Afloat upon the waters (Noah's Ark?)


Mar 2, 2014
United States
Salvation Army
Marital Status
I wanted to break away from the prayer thread and start my journey here on Noah's Ark.

When I returned to TSA (1999) I read the Orders and Regulations for soldiers, I also made a audio copy on my ipod to listen to while driving. it tells us to get to know the movement of which we are a member. Get to know the origin and development of the Army etc...

I have spent many years collecting books and reading them on TSA. I am learning more and more about what motivated William and Catherine. I see there is a difference between the TSA movement and the TSA denomination, but they should not be separate but maintained as a cohesive whole to carry out the mission of both.

I read a book where it mentioned about the uniform being MORE THAN Sunday attire. It went on to say that when the uniform becomes JUST Sunday Attire, it is time to take it off. Because of the depths of despair and sin some 23 years ago, I believe TSA has helped me in recovery these past 15 years.

The "Floating" feeling comes in when I read and listen to ipod and iTunes and other online/offline sources. That I see how the local Envoys have and continue to distance themselves from the denomination we call TSA. TSA really doesn't promote Communion or baptism, We don't disagree with it, but we just don't perform these in the services.

Communion is a regular activity here locally.

The leadership ranks and command structure should be the same as TSA is an international movement. General Cox is yours and my leader. but I do not feel the local leaders (envoys) represent the international TSA.

When it comes to a loaf of bread and a can of soup they have done exceptional in our community. But I feel the Church community has yet to see and hear what TSA denomination (uniqueness) is all about.

I have no current connections with TSA now. I have been told to leave till they are no longer the leaders. Ah but our Son is graduating CFOT to become a TSA officer, how can this be?

I guess it was going overboard listening to the chosen to be a soldier on my ipod, reading books on the movement that I have joined, going to men's camp and "The Gathering Congress" listening to General Linda Bond. Downloading Shaw Clifton preaching and others... reading articles from the current general... I personally don't think it is wrong. But locally it has caused this divide.

I am no longer attending the Corps. Glad there is a Cyber Corps to get things off my chest. I recently found comfort in Calvary Chapel, my wife and I attend now. I feel I am a Salvationist among the non denominational Calvary Chapel. that is what we have been under for the past 15 years. A TSA corps that is non denominational in its actions.

This week at CC is Men's group, Monday and Tuesday (tonight). At these group studies the leaders go thru the Bible verse by verse, we share our thoughts when time allows.

During my driving for work (200 miles or more a day) I thought about another site when they post "what does it mean to be a Salvationist?" Something to think about. Now that I am in the situation of looking from the outside inward.

Started another round of Bible Reading, now in the book of Leviticus.


simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
very good. Trust Yhwh the Author of all LIFE to show you all about Truth in and from Scripture, by His Spirit by Grace in Yeshua. Yeshua is always Faithful, and will never never never disappoint you if you trust in Him Completely. He will Guard you and Keep you and Teach you and Lead you and Direct your steps.
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