Aliens and God: Extra Theology for Extraterrestrials


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Feb 5, 2002
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Recent UFO Congressional Hearing

In the July 26 Congressional Hearing on UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), three former military officials told Congress that the government is hiding information about possible encounters with aliens. There has always been an American mythology surrounding UFO sightings and alien encounters, most of it was hearsay and anecdotal. What happened on July 26 was different. We had men with serious credentials testifying before Congress that they know of someone or have personally encountered UAPs. themselves. One of the men, David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence official claims to have gained knowledge, through interviews with eyewitnesses, of a crash site of an alien craft that contained non-human biological remains. He also claims the government has the UAP craft and is studying its technology.

A former Navy commander, David Fravor, said he and three fellow military pilots spotted a white Tic-Tac-shaped object flying at supersonic speeds in patterns that are impossible for human aircraft. As to whether the UAPs present a danger, Grusch told the panel that he knows of “multiple colleagues” who were injured by UAPs.

Theological Implications

If this testimony were true, then there are major theological implications. Not since Galileo and the switch from a geocentric solar system to a heliocentric one, have the stakes been so high. That was an ‘uh oh moment’ for the Church who at the time aligned with the theory of geo-centrism because it seemed to fit the biblical narrative. Galileo was one of the first to assert a heliocentric solar system and the Church wanted him to check his facts. The Church handled the Galileo affair poorly (though not as bad as most textbooks indicate). To this day, because of what happened with Galileo, many people think that the Church is opposed to science and that the Bible itself is anti-science.

If these experts are telling the truth and these so-called UAPs are flown by intelligent, non-human aliens, who are more advanced than humans, then the Church must be ready to give an answer to the many questions that this would pose. We don’t want another ‘uh oh moment’.

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