
  1. AlexB23

    Think of the Children (No, Really)

    Hello folks. Kids are probably not in it for me, unless via adoption, as this world is a strange, dark place. This final devotional for the month focuses on how we can raise and protect our children from the world in this strange new world. Date May 31, 2024 | Protect the Youngsters Verse...
  2. ActuallyFun

    52 Card Stick-Up | A hilarious, easy game if you've got a youth group or anything similar!

    If you're in charge of a youth group or any other similar thing, this is a unique game that will give your youth a great time!
  3. Robert1849

    New Ministry

    Hello My name is Robert Foster and years ago my wife and I did some church planting. Long story short, after all these years we are returning to ministry but in a different, challenging way. We are starting a new ministry that is not 501C3 and is therefore licensed as a regular business. As a...
  4. cingolani_c

    In the Wheat ~

    A Boy's Love Poetry for God
  5. calmlady

    Persecuted Christian youth

    Maybe could suggest any interesting books/articles about persecuted Christian youth in the past/present days?
  6. Kevin-D.77

    What would you change about your church?

    Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, Our church had this discussion a few months ago but thought it would be relevant to bring to light again. What are some things that you wish your church did differently in their effort to bring more souls to Christ? Some of the topics for us fell around...
  7. Melody Suttles


    What is Saturate USA . . . The hope is to spark true repentance and revival in our beloved country. Please share this vision with your friends and colleagues so that they can join this exciting movement. Click the Saturate USA link and find out more about a nationwide movement to pray for...
  8. G

    If you're looking for a young peoples church...

  9. EdGar73

    Christianity 2020

    I believe that Christianity has lost its way a little and I believe that we must return to the basics to the meaning of the scriptures themselves, to make today's youth truly proud of what they can find in the Psalms
  10. lezter

    Youth leader

    My Pastor told me that He is praying for me to become the next youth leader, to state the status of our youth, i would say we are so slow in terms of growing and moving. how to prepare for this opportunity that possibly i am going through.
  11. justme6272

    Is h.s. the upper age limit for your youth group? When should they move on? Age 19? 20?

    What if it's a small church with no formal college or 'young singles' group to move on to, or any other Sunday morning Bible study group? When should they step into the same boat as every other adult and just have to accept it? When should they give up the line 'but that's where all my friends...
  12. S

    Feeling lost and afraid right now

    Hey everyone, I’m new here and I’m looking forward to hearing your input if you have any you’d like to offer :). I need a place to spill everything going on right now and I think because you guys believe in God this would be a good place to do so. I grew up in a Christian home, parents were...
  13. A_Thinker

    Photo of 8-year-old helping overwhelmed classmate with autism on first day of school goes viral:

    Photo of 8-year-old helping overwhelmed classmate with autism on first day of school goes viral: 'He was kind to me' Photo of 8-year-old helping overwhelmed classmate with autism on first day of school goes viral: 'He was kind to me'
  14. Karin12414

    Halloween Ideas for Youth

    Hey guys! :) So my Church will be hosting a "Trunk-or-Treat" this year and we wanted to give the Youth their own little "Project/Activity" to be in charge of that night. Do you guys have any easy and affordable options I could maybe suggest? We are trying to move towards giving the Youth more...
  15. D

    Shamed for Dedication to Youth Ministry

    Hello all, I need prayer and of course some godly advice. I have been an active member of my church for 4/5 years. As soon as I was saved and baptized God literally pulled me into my youth ministry. I have been a leader for about a year now and have become closer to the Lord more than ever. I...
  16. step_by_step

    Leaving my Young Adult Group

    I'm not sure if this is the place to put this, but I just need to unload. I've been a part of my church for nearly twelve years now. Up until recently, I've felt stuck there because my family is in the leadership of the church and I myself am in the worship team. I have no problems with that...
  17. sharkbait32


    Hi there! My husband and I have been have bee n volunteer leaders in our church's youth group for 4 years now. Recently it was announced that our youth pastor was stepping down and that my husband would be stepping in as the interim. This has been going on for about two and a half months and in...
  18. step_by_step

    Trouble in the Church

    Hello all. Up until this summer, there was not a group for "young adults" in my church. There was a youth group for those from ages 12 to 18 but after you graduated high school, there was no group. I was seriously feeling the lack of this as I had begun to realize that I have no Christian...
  19. Jesusismyking87!!

    Is it me?

    I have posted this before on a different thread but seeking some fellowship and input. I will try my hardest to keep this thread introduction not so long for that seems to be the trend on here lol. Myself I am 31 years old serving in the US Army and has been in the service for over ten years...
  20. Jesusismyking87!!

    Woke up with this feeling.

    So I am 31 years old and I have been serving this fine nation in the United States Army for ten years. So I work allot of night shifts which means not allot of family time. I love to serve the church I feel like a huge role in the body of Christ with helping of parking and just smiling and...