A Plea For Peace


退屈させた1 つ (bored one)
Feb 16, 2002
El Cajon, California, USA
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As a believer in Christ, who very much wants others to know the salvation and grace He offers freely, I am somewhat concerned.
I have noticed that in some of the threads (chiefly the Nickelodeon/homosexuality thread) that the debates have gotten very angry and very personal. :(
While that is an important issue, as others are, do not forget that we are supposed to be presenting the Gospel in a loving manner. The nonbelievers to whom we should be wanting to show the grace and love of God often do not see "grace" but anger and displeasure, as we seem to expect them to post as conservative believers would. :(
Yes, this is Christian Forums. However "they will know we are Christians by. . ." what? By our good arguments? By our moral stance?
Remember all, you were once a nonbeliever. you once had some ideas that would be roundly criticized.
So I make a plea for patience and peace. :)

/me gets off of soapbox