
  1. AlexB23

    Blue Beetle: A great sci-fi/superhero movie

    Hello folks. Blue Beetle is a great superhero film from DC, and features a Latino college age man who encounters some advanced technology Christian perspective: Movie Review: 'Blue Beetle' - Catholic Review Wikipedia: Blue Beetle (film) - Wikipedia Third-party poster by sweenyswoot:
  2. Ethan Redmace


    Hi, how is everyone? I'm a seventeen-year-old homeschooler who loves music and gaming. My favorite games are SWTOR and Roblox. I have been a believer in Jesus Christ since I was seven years old. I also have high-functioning autism. I am a fiction writer who has published a full-length book on...
  3. B

    Having relationship issues, need advice.

    Me (M 19) and my girlfriend (20) have been dating for 3 years. I know we’re pretty young, but we have an apartment together in Los Angeles. I’m a Lutheran and conservative. She’s a pagan and liberal. We’ve known throughout our relationship that we have different views on religion and...
  4. Zoii

    Spiritual but not religious: Gen Z (teens) in Australia

    Theres been an interesting longitudinal study conducted by a few of Australia's universities. This video summarises the preliminary results. It highlights that my generation is becoming increasing spiritual. It believes that a mix of religions in Australia is a positive thing. But my generation...
  5. S

    Teenager struggling with lust

    I'm posting this here instead of the teenagers section because I would like answers from anyone, not just people my age. I'm a hormonal teenager and I can't stop falling into lust. I know it is normal for a teen but it has been overwhelming lately. It crosses my mind too much. I keep thinking...
  6. The Righterzpen

    Please pray for my son. (17 year old with epilepsy having liver problems)

    My son has had epilepsy since he was a year old. He was diagnosed at 3 and has been on medication for 14 years. One of the potential side effects of epileptic medication is liver failure. My son's last blood test showed his liver was "stressed" so the doctor prescribed a high dose supplement...
  7. D

    Struggling with porn and homosexuality At 16

  8. Zoii

    What do you want

    I was chatting to an Eastern Orthodox religious educator, who was wanting to maintain and develop faith in the teen group. She wants to to go about this in a way that would benefit teens. I'm positing at the request of @~Anastasia~ I'm starting a Sunday school class for teens - probably just...
  9. T

    How do I break to my Mum that I struggle with masturbation?

    I'm going to reveal to my Mum today that I have a horrible habit because I need someone else's help. I know she won't react badly, I'm glad she's so close and understands some of my problems. But I always find it hard to speak. I started yesterday, and then found it so hard she suggested we...
  10. J

    Inter faith relationship.

    Hi all, I'm in a very difficult spot. I've been in an inter faith relationship for a few months. Yet we know due to our country's strict laws, we have no future. And yes I've read many times on how I should not take part in a relationship that has no pathway to marriage. However what is done is...
  11. I-Love-God

    Why has God punished me?

    I am born with bad genes. I lack the masculinity. God made me socially anxious. God gave me bad looks. God gave me a high pitched voice. God made it so that everyone makes fun of me for the fact how I look and speak. Why did God do this? Why did God give other boys good puberty growth and have...
  12. C

    How should I approach my mother about her sin?

    My mother and I live with my mom's boyfriend. She's not married to him, nor does he plan on proposing anytime soon, and I'm pretty sure they're having sex outside of marriage. I know that my mom knows premarital sex is wrong, and she's told me before that she felt like God was telling her to...
  13. L

    Sex and marriage

    Hi there, Im new to this site and joined to get some peoples opinions on this matter.. I have been in a relationship with this guy for 6 months now, we are both believers and go to church and always intended on waiting until marriage to have sex. We know we are each others soulmates and are...
  14. Zoii

    The sweet face of suicide from bullying

    Cyber-bullying campaign launched after suicide of 14yo face of Akubra I posted this thread for two reasons. Firstly the vulnerability of young teens. When your 12-14 you are starting to want some independence, yet they still hold to childhood fears and the need for security. Their identity is...
  15. L


    im exactly like judas. And if my heart is as hardened like his I don’t know why I’m writing here. When I say I’m just like judas I mean it, I can almost feel myself going down the same path. And to be honest I’m just scared I’m so afraid and scared but judas was too. I don’t want to repent for...
  16. T

    To Date or Not to Date

    I have this friend that I’ve been really good friends with for a little over a year. We go to school & church together and are involved with so many things together in our youth group & such, so we’re pretty close friends. I really like him & he really likes me too... A weird thing that I’ve...
  17. L

    Willful sin.

    hebrews 10:26 - 31. I read this verse and I keep on willfully sinning. I haven't repented in a while, because I know I'm gonna sin again. I don't want to stop sinning. I don't fornicate, smoke, drink or drugs. I do the little things but those still matter, I haven't surrendered my will which is...
  18. David Nguyen

    I hated my mom before I loved her.

    Original link: Mom – Heavenly Plastics I hated my mom before I loved her. I love my mom dearly, but it wasn't always that way. This Mother's Day, I don't get to see her, but it gives me some time to reflect on our relationship and how it's come to be what it is now. My mother is...
  19. -GodsGirl-

    Friends ??

    Hello :) I dont really have any friends, and I've been looking for some and a lot of people at school are going the opposite direction as me (spiritually). So I was wondering if anyone wants to chat, and maybe build a friendship ? :) I also would love to have people to do bible studies with.
  20. AGODBELIEVERlove1stfaith2

    Ladies - no man completes you!! *

    Ladies - no man completes you!! * This is for the women.. Please don't think that a man completes you. He doesn't and he can't. Instead make yourself complete first. Then he may come your way if that God's will. Therefore you and him will become One flesh - complete with the help Jesus...