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    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

A little update



Hey guys!

Just a bit of an update since I haven't really been around to much since I have been really busy.

Well I visited my family in Tennessee back in June and I had a pretty good time. They made me feel welcome enough to give moving there a try. I never really have had a family so I thought it would be nice to try and have one. So I have had a ton to do since I am moving almost across the country. I decided to sell my house in California with most of my furniture because honestly I don't have the patience for moving all of my stuff. So I have been busy looking for a place to live here in Tennessee and buying furniture and some household stuff along the way. I haven't sold my Cali house yet so I am flying one week a month to California to work on selling it and I am dancing a bit while I work on selling it to make some extra money. So I guess I am earning my frequent flyer miles but honestly am a bit sick of it. I do have a few prospects on the house though so I would like to be out of there by November.

Things in Tennessee are different obviously. Different from me actually having a family to talk to which I am still getting use to and then stupid little things like going to a stock car race (a bit boring for me). It's a big adjustment because like I will not call my dad or stepmom for a day or two and then they kind of expect me to call so they check to make sure I'm alive lol. I have been such a loaner stuff like that takes time to get use to I guess. The job hunt is kind of new to. I am dancing at a club in Tennessee a few nights a week and it's just totally different from what I am use to. It's okay though because I am in the process of getting a real job which I am pretty excited about. I can't wait to get out of that club because I really don't get along with most of the girls and I am just tired of dancing it's taken half of my life so far and I am just done I think.

Hope your all doing good and let me know how things are going :)


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Sep 2, 2010
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hey there i have never met you but wanted to say that you can get out if you want. I know the moneys good and you need to get by, but the amount of heart ache that comes from this work is not worth it. I will pray that the Lord gives you a job that will meet all your needs.
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Finally a butterfly...
Aug 1, 2005
Standing right behind you! ;)
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Hi Honey! You've been busy!!!!!!!!!!!! I too am hoping that you can leave the clubs soon...I will pray for you.

I've been going through a tough time. My father in law just passed away and my son has strep throat. Looking for things to look up soon.

Hopefully I can write more later...love you!
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Hey Nautical!

Ya it's really been to long for me in the industry. The pain it's caused me is not worth the money I've gotten in return. I'm starting to get a few jobs possibly lined up back in Tennessee which I am really excited about. I also am about a week away from selling my house in California so that will allow me to just settle in here at my new place. I never really thought I would have a chance to turn my life around but it looks like I do. I never was close with my step mom but she is helping me a ton with getting my life started again and turning the corner. I never really gave her a chance and now that I have she has taught me that I can have a family and can survive the past.

I am hoping to have a job soon and be out of stripping by November or December the sooner the better really. Thank you so much for praying for me! I really, really appreciate the time you are taking to do so.

Hey Court!

Ya busy enough to make my head spin at times. Thanks for praying for me as well Court!

Sorry to hear about your father in law. Hope your all handling it well as a family. Awww your poor son! I use to get strep when I was younger all the time. You get scared if you get the slightest soar throat. So I feel for him : (

I really am counting down the days until I can quit dancing.... The club in Tennessee is pretty bad just like trashy all around, trashy costumers, trashy girls. The sooner I get out of there the better. I really am excited to get to spend more time with my family to.

Love you to Court! Thanks for always being a good friend.

Thanks Fierce hope you start feeling better to!
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Finally a butterfly...
Aug 1, 2005
Standing right behind you! ;)
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Honey...I just don't want you to think I am ignoring you... My husband has kidney stones, we have a new puppy that is sick and Andrew is still well, a 4 year old boy... I am just going a bit crazy on this end... You are in my thoughts and prayers though....
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New Creation

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OH. MY. GOSH!!!!!!!


Holy Mackeral girl! Oh my gosh! wow! It's amazing news! I'm in shock! YOu really did it! YOu're doing it! HONEY! I am so happy for you! So proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH my gosh, you are SO BRAVE. I am in AWE of you right now. YOu have MADE my entire WEEK girlfriend.

