; it was as if someone just set me down on it, close enough to the trunk that I could hold onto it to steady myself (which I REALLY did!)

After getting over the daze of what had just happened I climbed down and went home. I never told my parents until I few years ago, for fear of getting in big trouble (that's how parents were in those days. You could get in trouble for doing something stupid, so long as you didn't die, or have to go to the hospital.) I KNEW that Jesus had saved me! He sent His angel (my guardian angel I'm sure) to hold me and set me on that branch, protecting me from harm!

A few years ago, I took my adult son with me to my old home and we went to the tree that I had fallen from. He actually climbed the tree to where I fell from, just to see for himself if there was anyway feasible for that to have happened. From that perch, some 40 yrs later, he still couldn't find any explanation for my miraculous landing, other than a miracle! I took a picture of that tree, and now carry it everywhere I go in my wallet. It is what convinced me solidly that there truly IS a God. That the "person" that spoke to me when I prayed was, in fact, Jesus, God incarnate, and that the Trinity was absolutely real. We worship a triune God, one God in three persons; and boy does He love us!

If you want to see evidence of REAL unexplicable miracles, just search on the web for things like Fatima, and read what happened there; it was witnessed by hundreds, perhaps thousands of people, believers and atheist alike. It was covered by the local press and you can STILL read the paper's articles w/ pictures of that day in Fatima. You can also look up Eucharistic miracles and read about scientifically proven miracles involving the host and wine (known to Catholics as literally Jesus' body and blood, once the words of Consecration, the words Jesus said at the last supper, have been pronounced by a priest.) There are many miracles involving the host bleeding, or actually turning to heart muscle, even beatingThese miracles Have been tested by independent scientist that were not told where the material came from, and tested by several scientist in different labs, in order to have it verified in a scientific sense!

We also have many, many miracles of healing, where people threw away their crutches and left them, or their sick beds, at the church that they were carried to for the healing service.

I love the Lord so much, and I love my faith. ALL Catholics should believe in miracles and witness them. Alas, you have many that simply attend a church, but don't take to heart her teachings! Those are the ones that, too often, teach errors about our faith, simply because they didn't pay attention, or take the time to study their faith, or the Bible. As the saying goes, "You can stand in a garage, but that doesn't make you a car." Likewise you can attend a church, but that doesn't make you a Christian (or give you the right to say that you're Catholic either. You must LIVE it and KNOW what you claim to believe!)

Sorry, for the long letter, but I'm tired of non-Catholics thinking that Catholics don't believe something, or that we DO believe something, that is incorrect! Most non-Catholics are given the wrong information about what the Catholic church truly believes in, or WHY we believe it. I believe if they were given the CORRECT beliefs of our faith, they very well might become Catholic, or at least feel comfortable studying the Bible together.

May God Bless us all, and unite us in ONE faith soon! :groupray:
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