young adult

  1. AlexB23

    Star Trek: The Lower Decks is on DVD

    Back in August 2020, Paramount released Lower Decks, a cartoon version of Star Trek for young adults. I tried an episode on a plane ride home from California a few months ago, and it was good. Most young adult cartoons are not interesting in general, as they are too violent or bloody, or just...
  2. AlexB23

    Blue Beetle: A great sci-fi/superhero movie

    Hello folks. Blue Beetle is a great superhero film from DC, and features a Latino college age man who encounters some advanced technology Christian perspective: Movie Review: 'Blue Beetle' - Catholic Review Wikipedia: Blue Beetle (film) - Wikipedia Third-party poster by sweenyswoot:
  3. S

    Hello from Virginia!

    Hi all! I love meeting new people and connecting! First time in a forum/blog! I, like many here love to read the word, pray for others, and make new friends! Here I go navigating the forum world!! Feel free to say hi! Anyone else in Virginia? Let me know how I can pray for you!
  4. bèlla

    Witchcraft 101

    I stumbled on a link for Cosmopolitan Magazine and was met with the following... Yes, You Need Spell Candles Like scented candles, but better. That was the headline. I did a double take to make sure I was on the right website. I glanced at the browser and saw a different description in the...
  5. rsj13

    Relationship with God

    Hello everyone. I am a 21 y/o girl and I am coming on here to ask for help. I have grown up in an atheist household with a parent and brother. None of my family on this side are religious. However, around a year ago I had an overwhelming feeling and I knew it was a calling from God. Even though...
  6. E

    Young Adults - Social Media Research

    Hi guys I'm currently completing a project and part of it requires what young adults in churches think about social media and how is affects their relationship with God and mental health. If anyone would be willing to comment their observations or stories, that'd be so much help! Thank you!
  7. step_by_step

    Leaving my Young Adult Group

    I'm not sure if this is the place to put this, but I just need to unload. I've been a part of my church for nearly twelve years now. Up until recently, I've felt stuck there because my family is in the leadership of the church and I myself am in the worship team. I have no problems with that...
  8. Lexie Grey

    Moving Back Home & Depression

    I started college like most of my high school peers did. I moved right out of the house, into the dorms, and into a very competitive premed major. I broke up with my high school boyfriend, I found a new college one, and lived how I thought most college students did. However, in this process, I...
  9. Hazelelponi

    Young Man's Invitation To A Life Of Sacrifice

    I wanted to share this video with some of the young men here. My love to you all, and I pray for God's blessings upon you as you watch this video. I've transcribed the first small portion of the video so that you know what the teaching is about. "I'm not really from the blogging, internet...
  10. K

    Is the the man I should be with?

    We were friends for 1 year before we started dating. We’ve been dating for 2 years. He has been a Christian his whole life, however when we started dating I was not. I started going to church with him etc. I became a Christian I made the decision to get baptized. The problem is we argue waaay to...
  11. K

    Is the the man I should be with?

    We were friends for 1 year before we started dating. We’ve been dating for 2 years. He has been a Christian his whole life, however when we started dating I was not. I started going to church with him etc. I became a Christian I made the decision to get baptized. The problem is we argue waaay to...
  12. hxlden-caulfield

    Help??? Relationship and dreams

  13. NiqueNique

    On fire or lukewarm

    22 male here just looking to get feedback/advice or just a confirmation that I'm not alone in this from others my age on how to stay on fire for God! Some days I'm really feeling it! And the next I've definitely fallen short of my potential!
  14. NiqueNique

    Nervous for no reason...

    But excited! Hi guys I'm Dom from AZ, USA just excited to get surrounded by a group of individuals like minded and searching for a deeper relation with God! I'm 23 male happy to see so many other young people here!
  15. K

    Please Pray for my Health

    A couple weeks ago I went to my friend's house and that night her brother's friends came over as well and the boy I was talking to and I ended up having sexual intercourse and a few days later I started having weird symptoms but I didn't think anything of it until by the second day it had gotten...
  16. T

    My first love wants me back - what do I do?

    Hi all, First of all I am a 20 year old young woman who has a very strong faith in God. I have an awesome church family, friends and my own family who I know love me and have been so supportive of me. I just thought I would post to this forum to get some advice from others who don't know me or...
  17. Olivia C

    Baptism. HELP!!

    I really want to get baptised but I'm not sure if I should. I was christened as a child but this was not a choice. I never gave my life to Jesus and didn't practice my faith. Now that I am older I have given my life to God and want to be baptised. Is this wrong because I may be implying that my...
  18. A

    Is it alright to pray for God to fight for you?

    Before officially asking this question it is useful for you to know a bit why I am asking this question. My mother has been experiencing some spiritual attacks recently and knows who it is. Now, coming from the pentecostal sect of Christianity she believes that it's ok to pray for those fight...
  19. AspieforGod

    Reading Young Adult Fantasy/Romance

    I used to read a lot of young adult dystopian and fantasy novels but it seemed almost over night several years ago that my tastes changed and I prefer to read non fiction most of the time now. I think that is down to God clearing out negative influences for me which I'm grateful for. However...
  20. Valpal1123

    being married young...

    I think we need to have more support groups for young christian wives and christian husbands... Were people can really offer advice without judgement....