I have been to Tennessee a few times and I think it is a lovely place. I am so excited for you to start the next phase of your life Pualani.

You SO deserve this. WOW, Just freakin' WOW.

I hope you find happiness Pualani- you deserve it. I'm so glad that you are going to have a family. You deserve that too. And I hope that one day you can have your own family too.

Much love to you dear sister. You are amazing. You are an inspiration. YOu are a beautiful child of God.

Please keep us updated!
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Thanks so much Paula!!!! I just got back from the closing on my house in California. It was harder than I thought it would be on me because I did love that house. It wasn't big or glamorous but it was mine you know? Honestly though I know my life is going to be better for it though.

I am pretty excited to fully settle here in Tennessee now and get a house. Really you have been to Tennessee? Any particular reason? It is really pretty here and peaceful to. It is so different from what I am use to but I am starting to adjust I think.

Starting to focus on the job hunt today. I am gonna go apply at 6 places and hopefully at least one wants me so I can quit stripping. Gotta run but I will fill you guys in with more later. Hope you're all well : )
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New Creation

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Yes, I can imagine how bittersweet it was to close on your house. I've never owned a home of my own and it is a life long dream for me so I can imagine how hard it was to leave it behind. I hope you find the perfect home for yourself in Tennessee.

I am going to say an employment novena for you Pualani. It's a nine day prayer. We did one for ourselves last year and I believe that we were heard.

I have indeed been to Tennessee at least 4 times. The last time I went was in 98. My family and I used to drive to Florida every few years and we always went through Tennessee. We always used to stop there and camp overnight. I have nice memories of it. If I'm ever out that way again, I'll let you know. :)

I am just so happy for you honey. You really did it. Pat yourself on the back girlfriend. You rock. God bless you.
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Sorry it's been so long since I posted! I had a ton on my plate over the last 2 months. I had a seasonal job at a store in the mall up until the last week of january which went pretty well. I guess they liked me so I might get hired back next month when they look to hire again. After that I have just been spending a ton of time with my family. The holidays were really nice. I've never had a holiday with like an actual nice family group of people I like.

I usually go to church with them every week and it's been nice. I've met a ton of people which is slightly crazy at first because it's all so new. I'm getting use to it now though and dare say I have made a few friends. I thought it would be weird at first meeting all these people and having them no I was like my dads long lost daughter. It was a bit weird but I think I was making a bigger deal of it then they did. It's just I don't look like my family and I thought maybe people would talk but they haven't. So it's nice feeling like I belong because I never really have.

Ugghh it was hard to close on my house! I got a bit emotional. It was just the biggest thing I ever did was buy my house. I am renting now to. I have a loft apartment that I like a lot. It's perfect for what I need and I have no complaints.

Thanks for saying an employment prayer for me! It seems to have worked! I still dance on the side. Still all the usual drama that comes with that. I don't like it but for now it's paying the bills. I'm hoping I can get my job back at the mall soon and then maybe go back to school.

Tennessee is really different in every way from Hawaii or California. It's taking getting use to and adjusting but I have family here. I feel happier to. If your ever out here please do let me know!

Thanks Paula! It means so much to hear you encouraging me it really does! Thanks so much : )
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It is always so good to hear from you. :D

Wow. Christmas with your family. What a gift eh? It's something that you just can't put a price on or possibly replace eh? (do I sound Canadian right now? lol) That is absolutely sublime Pualani.

I tend to do the same thing as you Pualani...build things up in my head and expect the absolute worst. I am so glad that things haven't been going as (badly as) you expected and that you are even making friends! Take your time girlfriend, be careful who you give your heart to, but enjoy this new and fresh start. :)

I can totally imagine the difference between Cali and Hawaii and Tennesee. TOTALLY different mindset eh? It must be funny sometimes. Do you like the accents? Do your little sisters have them? There's nothing funnier or cuter than listening to little kids with accents.
I can relate to the change. I was living in the city my whole life before I moved out here in BC to live in the sticks. It was a culture shock but I really have come to love it. I hope you find your niche. What were you considering for school?

