Any Old School Holiness Pentecostals?


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Jan 1, 2024
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I remember back in the 80s & 90s there seemed to be a lot more Holiness Pentecostals. Often they were called legalists, but that term is up for interpretation. I knew of one Baptist church that said a woman couldn't be saved if she wore pants! THAT is legalism, hard core style!

I did a search and found a topic here on Holiness Pentecostals, from 10 years ago!

(I think the OP there may have answered my question !)

I tried to contact a Holiness church back in 2018 and they never seemed to be there, had no answering machine, and no website.
Maybe when David Wilkerson died in 2011 that dealt a blow to the Pentecostals who embraced the true doctrine of "Be ye Holy for I am Holy, saith the LORD, " and, "Follow Peace with all men, and Holiness, without which no man shall see the LORD?"

World posted this from him:
"David Wilkerson (1931-2011)
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 - 12:00
God’s Word tells us in no uncertain terms, “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14, NKJV).
Here is the truth, plain and simple. Without the holiness that’s imparted by Christ alone—a precious gift we honor by leading a life devoted to obeying his every word—none of us will see the Lord. This refers not just to heaven but to our present life as well. Without holiness, we won’t see God’s presence in our daily walk, our family, our relationships, our witness or our ministry.

It doesn’t matter how many Christian conferences we attend, how many sermons we listen to, how many Bible studies we are involved in. If we harbor a cancerous sin, if the Lord has a controversy with us over our iniquity, then none of our efforts will produce godly fruit. On the contrary, our sin will only grow more contagious and infect everyone around us.

Of course, this issue goes beyond all lusts of the flesh all the way to a corruption of the spirit as well. Paul describes the same destructive sin in this passage when he says, “Nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer” (1 Corinthians 10:10).

Christ has promised to keep you from falling and to give you sin-resisting power if you simply believe what he has said. It is all a matter of faith. Believe him for this godly fear. Pray for it and welcome it. God will keep his word to you. You cannot break free from the death-grip of besetting sin by willpower or by any human effort alone. “‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).

Dear saint, will you allow the Holy Spirit to deal with all the lusts you may be harboring? Will you instead seek the escape that God has provided for you?

I urge you to cultivate a holy fear and trust in these last days. It will keep you pure, no matter how loudly wickedness rages around you. It will enable you to walk in God’s holiness, which holds the promise of his enduring presence. Amen!"

I'm actually surprised to see Wilkerson use anything other than KJV. He was KJV only, and his name even appears in a list of famous preachers who used the KJV as their choice Bible.

Ok, it's THERE, I see Holiness around - but Where? It's like a remnant of a remnant. Or the Independent Baptists have taken up the reigns because they're preaching Holiness, but they also are few, and the churches tend to be smaller. I counted 32 in our main service Sunday, and maybe another 8 if you include the kids & Sunday school teachers, so 40. What matters is the hearts prepared in the LORD, not numbers anyways.


Continue Well 2 John 9
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Jan 27, 2009
Notre Dame, IN
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How refreshing! Pardon me, but may I speak from the heart? So nice to see the myth of forum dirge once again be confirmed. No, not interested in defining that.
what is "holiness"?
I see Holiness around - but Where?
Well, one thing I know is, the child of God can't have holiness without righteousness, and you can't have righteousness without His will. Lest I hear orderliness of truth rise up in correction to some fault I have been dragging around, that is a fundamental requirement.
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