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Acts 15 = New Jerusalem



Acts 15 = New Jerusalem

“Paul to go, and Barnabas and some others of them, to apostles and elders in Jerusalem about [matter] of the (TOU) issue” – 15.2.

“they were received” – 15.4.

“God chose Gentiles” – 15.7.

New Jerusalem prophesied:

“After these [we will identify them], I will return, and I will build again the tabernacle of David [still standing at time of this meeting], the [one] having fallen [AD 70]. And the [things] having been ruined [AD 70], I will rebuild, and I will restore” – Acts 15.16-17.

NOTE A: The Greek leaves out many words that the reader, or translator, must supply. “The” is used to represent “one” or “ones, depending on whether it is singular or plural. Translator supplied words should always be identified by brackets or italic print.

NOTE B: God likes to test our dedication by “hiding” part of the message at times.
“Every knee will bow” is not universally true. “cast them into outer darkness.” “will be cast into everlasting fire.” So then, “Every knee will bow” is a Limited Generality. It only applied to the saved, who were the only ones being addressed.

The other side of the message is found in the Hebrew verses quoted: Isaiah 45.23-24:

“and they will be ashamed all of the ones incensed in Him.”

And, Amos, quoted here (9.11-12), must be read to learn what, “after these” is referring to in verses 9 and 10.

“For, looking, as I, from commanding, and the moving of Me in all of the nations (Tribes; or, nations of their captivity) of house of Israel, as that he (Jacob) will move in sieve, and he will not fall bundling to earth; in sword they will die, all of sinners of people of [Me], the ones saying, ‘She will not bring near, and she will [not] go before until [time] of the disaster’” – Amos 9.9-10.

And here is “the hidden part of the message” in Acts 15!

“They will die” predicted the “death of Israel.” Now, we can understand the meaning of the verses quoted; Amos 9.11-12.

To read verses 10 & 11 alone is useless!

God expects His servants to dig deeper!

“I will build again the tabernacle” refers to founding New Jerusalem; after “the tabernacle of David is fallen down.”

Here, and in over 50 other prophecies, God dated New Jerusalem with the Fall of Israel.

The “Elect” were resurrected in AD 77. Israel was annihilated in the, “Ten Days of Tribulation” (Rev 2.10; AD 67-77).

Josephus recorded, 1,100,000 Jews killed; and 97,000 more Jews sold into slavery.

The “light of the Sun (Iesous; Isa 30.26) was sevenfold” (the light of Solomon).

Israel was 1600 Furlongs (200 miles; Rev 14.20); and New Jerusalem was 12,000 Furlongs (1500 miles; Rev 21.16).

1600 Furlongs X “7.5” = 12.000 Furlongs = “sevenfold.”

The 12 Gates to the Holy City included: Macedonia (NW corner), and Assyria (NE corner), and Persia (SE corner) and Egypt (SW corner).

The Street of Gold was from Egypt to Assyria; called a “Highway of Holiness” (Isa 19.23, 11.16, 35.8).

But that was only in AD 77. Revelation is the history of New Jerusalem, and her spread worldwide.

I walk the “Street of Gold” today, in Granite City, Illinois.

So then, the Jews, and the Law of Moses, and the Old Covenant, and the “one-time-only” conference are all dead and gone.

And the God and the Lamb live today – on earth!