Glad you're keeping an emotional distance with dancing. It sounds like you know you want to get out for good. I'm sure that it will happen for you. You are doing all the right things.

So everything is going well with your family? You guys are really getting to know each other? Tell us about it!!!! (nosy eh?)

lots of love to you Supergirl.
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I'm glad you like to hear from me! I really like hearing from you to! You always make me feel better about myself and make me smile.

Ya Christmas with people you love is just a really nice end to the year. My whole family was there and it was nice to see all of them. I've just never had like family or any type of togetherness until now. How was your Christmas? Yup, you sound really Canadian

I can be such a downer at times and just only see what could go wrong. I really need to work on that. It can be very stressful! I was thinking that people would talk and that people would make a big deal about me being a part of my family and they really haven't. There were some questions but I was honest and my dad and step mom just told me if people talk they talk. If they want to judge me then they don't need to be in my life you know? Had to LOL when you said to be careful about who I give my heart to. I am so uninterested in romance right now it's almost funny. I get hit on a lot and I just haven't even been interested once. I guess in time I might but for now I am happy as it is.

Ya California is night and day from Hawaii and they both are totally different from how things are here. California is well California lol. Hawaii is really laid back and it's like beach lifestyle. Here it's much more conservative and it's even slower paced then Hawaii lol. The style is so different to and I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb wherever I go. People are really friendly here to and it's taken getting use to. I'm not really like a person that makes random conversation and here people talk to me all the time. It made me uncomfortable at first but getting use to it a little.

I love the accents on my sisters! It's so cute. I like it in women to but I find it kind of annoying in the guys lol. Doesn't bode well for potential daters lol.
You should hear them try and pronounce my name it's like poolaney lol. I know my name is a mouthful though I usually don't expect people to get it right My sisters sound so cute though! It's a total culture shock but I think it was needed. Was it like that for you?? Thinking about getting some more general education classes out of the way. Still don't know exactly what I want to do.

Ya the club is just getting so, so old. A few girls have been trying to start drama with me and I'm just ignoring it. I'm so over it! Most of them just don't like me because I'm from California you know? They're just really different from me and not my kind of people. I can't wait to quit!

Things are going great! I am starting to feel at home here you know? I love just spending time with them and like playing uno or dumb stuff like that. I can't wait for the summer so we can start doing some outdoors stuff because I guess it's really nice here for stuff like that. I love hanging out with the girls to! It's going great though! How are things with you?

So sorry to hear about your friend passing : ( I feel for you....
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Finally a butterfly...
Aug 1, 2005
Standing right behind you! ;)
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Last day at the club is tonight! I'm so excited to finally be done. Stripping has consumed more than half of my life up until this point but I really am looking forward to starting this new part now. Just hoping it all goes smooth and I can just coast and leave.

I only have a minute Pualani, but I just wanted to say WOOOOOOOOOOOO and HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :clap: I am soooooooooo happy you are doing well and that tonight is your last night at the club! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:
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New Creation

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Aug 4, 2003
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Last day at the club is tonight! I'm so excited to finally be done. Stripping has consumed more than half of my life up until this point but I really am looking forward to starting this new part now. Just hoping it all goes smooth and I can just coast and leave.

Wow Pualani, look at you. I mean really look at you. Look at what you have done with yourself, how you have turned things around. This is a momentous day, one for the books! I am so incredibly proud of you and your tenaciousness. You are a superstar and one of my heroes. Congratulations my friend. Welcome to the rest of your life. :hug:
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Finally a butterfly...
Aug 1, 2005
Standing right behind you! ;)
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Thanks so much guys! I've been crazy busy but in a good way. Spending a ton of time with the fam and then working. Really don't miss dancing at all. It feels so good actually to have a Saturday night to myself! Thanks again for all the encouragement!

Pualani! You so ROCK! :thumbsup: I am so happy to hear that things are working out for you!
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