sex before marriage

  1. heyitskatie

    I constantly regret not saving myself for the marriage

    So I'm 22 now and currently in a relationship with my boyfriend who is 31, I deeply love him and wish for us to marry one day. Everything was okay at first but as the time went on I started realizing he is something special and with that came the regret of him not being my first. He is my...
  2. B

    How to win against:Sexual immortality

    Topic is Sexual immortality Question is:How does one refrain and conquer sexual immortality? Hello everyone so I have been struggling with lust and sexual immortality,I have had sex with my girlfriend before marriage and I want to know if there is a solution and what do I need to do to not fall...
  3. Jadegb

    Seeking Dating Advice: Are We Unequally Yoked?

    I've been with my boyfriend for about three months now. We're both in our early 20s and are sincerely on the same page about so many important values and goals. He is kind, considerate, and genuinely listens to me. Nevertheless, I wonder if I agreed to be in a relationship with him sooner than I...
  4. S

    I Don't Think I Can Do This Anymore

    Hi everyone. I'm a 25-year-old who has been a Christian his entire life. Between the ages of 10 and 20, I didn't have the luxury of being in a church environment regularly. However, I never fell from God- I was always aware of his presence and did pray fairly regularly on my own before bed and...
  5. BornNew

    I revealed my past to my husband

    Hi. First of all, thank you for clicking on my post. I need your advice or maybe your perspective on what I am about to tell everyone here. I am married. It has been more than year since I got married. My husband and I are both Christians. Before we started dating, my husband was not that...
  6. K

    Sexual Sin with My Boyfriend

    My boyfriend and I are both Christian (a faithful one - born and raised in a strong Christian family). However after dating, we find ourselves now keep on struggling with our sexual desire and sin. It started with a normal kiss and hug, then passionate kiss, and now dry humping and touching...
  7. A

    Regaining sexual purity in a relationship?

    Hi all, I'm very sorry if this is tmi but I need advice. I have been dating a wonderful man for over 9 months. We are both incredibly strong in our decision to wait until marriage, but unfortunately have rationalized until this point that "things leading up to sex aren't actually sex" and have...
  8. DevinCamary

    Are virgins who were raped still virgins?

    I know that they were physically violated, but still pure of heart. I was nearly a victim to it but didn't succeed. I do know that many people around the world struggle with this, and it has been in my head. Are virgins who were raped still virgin? What does the bible say about the virginity...
  9. T

    Prayer for Me and (Soon to Be) Fiance

    Two related prayer requests My girlfriend and I are both Christians, and we actively serve together in our church and community. We know that we want to get married, and I plan to propose in two weeks, but we are struggling to figure out when to get married. I graduate from college in December...
  10. B

    Relationship Advice Needed

    Morning All, So long story i need advice on how to handle this situation. My girlfriend and I have been together for a year now and have talked about marriage. She is a great and loving girl but she comes from a rough past. Her dad is in prison for fraud and she did her share of running...
  11. L

    Sex and marriage

    Hi there, Im new to this site and joined to get some peoples opinions on this matter.. I have been in a relationship with this guy for 6 months now, we are both believers and go to church and always intended on waiting until marriage to have sex. We know we are each others soulmates and are...
  12. C

    A debate on when the "One Flesh" union occurs, it's effects, and meaning.

    In this debate, I will attempt to prove that while fornication is a sin, it does not necessarily equate to a union of the flesh and what does achieve that union is the irreversible transfer of genetic materiel, its efficacy, and its consequences. To do this, I will run through 5 points: 1. What...
  13. C

    A debate on when the "One Flesh" union occurs, it's effects, and meaning.

    In this debate, I will attempt to prove that while fornication is a sin, it does not necessarily equate to a union of the flesh and what does achieve that union is the irreversible transfer of genetic materiel, its efficacy, and its consequences. To do this, I will run through 5 points: 1. What...
  14. B

    Engaged, Living Together, Feeling Convicted

    This is my first post on this forum, or any forum for that matter, but I would like some opinions on something I've been struggling with lately. My fiance and I have been together for 7 years. We just got engaged this June and are planning on getting married next August. We had been going to...
  15. BenjamintheWolf

    When a friend asks you to minister to them

    Still a very new Christian. An old friend reached out to me with marriage/relationship advice. I followed my first instinct and promised to read Ephesians and get back to her. Simply put this female friend (I'm a man) is questioning whether GOD intended for biblical encouragement about...
  16. D

    I broke a covenant with God

    Hi. I am addicted to porn and masturbation. I tried to stop by making a promise/covenant to God that the day that I touch or have premarital sex, may I die. I included premarital sex because I am in a long-distance relationship, we are both christians but the temptation is unbearable when...
  17. J_G94

    I've lost my virginity - now what?

    At the young age of 10 I was exposed to something that I till this day can't process. I was raped. To be honest, I've been living in denial since, as at that stage I did not know ANYTHING about men and sex,etc. I honestly didn't know what had just happened to me. Till this day, I can't remember...
  18. Ahilla

    Should I give in to sex?

    My boyfriend and I are both Christians, but we had sex before marriage. After a long time of wantingto stop but not wanting to lose him, I finally built up the courage to tell him we need to stop, and I told him a., the reasons. He said he understands my reasons and he agrees, but he keeps doing...
  19. A

    I feel like an hypocrite

    The more I grow up the more I feel like being a Christian becomes even mor challenging. I want to be closer to God and I started to pray more bu there's one area that I really feel ashamed of and stops me from praying. I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling with this, but it's sex. When my...
  20. Lost Girl

    The Hard Side of Adolescence

    Warning: This is a LONG story, so please be prepared. Every since I was a small girl I've had things happen to me that could only be described as miracles. I was blessed with a Godly intuition that always seemed to keep me out of trouble at just the right time. This intuition could even go to...