A church in CRISIS from MSNBC



Parish backs priest who admits abuse
Parishioners at a Roman Catholic church in rural Indiana are standing behind their priest despite his acknowledgement that he had a sexual relationship with a teen-age boy he was counseling.

Bush tells pope of concern for church
President Bush on Tuesday took before Pope John Paul II his concerns about the state of the Roman Catholic Church in light of the sexual abuse scandal that has rocked the institution.

John Paul, 82, stoically carries on
Pope John Paul the Second, the world’s most powerful moral authority, turns 82 Saturday, and physically he has never been weaker. But as NBC’s Stephen Weeke reports, now as he has for 22 years, John Paul just keeps on ticking.

Pope gets help with birthday speech
A priest read out most of a speech from Pope John Paul II to mark his 82nd birthday at the Vatican on Saturday, apparently to conserve the pontiff’s strength.

Pope complains about demise
of confessions
At a time when the reputed birthplace of Jesus Christ has been under military siege and the U.S. Roman Catholic is facing scrutiny over sexual abuse, the Vatican decided to issue a letter on the importance of the confessional.

A test of faith: One diocese’s story
As Catholics across the United States face tough choices about their church, the experiences of one California diocese offer valuable lessons in hurt and healing. MSNBC’s Jon Bonné reports.

The sister’s battle with the bishop
Bishop Patrick Ziemann had sweeping powers in the Santa Rosa diocese — until an elderly nun’s outrage helped knock him off his feet. MSNBC’s Jon Bonné reports.

Exorcising financial demons
As if the widening sex scandal weren’t devastating enough, the Catholic Church also faces a legal barrage that could hurt financially. The Santa Rosa diocese has been through that, too. MSNBC’s Jon Bonné reports.

A parish shares hard-learned lessons
Members of one church in the Santa Rosa diocese talk to MSNBC.com about how their parish has dealt with the scandals.

Vatican’s great divide with America
The Vatican has always viewed American Roman Catholic leaders with suspicion, especially on the issue of sex. NBC’s Stephen Weeke reports

U.S. cardinal details talks on policy
At the Vatican, Kelly O’Donnell of NBC News talks with Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, D.C., who revealed Wednesday that U.S. cardinals have agreed to a “one strike and you’re out” policy for any American priests found guilty of molesting children in the future.

A California diocese feels the pain
In California, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Santa Rosa has been through one of the most wrenching sexual abuse scandals in the nation. Is this the shape of things to come for Catholic America? By Jon Bonné.

Catholic scandal taints U.S. military
The Catholic Church’s sex scandal has touched the military, where a handful of priests serving as chaplains have been punished after molesting children or making sexual advances toward adults.

Cardinals: Princes of the church
As secretive about their inner workings as they are powerful, the Catholic cardinals control the destiny of the church. They are responsible for choosing the pope and oversee the Vatican’s massive bureaucracy.