
  1. pantingdeer

    I don’t love anyone or care about anyone

    Is there something wrong with me? I feel like I don’t really care about anyone. My grandparent died and I didn’t even get upset at all. I’m losing my other grandparent too and I don’t know if I care to be honest as awful as that sounds. I also have parents and siblings and even though most of...
  2. pantingdeer

    Am I a sociopath?

    I feel like I don’t love anyone. When growing up my grandparent died and I did not mourn or get sad. When my siblings left home I did not get sad. When my parents tell me they love me I don’t know what to say because I’m not sure if I love them. I don’t have deep-rooted feelings for people...
  3. pantingdeer

    Do I have a Hardened heart or am I sociopath ?

    I do not care about many things at all and have wondered for many years why I am so less emotional than everyone else. To be completely honest: I never got upset when my grandparent died I never got upset when my other grandparent faded with dementia I never missed my sisters when they left...
  4. pantingdeer

    I think I am a sociopath/psychopath. Please help.

    Hi there. I have been struggling with my mental health for the past few years and I believe I’m depressed. Recently I was reading something about sociopaths and psychopaths and it dawned on me that I felt similar to those people. - I find it hard to care about people and so often fake my...
  5. pantingdeer

    Depressed and lonely life

    When I was growing up I felt straight but when I was 16 (now 19) my libido left me completely one day out of nowhere and it never came back. This was the start of my depression. Every day since I've had anxiety about my sexuality and am mad at God for never helping me when I asked for help and...