
  1. Trayalc

    (NSFW) When/how to confess to past sexual sin while dating?

    I've been dating a young Christian woman for a couple of months now. When/how should the topic of past sexual sin come up? Is it still too early? Have I waited too long already? The sexual sin in my past consists of (1) pornography and (2) some sexual activity in one past relationship (though...
  2. N

    Confusing Fight with Masturbation

    Hey all, I'm Mikey—24. First off, I'd like to state I think masturbation is, at its face value, potentially sinful. It can lead to definite sins such as lust or adultery. As per that belief, I've been engaging in a personal abstinence challenge involving the avoidance of masturbation and...
  3. Ethan Redmace

    What do I do? How can I have joy and peace? Long backstory.

  4. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Catholic Teaching for the Best Sex

    As I sit here pondering how many people will be stunned by this title, the briefest theology of sex I can give is that it's part of God's beautiful creation, and we are best to treat it as such. While Catholic morality may often appear oppressive or boring, this article describes the strong...
  5. Racheltb7895

    Seeking helpful Christians for my University Research Paper!

    Hello all. I am currently a university student very interested in Christianity, and doing a thesis research paper surrounding the opinions that Non-Christian vs Christian people have on freedom of speech and sexuality and am seeking Christian members to partake in my survey :) It is a...
  6. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    How to help a girl respect her own body?

    This was a very odd circumstance that just happened to me. I was on Facebook & got a friend request from someone I didn't know. My account is a joke account, not even with my last name on it, just Alex with an old nickname. I created it exclusively to talk to a few friends who never check...
  7. The Liturgist

    Should the UMC Schism Happen?

    For those of you who don’t know, leaders in the UMC have been planning a schism as a way around the traditionalist coalition of nearly all African, and a plurality American parishes that adhere to Biblical Christian doctrine on human sexuality, and which at every General Conference since 1972...
  8. L

    I think I might be gay...

    Hello all, I am a new user here but I am seeking some guidance from fellow christians. I am not a christian myself, but i do align with their morals and code and have looked into being more involved with religion. Recently, I have started to find myself becoming attracted (sexually and...
  9. pantingdeer


    i have many problems and I see advertisement here for faith counselling but it is too expensive for me long term. Where can one get free counselling? Thank u
  10. pantingdeer


    I don’t want to be over dramatic but tbh 5 years ago my life changed forever. I was 16 and went on a camping trip and met a girl I liked. I came home from the camping trip and after a few days I never felt the same again. My mind had changed and didn’t get aroused by women anymore. I initially...
  11. pantingdeer

    Please help I’m on a never ending bad path

    I just read my bio on this website and it struck me. I’ve been on this site for 5 years looking for answers and I never have got any better. I read my bio and I said in it that I am 19 and that I still have the same problems since age 15. I’m now 21 and am still the same way. Will I ever become...
  12. pantingdeer

    Are you allowed to have a type

    I seem to like women with blonde hair and brown eyes. Is this being judgemental and wrong?
  13. bèlla

    GQ’s New Masculinity

    Welcome to GQ's New Masculinity issue, an exploration of the ways that traditional notions of masculinity are being challenged, overturned, and evolved. Feature article with Pharrell on Evolving Masculinity and Spiritual Warfare There were gender-fluid elements to the way you dressed long...
  14. Reborn1977

    Christians With Loved Ones In Homosexual (lgbt) Lifestyle Support Group

    Christians with Loved Ones in Homosexual (LGBT) Lifestyle Support Group Please read below the mission statement of the board currently, begin active participation if you feel led of God to do so, and/or please refer this board to anyone you know who might need it and make the address for the...
  15. Tara PenguinX

    What are the Dynamics between Neuroscience & Biblical Gender/Sexuality

    Could some's same-sex attraction stem from them being made for masculine-women/feminine-men, of body &/or of mind (neuroscience of MBTI/Enneagram/etc.)? and what does that mean for those dispositioned to same-sex intimacies (anal for men/clitoral only for women/etc.) since sex is in-part to...
  16. pantingdeer

    Struggling a lot with my mental health and desperate for help

    Hi my name is Andrew and I’m 20. In the past 3-4 years my life has fallen apart due to my mental health. When I was growing up I took my christian faith seriously and believed 100% in God, Jesus, bible etc. When I was 15 I was friends with an atheist at my school and he never tried to discourage...
  17. pantingdeer

    Sexual Desire for women disappeared

    When I was 16/17 it seemed like my sexual desire for women left overnight and since then I begun to hate myself as I could never have a girlfriend because I'd be lying to myself and I wouldn't be able to please her properly or be honest with her. I did bad things to 'test' myself and I couldn't...
  18. pantingdeer

    Depressed as don't have feelings for women - please help

    Hi there, over the past 3 years my life has taken a turn for the worse. I am a very studious person and have some interests however I feel very sad as I am missing something very important - my attraction to women. One day when I was 17 I just seemingly felt much less attracted to women and I...
  19. pantingdeer

    How to get a nice girlfriend

    I am 20 yrs old and I don't have a girlfriend but would like one (preferably of Polish or Spanish origin). Would you have any tips for on how I can find a girlfriend that is kind and that I get along well with. I have quite low confidence because of some issues I have and so I wouldn't feel...
  20. pantingdeer

    Is sex before marriage wrong?

    Where in the bible does it say that you can't have sex before marriage? And if there is a verse on this topic, why is it so important? How do couples manage to abstain from sex for years before getting married - it seems weird in this day in age. For example, if I saw a couple I would...