A Life of Comfort, Excess, and Pleasure


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Sep 29, 2022
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Isn't it wonderful to live in such times where we have more (in terms of material wealth) than ever before in history?
We are surrounded by so much luxury, food, excess, pleasures, technology that makes our lives better, and overall more

I don't know whether this is actually supposed to be a good thing or not. The Bible often mentions as a metaphor and
maybe not literally, that it is better to cut off your hand that sins and enter heaven than to not cut off and enter hell.
Same goes with gouging out your eyes or something like that. Now obviously Jesus is not saying literally to cut off your hand
because you can't stop stealing or to gouge out your eyes because you can't stop lusting. The point is we have to make sacrifices
in our flesh because it is more important that we enter heaven (be saved) than to care for our flesh but only to die and go to hell.

I've met a lot of Christians these days who seem to be falling into this trap. They are more interested in working, building their career,
so they can make more money, and then travel the world and have such amazing experiences and good times. There's nothing wrong
with having a good time and enjoying the beauty the world has to offer, but if it's more important than Jesus, then maybe we're doing
this all wrong and being lulled into this trap of comfort, excess, and pleasures (happiness).

When I see the lives of missionaries, I cannot express how much I believe the way they are living their lives is the truest form of Christ-like
living. We are all called to spread the gospel but maybe we aren't all called to be missionaries specifically although many would argue
that you don't have to live in a foreign country giving your life to foreign peoples to be a missionary. You can be a missionary in your
own home, community, workplace, church, neighborhood while holding down a regular job and having a regular social life.

I'm afraid most of us are getting it wrong. Pursuing a life where you can travel the world to take beautiful videos and pictures to post on
your social media rather than say traveling the world to evangelize and serve Christ seems wrong. We'd rather work hard at our jobs/careers
(for the point of promotions and career advancement because it means higher pay which leads to more pleasures you can have in this life)
rather than working harder to earn more money for God and his mission. I would be the first person to admit I fall in this category.

I met a pastor recently who basically gives everything he has to God's service and his family. He doesn't seek to pleasure himself with indulgences
this world has to offer. His labor job he says he works so that whatever he earns he puts right back into the mission work God has given him.
When I see this, it makes me feel like he's got it so right and living for God but the rest of us who say we are Christians and go to church don't
show the same fruit like this man. We're just saving up so we can travel to Europe next summer or the tropics next winter but we say we are
Christ followers? Are we following Christ to those white sandy beaches with pina colodas in our hands sun bathing in a recliner?? That doesn't
sound like something Christ would do in his free time. So why do we?
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Sep 20, 2023
Flower Mound
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Thank God every day for the prosperity you enjoy, name off every blessing you are thankful for, recognize that it is a gift from him, give back to him as much as you can, and this makes it a fruit of your faith in him.

I pray one day I can measure my wealth and excess by how many people I lift out of poverty with it.
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Sep 29, 2022
United States
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I have heard it said that 80% of Christians can survive persecution but only 20% can survive prosperity.

The passage about not loving the world (or being of it) is always a challenge. I feel it the pull and draw of the world everyday and most of the time I do desire it and yearn for it, but how to protect yourself from giving over to it? That's why I think for centuries it's been a debate that continues...the whole idea of living a monastic life has it's appeals vs outright living in modern society just filled with endless traps. But living a monastic life might seem nice for a short time (a week, a year even) but I would eventually feel too bored out of my mind and want to live in a modern lifestyle again. The idea of stoicism and minimalist movement seems to be part of this struggle. Even the scriptures suggest this struggle because Jesus says if anyone wants to be my follower, they must deny themselves and pick up their cross daily.

I personally believe this passage in Luke is one of the most scary in all the Bible. The call is clear. True followers will deny themselves and pick up their cross daily (hamaran). It means you have to deny the desires of the flesh (this where fasting comes from) and follow the ways of the Spirit. It's extremely hard if not impossible for moderate Christians which makes me believe maybe moderate christians are not true followers and truly not saved. Only the extreme called out ones seem to be living the life Jesus calls us to live. Controversial but what if this is what it meant when Jesus said many will call on my name but I will say I do not know you. I honestly can't fast for more than 30 hours tops but that's even if I was really motivated and inspired with people beside me doing it too. If I can't even fast 3 days 10 days or 40 days, it's me ultimately saying, I can't give it all up for God because I still desire the world and the flesh and care more about my own comfort and well being than to suffer for Christ's sake. I honestly believe up to 90% of Christians are in this state. Very few can actually give it all up for Christ.
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Sep 29, 2022
United States
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Thank God every day for the prosperity you enjoy, name off every blessing you are thankful for, recognize that it is a gift from him, give back to him as much as you can, and this makes it a fruit of your faith in him.

I pray one day I can measure my wealth and excess by how many people I lift out of poverty with it.

you are so right about that! it's a beautiful attitude and perspective to live by....always being thankful and humble to God and giving with a cheerful heart
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Sep 29, 2022
United States
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i mean, good economies are nice, but don't forget that not everyone lives in wealthy countries.

As many as 783 million people are facing chronic hunger.

yes, and it seems that in those parts of the world, that's where Christianity is growing and thriving, but in nations where we have prosperity, Christianity is in sharp decline.
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